Miscy Business

From Sports Pitches to Pages: The Journey of S.K. Putt - Author

Miscellameous Season 1 Episode 14

In this episode, we journey into the world of words with our guest, Stu, known as S.K. Putt in the author realm. We explore his unexpected leap into creative writing, from a background of music and sports. 

Stu shares the inspiration drawn from epic fantasy literature and his cinematic approach to storytelling. We discuss our recent Spotify Wrapped results, taking a look at our Top 5 artists and the influence our significant others or kids had on these particular artists being presnet. 

Join us for a ride through memories, reading passions, and the unexpected turns that led to the creation of Stu's book. It's a blend of nostalgia, laughter, and insights into the multifaceted world of our special guest.

Don't forget for those that are keen to grab a copy of S.K. Putt's book it is called 'The Kinslayer' and can be found on Amazon Worldwide and on the Kindle store.

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Speaker 1:

I am. Don't you swear at me, you little puss. This is the latest present. Boyfriends, I'm nervous. Hey, babe Whiskey. What is that?

Speaker 4:

Business, all business Business.

Speaker 1:

Boyfriends. I'm nervous. I would know my children.

Speaker 5:

The blue shoes device is connected successfully.

Speaker 1:

It's time to start the show.

Speaker 5:

What's up?

Speaker 1:

I'm nervous hey.

Speaker 6:

What up everyone. I hope you enjoyed our intro made by the one and only Liam Get used to it. So you know, if that didn't tear apart your drums, it'll make you want to head butt a wall, bro.

Speaker 4:

Do you have that fuzz noise again? I don't hear it. Okay, alright, as long as only I can hear it, that's fine. Great start, by the way.

Speaker 6:

Well, so, yes, welcome to another episode. We have a very special guest with us. Good friend of mine, Stu, but SK Putt is his author Name. That he goes by and you will come to know him as such.

Speaker 6:

Yes, as Liam likes to do though, hey, housekeeping, I guess If you do hear any fuzz, you do hear any bad noises, anything weird going on. If we're not looking pretty enough, let us know, as you don't let us know if we're not looking pretty enough, because we're definitely not. But yeah, that's. Yeah, it is for Liam, I think Liam's a lifetime of playing live music. What happens when you play in hardcore band Left my ears ragged, yeah Fuck. Oh man, or old age, old age.

Speaker 4:

Alright, I wasn't going to do this, but like it's so fresh on my memory, but I want you guys to get your phones out if you have to. But I want to talk about Spotify Wrapped, because I am in a top 5% of a listened category in terms of an artist. And thank you, Kermit, thank you, thank you. And I have been listening to a lot of Joji and I am in the top 0.5% of listeners for Joji, which is who I was playing in the intro. But I asked everyone in Discord to send me some stuff, so I'm going to just touch base on who people have got their top things for.

Speaker 7:

Did you do your rap? I did.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, who is your top?

Speaker 7:

artist Blink oh, that's a good one. Yeah, I think that was followed by Wiggles, yeah, wiggles, yeah. Emma, emma, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 6:

Stewie's also a dad.

Speaker 4:

I'll call it the deal for playlist. Yeah, dude, emma Wiggle, low key hottie. I'm just putting it out there. She's actually really cute.

Speaker 7:

I'm jealous of my wife and my daughter, abigail. They met her.

Speaker 6:

Oh, they went to a concert in Frankston, oh, without you.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I was like, I was just like full damn right, measurably without you.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh Stewie what days are you not available these days? Okay, we're going to go to those days you are not coming, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I want to.

Speaker 4:

I've got some top artists for Von Cleesey, who's probably in chat, so he had the Kid Leroy, Machine Gun Kelly Dude. You remember my Machine Gun Kelly phase? That was strong.

Speaker 6:

I'm just going to fix the light because Kerm's called that out. Thank you, Kerm Yep.

Speaker 4:

Look like we're in witness protection, like rapper Shane or yeah, he was a rapper and now he's a pop punk artist. How's that, boys? Is that a little bit better Witness protection? Oh, that'll be because of the downlights. I see he's got Sabaton.

Speaker 6:

No, you're all over MGK as well. You love him too, don't you? Yeah?

Speaker 4:

Oh dude, I'm explaining anything, Anything, when you already know.

Speaker 6:

Yeah anything some way associated to blink. This guy's on it.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

You do not need to explain a thing about anything to anyone in blink.

Speaker 4:

Correct Tenet, tenga Cavalry I don't know what that is and Danheim. So you know that's a nice top five. We've got Von Cleesey in our top 13% of fans for Miski Business. Nice Kermit's got a tool, halsey, ramstein, slipknot and Falling in Reverse Pretty similar to my wife's top ones actually, but you know I digress. So who else? Who else did you get in your top, your top top list? Who'd you get Jamie, did I?

Speaker 6:

get that's right. I did send it through to you guys in our tail. Let me have a look. Let me have a look. Where's that chat? Could we send too many messages to each other? They're most important.

Speaker 4:

Quinn XC, dr Quinn Madison woman.

Speaker 6:

Roman Nimmerals, my strong, sweet.

Speaker 4:

That'd be 92.

Speaker 6:

Sure Quinn 92. Then Cain Brown, then Zach Bryan, then Chris Stabledon, then Megan Maroney, all country music artists except for the first one, which I actually pointed out.

Speaker 4:

When you said this to us, I was like a lot of first and last names in that list, not a lot of bands.

Speaker 6:

Also, I will point out that, unlike Liam's top five, mine was not tainted by kids or my wife because, we have separate accounts.

Speaker 4:

So my son only likes video game soundtracks, which I listen to as well, but it has been overshadowed drastically by my wife. Using Spotify, we share an account and the sheer amount of tool and collegue that she listens to has completely dwarfed the amount of music that I listen to. So she is taking over my complete algorithm. So I can't really share my top five because I don't really have one.

Speaker 7:

See all mine's meat. I've got my own Spotify account. So blink, number one Wiggles, no pressure, the least thing from the story.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:

So actually Jamie got me onto these guys the 1975.

Speaker 4:

Very good, so I'm pretty late to the party. I was pretty late to that party as well. It doesn't matter when you get there. It just matters, if you appreciate the way she walked up.

Speaker 7:

Tom DeLonge with that Lollipool is in Chicago and the least thing from 1975. Like that song runs down gives Tom a kiss and cuddle that dude's rad I had 1975.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no shit. All right, cool Last MMM, not last, but fifth Yep, so a little bit tainted by the children there, unless not, maybe not, you think Wiggles guy otherwise. Yeah, no, mmm, did you guys watch that they released a documentary on the Wiggles recently.

