Miscy Business

Our first Twitch Live: We talk all things overseas holidays, GTA Obsessions, and Limp Bizkit

Miscellameous Season 1 Episode 12

Enjoy Jamie's tales of walking a staggering 300,000 steps in two weeks, getting his Italian homestead Airbnb-ready, exotic food experiences, and the lack of cubicles in British stadiums

Switching gears, let's talk gaming. The whole reason Miscellameous came to be, is from a mutual love of gaming during COVID. We share our fond memories of wild nights spent on GTA Online during our Christmas break. Also, join us as we explore the evergreen argument – physical versus digital video game purchases. Here's a hint: when it comes to Nintendo, discounts are as rare as unicorns.

Finally, we're taking you on a musical ride. Did you know Limp Bizkit is still a thing? Yes, the kids these days are discovering them and their reactions are priceless. We will explore our love for bands like Babymetal and Sleep Token, and how music has played a pivotal role in our lives. 

To wrap up, we'll peek into our future plans, which may or may not involve a Dungeons and Dragons-themed podcast and streaming on Twitch. So buckle up, folks the ride has just begun!

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Speaker 1:

Unleash the miskeys. Liam peeking the audio straight out, knock the table over. I'm just excited because we're back on fucking twitch yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm glad we spent like half an hour trying to work out where the tables sat. And then the cameras are adjusted, yeah, and then Liam just bumps the table and we go all the tables immediately, throw the table across the room.

Speaker 1:

There you go chat, just to be clear. We cobbled together this setup so we want to know if you can hear us, yeah, if any audio is peaking. If you can't hear anything Like anyone's mic, if you can't hear the music that I'm playing right now, shit like that. So no gaming though tonight. So we're gonna act out some of our favorite games.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely lovely him stuff, just like on the fly. That's what we're doing now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I don't fucking um Like discuss with you guys, like we actually said, what are we gonna talk about when we start, and then immediately I'm off track.

Speaker 3:

There's literally no point in us even. Pre-qualifying the conversation is gonna be yeah, yeah, yeah it's just not gonna ever happen.

Speaker 1:

So look, boys, it's been a while. It's been a while and you know what we? We started playing some GTA and I don't know what to tell you. We just lost track of time 600 and roughly 70 hours of time on my account this year alone, having never played GTA before.

Speaker 1:

But you know, here we are. We're back on twitch. Why are we back on twitch? We want to. We want a visual portion of our podcast, cuz some of some and a lot of our friends Sounds good, fuck you. Thanks, govess. Um, yeah, we like to hear some. Some of our friends, a lot of our friends, are twitch related people. They like the live stuff and we we like it too. We just couldn't think of a good way to do it and then Jamie bought a pretty expensive camera, so you should be able to see us pretty well, and we're bringing back the. We're bringing back the twitch streams to go along with what will be the podcast, so if you watch the stream, you don't have to listen to the podcast, which will drop out numbers there, you know it's good to be back, though it's good to be back, and you know we haven't stopped gaming.

Speaker 1:

If I didn't think we played more, really sorry, you know, I think about it. I'm like man. We really should have streamed all this fucking GTA, because it would have been about 700 times more entertaining than watching us play warzone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was getting absolutely clapped in warzone.

Speaker 1:

So, I'm back. I'm a little bit fatter and a little bit more into putting substances in my body than I was previously.

Speaker 2:

You know, what about?

Speaker 1:

what about you guys? G, she's gonna be a dad soon. Yep, it's coming, it's impending.

Speaker 2:

It's very, very soon. Actually, it's roughly six weeks away.

Speaker 1:

Yeah six weeks and, schedule wise, we might have to set up in the hospital. He's coming. Dude and Jamie just got back from the motherland which is what we were gonna talk about originally. So go ahead, take it away, tell us.

Speaker 3:

Let's talk about the motherland first. The motherland it was good, it's good fun two weeks and with our good friend Dave. And yeah, it was a lot of food, yeah, a lot of walking, a fuck ton of walking.

Speaker 4:

He's walked everywhere. He's a. How are you stand off into the distance, oh man?

Speaker 3:

dude, we we almost clocked 300,000 steps why?

Speaker 1:

the end of the day. Oh, holy moly, what's that average quick maths?

Speaker 3:

Um, it's like 20, 18,000 a day, 20,000 a day. It was stupid.

Speaker 1:

Do a bit of matter steps. Yeah, so the way that it was framed to us is that Jamie had purchased a Family home that he's going to turn into an Airbnb because, like he's, he's not made of money.

Speaker 3:

Sure his pockets are heavier than they were.

Speaker 1:

But he's not physically made of money. So, so the idea was that you were gonna go over there. For what reason? To set up the house, right.

Speaker 3:

So for five days to be clear.

Speaker 1:

What then happened was Jamie going on a whirlwind tour of Europe.

Speaker 3:

I stayed within Italy.

Speaker 2:

The UK as well. What about the game?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, we stopped by London.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

The NFL played round six. They played four games of round six in London. I spoke to the travel agent and they said it was essentially pretty much free to do the stopover in London.

Speaker 2:

It would be a fucking crime.

Speaker 4:

Why would I have not done that? Just me spitting on the whole of it? Yeah so.