Speaker 5:

Yes, did you watch it. Yeah, is that really?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 6:


Speaker 7:

It looks like it's shot really well, yeah, what's the blue Wiggle Greg?

Speaker 4:

Oh, greg is the yellow one. Anthony, anthony, he's the OT.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, it went through some pretty dark patches.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, and he's the one that stayed constant. Yeah.

Speaker 7:

They're all pretty going to break up. Yeah, they're going to completely end it. Yep, any spoilers.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, but Tom, yeah, please tune out now if you don't want any Wiggles spoilers.

Speaker 7:

Are we actually talking about Wiggles? Yeah?

Speaker 4:

Dude. So G told me that he doesn't allow his partner, laura, to use his Spotify account because he's so protective of his algorithm. Yeah, yeah. Do what I'm saying. Hey Foxy, what up, foxy? How you doing? Man, good to see you. I saw you were playing not Monster Hunter but pretty much Monster Hunter earlier. Very interesting game, foxy would. Why would something? Why would something happen? Why would something? Why would something? Rather, someone shout him out so that I can see what game it was.

Speaker 6:

Foxy. We've got our friend here, stu, if you've just tuned in who is an author? This is his book. We're going to get to that in a minute. We're just talking about Spotify rap, because that's engulfed the world for today.

Speaker 4:

Yep, it has. It's bad. Yeah, it just like it really hit. And the thing I think last year I really wanted to see everyone's auras, but now I want to see everyone's what I'm calling tarot cards, because you get like that that's right. It's like a page, that's a card, and it tells you like did you see that?

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I think I just skip through it. Yeah, dude, one of them is like I was changing up myself, like, oh, do I really listen to this whole time, this much?

Speaker 4:

Never, never feel that way. Never feel that way, Dude. If it means something to you, it means something to someone else as well.

Speaker 6:

He's our mate from the US.

Speaker 4:

It's finally started with my algorithm Dude. My algorithm is luckily not affected by Finn, because he listens to video game soundtracks, so, which you know is the same as what I listen to sometimes, so it's like no real effect, yeah.

Speaker 6:

And probably doesn't listen to it enough to mess with, like to overpower your listening habits.

Speaker 4:

He's a very quiet passenger as well, so a lot of the times I'll listen to podcasts while he's in the car and he just like looks out the window or like goes on his tablet. You know, my daughter is the worst, yeah.

Speaker 7:

Daddy I want to mama mama. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 6:

There's this one country music song called I'm just going to play someone, someone's going to know, something's going to kill me.

Speaker 4:

Something's going to kill. Yeah, pick up, try.

Speaker 6:

Okay, this this this sounds bad now that I'm saying it loud. It's my guy called Corey Kent and it's called something's going to kill me and that's my daughter's favorite song. All right, yeah, and since October, because it came up there as one of my most listened songs and it was like 109 times. Oh yeah, yeah, that's all Since October, because my kids make me literally play it the whole 14 minute drive to kinder. Yeah, and then 14 minutes back.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and listen to it yeah. So you put in 10 on the clock like what, like four or five days. Yeah, yeah, good song. But yeah, he said his number one was Taylor Swift. He's just the world, no, no you would be in a lot of company in that regard. Yes, I'm not sure if you know, but she's very popular. So that wasn't meant to be my opening discussion. What I did want to talk about and to put you in the spotlight, stew, is where are you from? Where did you? Where are you from originally?

Speaker 7:

Originally yeah, so Beaud East Yep, so not too far.

Speaker 4:

Southeast Pretty, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 6:

South East Melbourne.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I was there for 23 years, 24 years. Yeah, yeah, it's two clued. Yes, you hiked down the Monash, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was there for about 3 years.

Speaker 4:

Isn't it just Jamie?

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:

If you were putting a studio out here.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, sort of got over that area, not offensive're yeah.

Speaker 6:

No, it's fine, I get it. No, it's very different.

Speaker 7:

Then yeah, like we went down the beach way. So now Martha.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, I see.

Speaker 6:

You moved even further away technically.

Speaker 7:

I just want to get away from everyone, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Eventually you'll be in Central Australia somewhere.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:

Are you like a beach guy or are you like a? If you were to choose beach or the scrub, where are you?

Speaker 7:

Oh, beach, yeah, okay, all right, 100%. Yeah, always sort of gravitated towards water. I just, I know visually it's appealing to me yeah yeah yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, my wife and I pre-kids, like would always you know, tan on, there's a good tie-in to Vikings here, but I can't think of it, so I'm just going to keep going.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, why did you? It's pretty random how I got into it. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Where did you go to school? Amaias College, amaias, all the way through. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 6:

That's how we met each other.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's how we're there, so yeah, just you and I.

Speaker 6:

What about year 910?

Speaker 7:

910 is about where we hit it off as good mates In the same home room or something.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah yeah, because like year 7 and 8, we were present around each other, but not close buds. But then from 910. Still not. Oh, shut up, pull your head in mate, because this guy more than I talk to my own family. But yeah, so we've known each other for a very long time.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And then I guess what I want to know is when you were younger, at what time did you finish college? At what? Oh, it's just, it's just disconnecting, reconnecting, it's fine. At what stage and Like, at what point did you think you know you were gonna get into more creative writing? It was it during high school, or was this a thing that came in?

Speaker 7:

Yeah, like Jamie knows in high school, like I'll play guitar really badly, yep. Oh Well, as a VCA elective subject and dad was like. So it was always like, I guess, within me to get into that sort of part of a side of me to do that. And then, yeah, it's just always like reading books, yep. And then, yeah, please, three years, two years ago, I'm like I'm gonna write a book and my wife like no, you know, yeah, you watch me and I did it.

Speaker 4:

It is a bold thing to just like out of the air and say it's one thing to say.

Speaker 6:

I like books. Yeah, I read books. Books are great. Yeah, you turn around and go, I'm gonna, I'm gonna write one.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, it's like you like always listen to music. You're like, oh, I'm gonna start playing. Yeah, I guess I was always reading Guess in similar way and you know. I got like these cool plot ideas. Yeah, just randomly I would be they would work here, that would work there, yep. And like reading, like there's one book that just like triggered it off in my head was the shadow of the gods by John Gwynn. It's like Norris or fan fiking, fantasy sort of Genre, and yeah it was just it was.

Speaker 7:

The way he writes is just so epic and yeah, it's like you play a video game, but you're reading. Yeah. Yeah, so.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so that that impacted that sort of cinematic kind of like Implant into your mind's eye and then that's sort of spurs.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, 100% yeah okay.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's awesome and very interesting that you didn't exhibit any like signs of that when you were, you know, as a teenager developing and stuff like that, and you've later in life just gone. Okay, look, this is something I'm gonna give a crack to you.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, so, as it touched on my family's, so like sport and footy and cricket, yeah, yeah, yeah, which, like I still like. Yeah, I like it. I'll follow the St Kilda science, if anyone's wondering. Yeah yeah, cricket not so much, yeah, but yeah, definitely like footy, all the way through.

Speaker 4:

Crickets just what Australians do for offseason. When a footy, you're a good cricket.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 7:

Yeah, that's the weird thing, like I was actually naturally good at cricket.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah, I couldn't. You weren't really. You were pretty good at just sport in general, though.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I was a good trial.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, no, no, but that like yeah, you, you were yeah, we got plays like that on my basketball team.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we call them.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, you'd be a hustler like, yeah, you go out there and you'd make it happen.

Speaker 4:

Hey, how's the players win games?

Speaker 6:

man, that's, that's, that's a guarantee you were never a bystander at any sport. Mm-hmm, just good, that's funny, but you're right, I reckon. Even growing up obviously around you and your family, it's true I don't think there was even like the door was never open to be an author or to think of it is like no, yeah, that's it, that makes complete sense was there?

Speaker 4:

was there a point in your life or what point in your life Do you think you read the most like, as an example, like I know, when I was like sort of like around that 15 to 16 age group, that's when I would have done the bulk of my like reading. It was like every kind of thing. Is there a time in your life where you think you were reading more than other times?

Speaker 7:

Yeah, probably sorry around that, like you know, on your 10. Yep, we're like Harry Potter was huge, yeah, yeah. Yeah, everyone read it. Yeah, and I was saying like I got into that world. I'm a little bit older than you guys, but you guys do goosebumps as well. Yeah, I did because, my like I love things when.

Speaker 4:

I was in primary school was like goosebumps was like we would do swap meets for that shit. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

Fucking. There was. Another one that I used to do was the kids that could turn into animals, animals, thank you, yeah.

Speaker 5:

I was there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, fuck, I reckon I recall that. Oh really.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I reckon I've got the fucking a box of those books in my garage somewhere still.

Speaker 4:

I read all of that shit, man. I remember like sitting on my bunk bed reading like new editions of animals, listening to fucking like Nimrod or some shit like that. Leave my just like. It was a sign of the time. All right, it was a good album when I came out. You know what I stand by that. It's still a good Crane day is good.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 4:

I get to do this some green day songs. I still go back to absolute bangers. Yeah, but um yeah, so now, in a current age, I find I don't read Borderline anything physically. The only stuff I read now is I'm pretty into manga, which?

Speaker 7:

I started reading in the last couple of years, literally just maybe three months ago.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and you can smash through it though, right yeah?

Speaker 7:

I'm smart, I'm reading like a hundred pages.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you just powering through it, but they're so. They're really good though, yeah, and I like I'm into reading that, but more recently I've gotten into Listening to audiobooks. Do you? What side of the fence? Okay, there we go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, cuz I know there's people out there like purists who think if you're not reading it out of a Kindle or you're reading it physically, then you're not reading the book. But I really feel like it depends how you absorb it. Like, if you're able to listen to it read and you're absorbing that, then you're reading a book, you know.

Speaker 7:

Like you're painting that story in your brain. Yeah you might be driving, might be walking dogs or whatever it is. Yeah, it's absolutely reading a book.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I only started listening about you mix it up.

Speaker 6:

You do it across everything. You do audio books, you do all can, what not?

Speaker 7:

do not so much.

Speaker 6:

But you know I like holding a book and reading it.

Speaker 7:

Yeah but yeah, it's like travel a lot with work.

Speaker 5:

Yeah sorry.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, it's a really good companion on the road.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah absolutely yeah, and I've found that I'm like reading is, or listening to audiobooks is really good for um Fitness. If you need it as well. You need a bit of motivation to go for a walk. If you've got a good book, then you can get a good walk in. You listen to two chapters you've walked for, like you know, an hour and a half.

Speaker 6:

Hey, you know, an audio book is just a really long podcast. Yeah, hey, and it's you know I look at it like it. Yeah, I'm listening to.

Speaker 4:

At the moment I'm listening to wizard, which is like a very old, like classic, just fantasy novel, sort of Not wizard.

Speaker 4:

Sorry and it's, and it's cool, like I can tell. It's like aimed at that sort of like maybe 16 to 18 age range, but it kind of doesn't matter. It's like reading Aragon, it's, like you know, it's still aimed at younger people, but it's still a good read, you know. Yeah, what do you? What have you read recently? What are your most recent, or even what are you currently sort of going through? And Manga as well.

Speaker 7:

Manga is not audio. No, well, I do a little bit of Like research as well. Yep, my book. So there's a like a lecture by this guy called Jackson. Yeah but yeah, he does a lecture on Norse mythology, so this is interesting.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he has a really like nice.

Speaker 6:

You should add Andrew here. Andrew would love this. Yeah, it's right up his alley.

Speaker 7:

So on this like plucking parts of that.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:

What else? A lot of historical fiction, actually.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 7:

Yeah, all sort of like Viking related or medieval related or Anglo Saxon those sort of yeah, yeah, yeah. Then I see I listened to one recently called cyberpunk, no coincidence.

Speaker 4:

Oh it's. I saw that I haven't listened to it yet, but I want to. Yeah, it's so good, yeah, good.

Speaker 7:

And you think, oh, it's like game related, or it's one of those like token, like cash grabs from the game. Yep, absolutely not like it's. It's really good.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, a lot of people should talk that game quite a bit when it came out because it was buggy. It was very, very good. I loved it.

Speaker 7:

I think expansion games. Yeah, yeah, I want to talk about it.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

I want to know if you, um, I can't say anything, so but what I will say.

Speaker 6:

Foxy, I shit talked it and enjoyed it yeah which is also okay, and it was the bugs added to the experience.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, they're real buggy elements in the characters. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I get what you're saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and and the the games are like. The game itself is very, um, like I know it was made by a different company, but it's very much a Bethesda style game, so like the bugs are to be expected when you've got a game like that. Um, to be fair, they have released a couple of patches that have really fixed it up and made it so much more like it got us viral on tiktok at the time. It's true.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Johnny to get a good clip for that, but the Um the other thing was that they made like edge runners, which was the anime tie-in.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, what's a bit of that was.

Speaker 7:

Amazing. Halfway through it, dude, I won't say anything else but that basically just got a legion of people back Playing cyberpunk. Yeah, so Especially yeah now on PS5 or Xbox yeah, with, yeah, all the glitches going, it's yeah, it's so smooth, it's a clean play now, that's for sure You're.

Speaker 6:

PS5, aren't you?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, one of those guys you guys see that vertical thing. Vertical versus lying down with a PS5. No, there's a bunch of a lie down. Oh, so there's a bunch of videos.

Speaker 7:

He's like it's ugly standing up, dude.

Speaker 5:

Andrew has a feature piece and he's like, and here's the PS5.

Speaker 4:

It's like upright on its own. But, there's these videos going around where people are saying if your PlayStation 5 is vertical, then the the heat sink is leaking and it's getting on to the the diodes around it.

Speaker 4:

Apparently it happened like apparently it happened like twice and it's like just people are trying to make it viral. Apparently, the heat sinks are really well sealed so you don't have to worry about it, but yours lays down anyway, so it's fine. Yeah, just I saw that coming up and I was like, oh, that's interesting. I wonder if Andrew knows, because he's just definitely vertical. I see you Xbox or PS5. I don't actually have a PS5.

Speaker 6:

I'm sorry, oh no, andrew's PS5.

Speaker 4:

Andrew's PS5. Yeah, I am very specifically PC.

Speaker 6:

You're Nintendo or PC? Yeah, I love Nintendo. Yeah, god bless, I'm gonna die 64.

Speaker 4:

Oh, dude, absolutely everything but even now, like the switch, is such a good console. It's got plenty of good games on it and you know Nintendo branded games often are quite good. You know, like anything with Mario written on it, you know it's gonna be a good limited, but you know they're gonna be good.

Speaker 7:

Exactly, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's some PlayStation games there's pumping them out. Hmm, Probably not as much. Now, ps5 is such sorry detailed. Yep, I fell off the PS3, ps4 games Really diluted in quality yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree with that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they were just trying to get releases out. Yeah, yeah, yeah the quality was very fast spread A lot of game companies trying to jump in there. Actually, I'm gonna switch this up then, because now, when you you've played some games, I'm so bad.

Speaker 7:

It's a matter of good at them. It's all stories. No, you know what?

Speaker 4:

actually, I'm gonna stick with my original question. Okay, so I was on Instagram recently and I got one of those like stories come up and it was like put up six movies that People should watch if they want to know about you kind of thing, and and I was like, oh cool. So I put up like six movies and a lot of people messaged me Afterwards and they were just like, oh my god, you know, I can't believe you said that movie, because it was like, really specifically, something that they were into as well. Yep, so All start, and then I want you guys to give me like your sort of six movies.

Speaker 6:

I don't know a big movie buff, so don't stress. If you can't get sick, just give us a head.

Speaker 4:

I'll just get a couple, yeah so and and I don't want to I don't want your favorite movies, I want movies that people watch and they would understand you a little bit more, if that makes sense. So the first one for me was Blade Runner 2049, because I was like Inside, that is my inner aesthetic, which ties into the whole cyberpunk thing. I'm like I'm all aboard with that sort of that sort of World that they live in. So I said Blade Runner 2049 the Matrix is a big one. I said Star Trek into darkness, which three separate people messaged me about, because it is so Good, it is really such a good movie and and it's like overlooked because it's a sequel to a Star Trek movie, but it is Fucking bang a sci-fi movie.

Speaker 4:

It is it's, it's the re, it's the redo of the Khan series. Okay, I know yeah, star Trek, I put baby driver, the Fast and Furious Tokyo drift, and and was the other one that I put off the top of my head, cuz and I and I told myself I had to do it off the top of my head, I couldn't, like you know, go and look through like. Netflix and stuff like that. I just had to do it off the top of my head.

Speaker 4:

I got five out there. I know I put another one in there, but I can't remember what I was as well, but what about? You.

Speaker 6:

If you can give me like three or four, I'd be okay content, yeah, yeah, okay, cool, I can do that. Yep, I think I would go with something like and not just because we mentioned it before we started the podcast, but grown-ups, yes, because I think I like the fact that it's emotional, yep, but also very funny, right, and that would be a summary of, I think, my personality to a degree.

Speaker 4:

I'm emotional.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, oh good movie. Sorry, Roger Rabbit, who frame Roger Rabbit?

Speaker 4:

I do a lot of that program. You know what Foxy baseballs?

Speaker 1:

Oh, Call Foxy.

Speaker 4:

I. I would have guessed that you were a Scott Pilgrim guy. I would have guessed that I'm. Have you watched the anime? By the way, they just released that on Netflix. Continue, so yeah grown-ups.

Speaker 6:

I think I'd need to throw something sport in there. Yep, like it would just have to be coach Carter. Remember the tightness? Oh, something like that. Both good, yeah, and then the hurricane. Yeah, yeah, I think that's good movie. Great movie. The books amazing as well. Yeah, the whole story behind that and you know false imprisonment and everything. Yep, I really, I don't know that great song? Yes, it's really good.

Speaker 4:

Really long song, eight minutes on yeah.

Speaker 6:

Almost as long as the movie. They literally just had it play quietly in the background. The whole movie. And then what else have I got? I reckon. I reckon, just like it'd have to be like a Billy Madison or something to round it out. Yeah, once again the humor piece.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, why do you think? Why do you think those movies are like what you know, your, if people watch those like. Why is what I think?

Speaker 6:

because I think I'm, I love stories and I think, like you, coach cut, like they all have a story like remember Titans, coach Carter, yeah, there's like a hint of truth to every one of them. Yeah and that I like, that I think grown-ups is one of those ones.

Speaker 4:

Like I said, that, like a lot of a lot of Race inequality.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I'm all about that.

Speaker 4:

Love race inequality. Yeah, hey, I'm sure you'd have would have had to deal with that a lot when he came to the country. Well, yeah, that was a new room. Yeah, it's true.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, it's very true, Um, yeah don't want to be on face Sammy. No, yeah, sammy, sammy made that guy's made a stone.

Speaker 6:

He came here 23 years of age and married my mom. God bless him. And survive English and here he is fucking, you know, 50 years later.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's Rorschach man inanimate in the face of In the face did you?

Speaker 6:

fucking. Imagine that, like as a little segue, as we do in this show Jumping on a plane, flying fucking 30 hours across the world yeah, to a country you know nothing about, not a word of the language, yeah, and just going cool. I guess I'm sitting up here for the rest of my life.

Speaker 7:

My great grandma did that.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I mean yeah, which is just fucking Swiss, Okay yeah just bonkers to me, like I am like no, that's not something I would do.

Speaker 4:

No, it's not even. I'm not even on my radar with with no real grasp of the language as well. Yeah, like tough, that's a big ask.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, anyway, back to movies, Stu. What do you got?

Speaker 7:

I just said I'm not a massive movie. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, so I'm gonna ramble my way through this. No, that's fine. Yeah, I'd have to say return the Jedi Banger.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, just the best Star Wars movie, by the way. So good, actually the best one.

Speaker 7:

Some people like a little bit.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:

I don't know why, and it's actually one you bought coming up. That's a massive Inspiration as well for me. Yeah there's a few things in that. I'm on plane with Yep. Now let me step brothers. Oh, cuz I'm so immature. Good.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:

I say yeah.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, that's good, you're in the right audience.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah yeah, after this, I definitely wanted the Christian Bale, batman's any of them. Probably the Dark Knight rises, yep, yeah, that's the scarecrow one, right? No, the third one, oh the Bane one yeah. Surely everyone's seen it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's fine yeah.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, when he's back broken, any he rises.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I guess that when they reset a franchise, you're allowed to talk about the old one now.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, bruce Wayne's arc.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in that story.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah story yeah, totally that totally, yeah, resonated with me.

Speaker 4:

Hmm, interesting. I wish I want everyone to think about like what their partners ones would be. I don't want to do, I don't want you to say it, but that's a good home exercise. You know. Think about your wife and think about, like, what her movies are, and we know my wife's like pop culture.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, actually you were struggling.

Speaker 4:

I think her wife's seen a total of three movies.

Speaker 6:

Get hell man. Oh dude, it'd be sister act, sister act to One other.

Speaker 4:

Mine to be the crow the crow. The crow's a big one, I fucking like thumb. Alina, batman returns, another Batman. And yeah, that's, that's a, that's an older Batman which is one of actually Batman return, specifically one of my wife's ones that I was just thinking of. Yeah, yeah, all right. So, oh, I think I skipped ahead and did reading recommendations already.

Speaker 6:

Look at me go, yeah you reckon we will circle back. Do you want to tell us a bit about this?

Speaker 4:

bad boy.

Speaker 6:

That's where we're up to yeah, so give us a yeah.

Speaker 4:

You can like, loose your shoulders. Now we want to talk about like please tell us about your book, and you know what is it about. Go in depth. No, I'm kidding.

Speaker 6:

This is actually the live recording for the audiobook.

Speaker 7:

Yes, Looking into that. It's so expensive.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I was wondering that. I was gonna ask you if there's love to, but If everyone, yeah, yeah, yeah, so if anyone on this chat goes out and buys the book, that'd be a great start. Amazoncomw or dot com for you. Foxy, foxy, wait. Can you get it in the US on the Amazon?

Speaker 7:

Yes, you can okay good.

Speaker 4:

Boats and hoes. They are, yeah, they. They print it locally and then send it out. Yeah, that's it Cool.

Speaker 7:

All right, sorry, it is a Viking fantasy novel. No, it's like Norse mythology. So it's, it's very, yeah, similar to Norse mythology with okay, I've got the old mother, so instead of the old father.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

I made it more feminine yep Focused yeah and also you got snake or the serpent and the wolf. Yep, so the serpent is Yorma, which is in Norse mythology, yorma Goondah can't pronounce it properly, yeah, and the wolf it's Fenra, but in the mythology it's Fenrir.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 7:

I can steal those because it's public domain.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it is no one legally inclined in this chat. You're fine.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, so having a. Yeah, my daughter Abigail. Yeah, I wanted to write something for, like, more women focused.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, that was the most of it.

Speaker 4:

So that's my little spin on on that, on that Norse mythology, yep, yes, so I've got so, drawing a lot of inspiration, but just like tweaking things a little bit to suit your world.

Speaker 7:

I don't want to like completely, like stuff it up. Yeah, people like oh, that doesn't make sense, but yeah, also my own spin.

Speaker 5:

Yes, like a marvel.

Speaker 7:

Yep, take on it. Yeah, and then in book two I sort of delve a lot more into in that part of mythology. But yeah, so you follow 4.0 point of views. Yeah, there's a character called Oaks or Oaks, so it depends how you want to spell it. Yep farm girl and she very, very low live and her dad is. I don't want to give that to this boy, yeah. Yeah she doesn't know about him, but no, he's the enemy of her land. In Ulfaheim, yep, and her mother was killed because of her of marrying that enemy.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, there's another character, mjoln, who he's is really bad at forging materials. He's dad's like this awesome blacksmith or a brocker in in Norse Yep, old Norse. And he, yeah, he has troubles fitting in in the world and he's doesn't make many friends. Hmm.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah that's him. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

There is some parallels, I'll tell you if you haven't played them. But the the newer God of War games, the two newest ones, they're both like very heavily Norse, that's like. Yeah that's the thing. Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 7:

So what's the other character, ava she? Yeah, she's just the quiet little girl that all she's like probably late teens, she's just living her life like a normal young person in yep yeah, that this Clan attacks her land and just completely like wipes them out and she's just trying to survive. Yeah so that's, that's her little start and. Should know this. Sorry, I'm gonna bit already. Yeah, he's a main one.

Speaker 2:

He's like the berserker, he's just my favorite. He just wants to kill people, yep.

Speaker 7:

And yeah, he's. He's brother is a traitor, so he tries to go to this land, yep, and he just wants to kill this guy mm-hmm, yeah, and and all these people of the same sort of mainland, or are they? No, so they're in four part different parts of the. Gotcha yeah sorry, I'm gonna explain this book way better.

Speaker 6:

No, no, no, no man.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, it's called the flesh lands, yes, like a massive region of islands and whatnot. So, yeah, so you got Snucker, which is. They believe in the serpent, yoma Ulfaheim leaving. Fandra the wolf, yeah, god, as they're both goddesses. Yep Crucker is where Ava's from Yep, and they have a called vangar. Is the the crow god? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, crow god, and Mjoln is Please, he's from myth, myth God, and they believe in a bear called a bear god called Snorbon.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and this is because I haven't actually read it, but there is Fantasy elements to this definitely.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah. So it's, yeah, it's definitely fantastical, yeah.

Speaker 4:

So not like a historical fiction more in the fantasy.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, you just use history more so to.

Speaker 7:

It's also like you learn how to yeah, yeah, describe a sword. Yes yeah, how you wield an axe and yeah, yeah, yeah, all those sort of things.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, absolutely, yeah, yeah, have you, I know you, I know you have actually you've you've read or watched Vinland saga? Yeah, yeah, very good. And also in that same like sort of yeah yeah, dude Thorfinn, such a well thought out and paced character. And in the second season they like really strip it back and I I've never seen a show that has gone so hard in the first season, yeah, and then just completely, completely stripped back the action, but still good, it's such an amazing show Really enjoyed the manger, yeah it's fucking sick.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, it's so good. Yeah, it's really emotional actually, mm-hmm, yeah, surprising. Yeah, actually one of my friends, or author friends, luke Schultz, he's, he's, he has massive Inspiration from manga, yeah, and anime hearing. Yeah, I really it's such an emotional genre I can really resonates and yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah. So shout out to him he, he helped this book apes.

Speaker 4:

So that's good Actually. Yeah, that's a really good. Um, that's a really good thing to ask actually. So it's one thing to set aside time and write yourself a book. Obviously, there's people who are involved in that Because, you know, it's kind of like that Disney principle where more people have to touch it to make it accessible.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, why do you know?

Speaker 4:

who, how do you? How do you get to that point? Who do you? Who do you contact to?

Speaker 7:

Yeah, so it was all online people that. I've never physically met. Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, you just, you're talking through through Instagram, or what they call books, the gram, mm-hmm. And yeah, you just, you reach out, just asking for advice. Yeah hey, don't ever read my chapter, my prologue. What do? You think of it, yeah.

Speaker 7:

And I was a little bit like, oh, it's my blow up in my face. But yeah, I thought everyone I sent it to it was like, yeah, this is really good. Obviously there's professional, yeah, help needed, yeah, and not structuring and whatnot. But like the Premises of it and like how, where the plot's going, yeah, like that, I said those like heaps of potential, yep.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and, and you get. You do get a proofread, though. Do you get like an editor? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, from the, from the books, the gram community.

Speaker 6:

From what you said, like it sounds crazy Supporting, which is awesome really from that aspect really good and even, like you know, I tuned in the other week when you're on that YouTube live with the other authors and stuff and everyone's, like you know, paint tension.

Speaker 6:

Listening Luke, luke, like sure to you mentioned before, he seems like, honestly, just a genuine nice dude, yeah, like who is happy to help out and, yes, set you on the right path, which is awesome, and I guess it's one of those things you know. You kind of it's like us with podcast in if a friend starts a podcast, we're happy to pass on advice if they want it. Yeah, support as much as we can. Obviously they need to do the rest. From a certain point and to your point, say, wayne, back into that, you had to get an editor and everything and do it properly and do it justice.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you can teach someone to record, but you can't. You know, do the show.

Speaker 7:

Obviously, this right and right and right and it may suck and you get through a part of the book that is like this is absolute shit, yeah, but you just, you just, keep going and keep going. It's just, it's real grind. But yeah, you get to the end of the first draft and you're okay. Yeah this is good. Yeah, it's not great, but it's something to work with and yeah it's just yeah, I went through probably four, five, six drafts.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, writing it, it kind of sounds like storyboarding to a degree, yeah, so there's an author called Terry Pratchett and he said the first draft is the author telling himself the book? Yeah yeah.

Speaker 6:

Writing the yeah, yeah telling themselves the book I've never considered that that makes a lot of sense, yeah well, true, because I guess it's in your head right? So you got to put it down, to get it going yeah yeah, I mean, you never get it right, I would. Be like. I could not believe that there would be a author out there that has written our first draft and gone. That's it.

Speaker 7:

Go G how you doing. People say that go to start somewhere. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

So I was looking at clouds, blue foxy put in here. Blue foxy has a very interesting life that we know bits about and it's all very interesting For context. But do what my dad did. He said take a span of three hours where His dad's book was the best-selling book on Amazon and then plaster Amazon bestseller for the rest of its life. So you just gonna do that, man. Just get everyone to buy it all at once so that it goes to the top of the chart and then just fucking hanging out on it so the rest of it.

Speaker 4:

Foxy told me something like that's all years ago that I still remember to this day His dad was a rider and he did like some TV shows and stuff like that, that's right. But he said that his dad had a macroed a spacebar to the save button so every time he hit the spacebar his document would save, so he didn't lose anything. Wow.

Speaker 7:

I just think that that is. It's actually hilarious. Yeah, I use Google Docs. Yeah, I'm more like real bi sick there's programs out there, like Scrivener and and other ones. Yeah but I like writing it, like if I got an idea, like I'll jot it down on my phone.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 7:

It's Pretty basic. Yeah, it's just made it better.

Speaker 4:

For that reason, though, right.

Speaker 7:

Because, yeah, for sure, I mean, formatting is actually.

Speaker 6:

Foxy did clarify. That was when, back in the day, when his life was on 3.5 inch floppies, right. So you did not want that not to save. Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea. Like Jay does the same man with like from a music standpoint.

Speaker 6:

Like when Jay's in the car for song comes, she'll literally either do a voice, memo, jot, down some stuff in notes or whatever, because you just got to do it, because otherwise you fucking forget it like or like, or you won't remember it as it was in that moment and it might not be what you were thinking correct, yeah so that's a good way to do it.

Speaker 7:

Well, I was just the model, like any ideas. A good idea, yeah, well that's it, but like another idea might spark from yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You just have to mediate that into its growth.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, I'm like obviously you know, through editing and like you, sort of get rid of the crappy ones.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, do you have a length in mind when you start writing, or are you just like letting the story go as long as you feel like it needs to?

Speaker 7:

For this one, I was like I want to keep it pretty small, compact. So, yeah, it's achievable. Yeah, having two kids, yeah, I was halfway through this when my son, jasper, was born, yep. But yeah, so yeah, thank you. So, yeah, just finding time, that that's such a challenge. Yeah and yeah, working longish days.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, that's fair.

Speaker 7:

So yeah, that was probably the main one, and then also so it's readable for people.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

Like some thick books, like people that are into epic fantasy that give me, give me a hundred nine hundred page book. Yeah, yeah, yeah, people like you guys, you might just one we want to get through it yeah and the font's pretty large. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so it's around 70 K words, so yeah, that's pretty small for a fantasy book.

Speaker 4:

Yep, yeah, are you thinking this is the beginning of a of a building world? I do. You think you come back to this because I know you said before you're doing something else, yeah, yeah, so book two is the next one. Oh you are, you're going straight.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I was Intending, and might just be just once this saying hey, I wrote a book. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna say my kids, hey. Yeah, no, I did what I'm doing.

Speaker 7:

But yeah, as it gets, you go through the book and you get to the end you're like, oh, I got some really good ideas and like Question marks, yeah, from the characters point of view. So yeah, definitely. Yeah. Book two was Quickly um escalated to yeah, yeah, it's a thing that's gonna happen probably be. Yeah, I'm, it will be a trilogy, hmm.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, that's a good number. I think like three is good for a book series.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I, some people like label it chronicles, so it's just caves on. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah often it gives you the ability, if I like if I'm starting a series that has eight, eight books or 13 books in.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

I don't really have to get through that yeah. I feel, like trilogy is a bit more chief.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, and then after that, if you really want to keep going, you can do spin-offs. You can do that. Yeah, I think I got ideas, yeah.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, so probably between two and three. Am I Chuckinson novellas or a novella? Yeah, there's a character in there I really like. It's one arm, but he's like a bad asset, gotcha, yep, yeah, yeah, I want to go into that.

Speaker 5:

You can do anything.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:

Yeah, there's a shield maidens and yeah, I want to go into their backstory of how they they are fought with one of the characters, dads. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 6:

That's rad, that's awesome. I think, as well. I want to touch on the fact that, like you know and this is almost like a shout out to Amazon, because they need it you know they're going out of business, that's it. Um, struggling, but I have to say I mean a plus to Ali Pedersen is the person to design this and I'm gonna shout out on behalf of she's fucking amazing.

Speaker 6:

Um, I I'm gonna claim I did refer it to stew purely because she does a lot of gig posters and stuff. My wife and she's awesome. She's, honestly, hands down, one of the better graphic designers around and, but it's more so. What Amazon did justice wise with this as well. What do we got? Oh, good man, I was like what are we doing? No, I love that, so I don't need to hold it. This is cool. Um, but the finishing touches that Amazon do on these, like print-on-demand books, is fucking phenomenal. To be honest with you, like that could not be more legitimate. If, if it tried, like there is no one that would look at that and go, oh, this was an amateur author, who's just yeah, it really does nothing about it.

Speaker 4:

Like really does a good job of Like. I guess that you would not be able to tell that this was the first time you were doing it. You know, you listen to a band and you hear their first album and you're like you know, these guys must be young. And I have that vibe. Yeah, that's a really big.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I think to your point, like I think because you put in the time and you got the editors and you got people to actually put Time into it.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, you didn't just Stick so hard to your guns that you were like second draft, I'm good, I don't need anyone to look at it.

Speaker 7:

I went into it so open-minded and I think it's like Open-minded and I knew that I need, like I'm just starting my journey as an author, I need a grand chair like that. There's anything like you. Yeah, you need help.

Speaker 7:

Yeah and yeah, yeah, shout out to Emily Morrison as well. She helped me so much with beta read or beta read. Beta read yeah, yeah and just like plot ideas and like structuring and, yeah, like where the characters went aligning. So I really tied it that bit up and I think that came out really well now. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

I mean having now, like I guess, watched you go through this process. It's a long-winded version of releasing music, so I can, like you know the whole parallel.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah just so many similarities between yeah, 100% because same thing like for Jay.

Speaker 6:

So I can know, like I said, scribbled notes and all that. Then it starts forming a song. You might get someone to do a co-write, you might go to a producer and then they'll start giving their advice as you're recording it. So same kind of process of going through the editors and doing all that kind of a lot of analogies that'll work both ways.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, you know, you get the song mastered and everything like that as well. Like you know, the stages are there. Obviously, songs happen in a shorter time frame, generally speaking. Yeah, I mean a full album might be 18 months, but, like you know, buy from you know first of all, but yeah, a song like a single song. Yeah, obviously, yeah, fuck, it took 18 months for one single song.

Speaker 6:

You're in the wrong business but yeah like, but yeah, I think what it's come to fruition as, yeah, if any of the people watching, any people that go to listen to this podcast or into Norse mythology and things like that, it checks out. Yeah.

Speaker 7:

I was just general fantasy, just a great yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

And and and. So what you're looking for when you get there. We're looking for SK part on the cover, the kin slayer. You can find it on Amazon. The kin slayer should get you where you need to be. If you put in SK part as well, you should be able to very easily find a link for that. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure those two keywords are used elsewhere in the same search.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, my surname is pretty uncommon good. Yeah. There's a serious cold, the kinslayer series. But this yeah, the actual yeah, it comes up pretty easy and also kind of unlimited.

Speaker 6:

It's on there, isn't it? Yes, so if you've got kindle unlimited, you can read it on there. It's cheaper shit on Kindle and the paperback is like 17 Australian dollars, which is also crazy cheap as well, because Not to tell your story, but with that. But Stu's whole thing, as he said before, was he just wanted to get a book out there and go. I've done it. So the you know the money side of it, as we kind of are with our podcast, even when we've done merch, yeah, I almost sell our t-shirts at cost and stuff because you just want to feel like I did it there is there's something out there, yep, which I respect and I think it's awesome.

Speaker 4:

So yeah, I'll be attainable which, by the way, everyone should. And if they can do it right now, to be rad, just follow SK putt on Instagram, because then you can find links to things like your merchandise, which looks very, very nice.

Speaker 6:

Andrew would be up soon big yeah, yeah, yeah, we will get the man Andrew would be a big fan of this. I legitimately have ordered in my copy. That's good, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Andrew is a very traditional reader. He'll actually go through and thumb through with a yeah.

Speaker 4:

He will yeah he'll actually read that and he'll read it pretty quick as well. You get get back to him in two days. He'd be done. Yeah, and we're running low on time, so I am gonna bring us into a little bit of show and tell so Liam's show and tell time. I have a video that was sent. I got a few things that was sent to us by people who watched the show or listened to it, whatever. But Dave sent me something and I want to play it for you. And this video. I Want you to guess what TV show it is. Effectively, I will tell you. It's animated, so give you a decent hint, but it's in Japanese. So I'm gonna play it for you and you guys have to tell me what show you think it is.

Speaker 6:

I Wait so it's king of the hill, dubbed in Japanese yes, oh, wow, yeah.

Speaker 4:

So it's king of the hill, dubbed in Japanese. So it's, it's very.

Speaker 7:

And he looks and sounds like Hank, does he know?

Speaker 4:

I Want to say it, but like you don't want to be the first person to say it, though, because then forever, that's on you.

Speaker 6:

He's awesome. Oh see, I'd love to hear him say damn it, bobby, in Japanese.

Speaker 4:

I think right at the start of the video.

Speaker 6:

Your brother does look like an older Bobby.

Speaker 4:

Dude. I also wanted to shout out our last episode. A friend of the pod, jd Absolute mad dog, has been messaging me. We talked a lot about Not LS car meet, that's from GTA a lot of the hell, jdm cars and, just like you know, japanese car stuff like that and he sent me some stuff that I think everyone should watch. I actually watched it was a 70 minute video or posted in discord, so I don't want to hold everyone YouTube hostage or anything.

Speaker 4:

I just wanted to give him a shout out because he is brought to my attention Liberty walk, which is kind of like the history of of effectively Japan and importing into Japan and Customizing already existing cars to make them look a little bit more showy. And there was like there's, there's this thing called the burst of sogu, which is also kind of cool, but a little bit too out there for me. Everyone could look this up for their own time, but I just want to give him a shout out because I watched that Liberty walk video and it was really cool. So big shout out to him. And and I got sent something by linky. Nah, I've lost it. I've lost it. Hold on, let me go to tick tock because I got more stuff I want to show you guys.

Speaker 6:

Yeah right, this is like Liam's meme trash.

Speaker 4:

I got a couple of I got a couple of things. I got a couple of things. I Dude, how about them? Wizards? Huh, Damn, that's rough.

Speaker 6:

Oh, they lost to a landed in there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I will land or a tear, so you know that's what it is. I'm gonna go what?

Speaker 6:

was this your sports talk? We got there.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, okay yeah, I got sent this one, all right, so this one was just some this stuff's loot trash. By the way, it's just a meme about someone teaching how to play guitar and they've like edited it. I just thought it sounded funny.

Speaker 3:

So hey, what's up you guys super beginner here. Basically, if you want to learn guitar, it's not gonna sound right which is called shats and you're gonna get discouraged. So one thing I'd like to say is having a fucking guitar already is really helpful, and also some people have ears. So this is a high version of E and this is a low version of E, but they're both E. What happens is, with these tuners, you fuck a string right on your lap. Fucking a friend really helps as well. Now we have B for bitch.

Speaker 4:

It's just one of those things you know. Oh man, thank you for that I've also got. I Think G sent me this one. It's dr Disrespect having a meltdown, but someone's playing a online gamer by the way Midwest and emo riff over the top. So effectively he's just like losing his shit at the game and someone's put a riff over it to make it sound like an emo track. It's fucking hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Someone keeps fucking cuz. Someone keeps saying Xbox beta app in the chat and it's fucking driving me nuts. You're bro. Do you guess what?

Speaker 5:

You're out of the champions club. I'm so sick and tired of you saying it man, I'm so sick and tired of it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, drag layer discord. No, I'm not doing anything. I'm not talking, anybody I don't want to get, I don't want to talk to anybody, I'm figuring this out right, but you're bro, you keep it put on the spot. Xbox beta, xbox beta, what?

Speaker 4:

I Can love that shit, man.

Speaker 6:

I've seen a few of these so I'll show you dr Disrespect later for context. Yeah, dude.

Speaker 7:

Midwest emo.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's like an actual genre, yeah, yeah absolutely yeah, you know when before emo was a scene takeover and what are you tuned to? Scene is like and this is because, like I'm a like I'm what they call an ancient emo because I was like I would emo. I'm above that, oh yeah. So to be clear, I'm like almost 40.

Speaker 7:

So I went off too far.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you're only a couple years behind me but the the thing is like emo was its own Genre before it was recognized as a genre.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, yeah about, like you know, like early 90s.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly yeah you had like your deathcap for cuties and you know sunny day real estate's, like things like that. Yeah, yeah, I guess, jimmy, it world would have definitely fallen into that yeah, yeah they would have. Yeah, and and then, like what I attribute to being seen, music is what emo eventually became and what people know it as today, and that's your, my chemical romances red jumpsuit apparatus like people refer to these as like emo bands.

Speaker 4:

In my like truest heart of hearts I know that they are not emo bands, but I have to understand that the vernacular changes over time. So in an effort to not gatekeep music from people and Make fun of them for their genre typecasting, I have to accept that the term for emo has changed.

Speaker 7:

But Midwest and emo punkers. Yes, I ran to no effects. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think they say is they're cool with bands like blink and whatnot, but like back in the day, like they gave me.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, shit like oh, these soccer moms. Yeah, they were really anti-establishment as well. Yeah you know, the biggest honor you could have as a punk band was being on fat records.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, and like you play, just for playing, like there was no, yeah, yeah, yeah, you weren't running, you were just playing shows yeah.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I got one more.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I got one more. It's a fun one. It's a little bit longer, but it's from a memory that we should all know. So in Australia there was, there was a, there was a thing that they used to do on the radio, where they would call people and prank call them, and there was a character called Guido Hetzis so and I'd forgotten about this entirely.

Speaker 6:

And I forgot about it to you.

Speaker 1:

So then, so I'm gonna bring it up.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, you put the add on the paper for the plumber. Yeah, that's right, I will take the job around. Now we need to talk about the money. All right, matter how much you prepare to pay me, madam, the best, alright. I learned from my uncle. You listen to me.

Speaker 5:

Yeah he would always say to me there is nothing that sticky tape cannot fix. Oh, he was the best, matter right and matter. I learned all about hoses from him as well. May you know siphoning petrol from cars. Do not laugh, matter I this, my uncle we are talking about here. They listen to me laughing boy right.

Speaker 3:

I come in there, start work tomorrow, but I do not do any dirty work.

Speaker 5:

All right, that is what you will do. May listen? All right. More time plumbing, less time laughing, may believe it or no, right yeah, you are speaking to Guido. Do not laugh in my name, my friend, all right matter, I'll be unblocking a drone with your head. If you do that, I come in. I start work as the boss, or are your boss?

Speaker 4:

Just I think it's. Do you sounds like a plumber? Yeah, sorry to be clear, a plumber from the 90s, yeah. That's hilarious all right, I think I think I speak for both of us when I say we very, very much appreciate you coming on with us my pleasure you know as someone who hides behind words. You had to come and give us your voice.

Speaker 7:

We really appreciate that.

Speaker 4:

Oh good, thank you, and and big shout out to your effort, honestly and undertaking. That is, in my eyes, like such a brave and Like just such a large step and something that not a lot of you know, your friends or family, or even anyone that we're attached to, our friends or family would have moved into or achieved huge achievement Congratulations. Thank you so much for coming on again. Sk pot the Kin Slayer on Amazon.

Speaker 6:

Otherwise I'm going gonna go ahead and go over and lay us out yeah buttons, play, place out. All right, you do it. Where they're gonna find us? They're gonna find us on Instagram, tick tock, youtube Podcasting apps, all that kind of stuff, miss Alameas is what you're looking for, miss. Your business is the show. But yeah, this will be out, probably tomorrow, to be honest, on Spotify and Apple podcasts and Amazon music and Anywhere you listen or care to listen.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, everywhere. Literally, we push one button, it goes everywhere. It's really handy, really easy. Liam's now playing with the camera, great. You can't see that on the podcast, but you can see it if you're on the stream and I apologize for it. All right, peace out, everyone. See ya, bye you.