Speaker 3:

so we started there and that was fun. Yep, really cool, mm-hmm. So that was what. Two and a half days in London, we did a lot of NFL supporters in Shit loads.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, that makes like they have.

Speaker 3:

They have a great Britain Academy. Oh yeah, apparently the like a league pass or whatever, like NBA league pass, but NFL pass is like huge in the UK.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I thought the Academy's were all like riding penny farthings and stuff and drinking warm beers.

Speaker 2:

Leak pies breadwater.

Speaker 1:

I'll take a fizzy breadwater.

Speaker 3:

But no, yeah, so lots of NFL fans, crazy amount, yep, every game sold out. Yeah, it was really cool. It was one of those things. There was this thing that came out from the week before I went there where, obviously, before the NFL games, being American, they're very self-indulgent and they have to play the national anthem before anything they do.

Speaker 4:

Right, right, right and there was like in another country, yes, yeah, so there's especially, there was yeah, and there was the party on the moon.

Speaker 3:

There was the irony of the. American National Anthem, somewhat telling the story of how they overthrew the Brits and they were quite literally playing that in a stadium of 90,000. British people and making them stand.

Speaker 1:

All rise for the story of us dominating your country pretty much yeah so, yeah, that was fun to watch.

Speaker 3:

Did you take a knee? You know what? There was definitely some British people that were yelling profanities. Yeah, all part of the spectacle really. We make people play our anthem.

Speaker 1:

You do, you really do.

Speaker 3:

Concern. Everyone in that stadium was American for the day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah there is something to be said about the, the, the pride that Americans have, and it's like they can simultaneously Hate everything about their establishment but still regard themselves as better than every other country.

Speaker 3:

So the game was awesome, great, my team lost whatever. That's fine, still fun. But there was like one circumstance where I had to go to the bathroom. So I've gone out, gone to the toilet. There's a line like what the fuck's the line for walk in for an entire level. So we're talking probably servicing 15,000 people, right, only two cubicles. So if you had to go, number twos for the sake of like those urinals right so that's fine, but if you had to go, and do the business, two cubicles to 15,000 people and they reckon that they had done the maths on it and that people don't like taking shits at sporting events.

Speaker 1:

So they just didn't bother putting cubicles in. Done the maths. Who's sitting down? All right, let's get a peer reviewed study on how often and likely it is someone would need to take a shit within 15,000 people and, like someone, sat there and created this report.

Speaker 3:

I'm imagining them as, like one of those clickers Like you know how they do the clickers to do attendance, Like in venues capacity checkers.

Speaker 1:

That's a lie. No one did that.

Speaker 4:

That's a lie, of course no one wants to take a shit in a public toilet. But at the point is, you fucking need to. Yeah, exactly, the hilarity was right.

Speaker 2:

Everyone's drinking and lying.

Speaker 3:

I'm about six people deep in this line and then like there's one guy taking fucking ages, I'm like what the fuck is going on?

Speaker 2:

He eventually comes out. He was growling in there.

Speaker 3:

He comes out, he comes out and he's literally like horrified and he's like it won't flush, it won't flush, don't go in there. No one go in there.

Speaker 1:

It won't flush. It won't flush.

Speaker 3:

Runs off in shame and we've all just kind of looked at each other and we're like well, fuck it, and we just walked off. Why?

Speaker 1:

do you even say anything?

Speaker 3:

You know what Don't need to do it anymore.

Speaker 1:

I'll present it with that scenario. I can find Present it with that scenario and with no poop knife handy, I would like I would have everything ready, I'd be dressed and I would be like hand on the lock in running stance open and I'm gone. Like these people won't even remember my face yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, into the sea of 15,000 people Exactly. You're out of there.

Speaker 3:

It was hilarious, but yeah, so that was fun. But yeah, like I said, the game in itself great. Yeah, spectacle Awesome, cool. They did, you know, a whole lot of the over extravagant and exaggerated intros to the game. And then there was, you know, the marching bands and everything and like it was the NFL which is what we paid for.

Speaker 4:

So we got yeah, fuck yeah.

Speaker 3:

And I was right, london was really cool. We literally fucking walked everywhere in London. We caught the tube into London and then walked everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Got the tube in. In and then we walked everywhere.

Speaker 3:

I imagine you would have stopped at the border and walked.

Speaker 1:

Good, I'm not out of yuk and anyone's yuk in there. Like I watched the fucking League of Legends World Championships. I don't even play League anymore, so you know, and I enjoy that. So I'm like. You know, if they want to make a spectacle about the I'm sure there's plenty toilets at those events.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Those guys all look like cubicle guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do you want to try guys?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's not your in those of those events.

Speaker 1:

No, there would be, but it'd be like bear. It'd be fruit, yeah, but there'd be one person at it and you'd just be like oh, fucking, thank God. Oh man straight, you know what actually this?

Speaker 3:

brings me to. There was a young kid who was waiting for the cubicles and he's mates like what do you need to do? He's like, oh, I just, I just need to take a piss. And he's like well, there's urinals. And then this older guy like heard the convo and he's like just fucking, use a urinal. And the young kid's like I don't know.

Speaker 4:

Just whip your fucking dick out of the sand and like the only spare urinal was already between two people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and this kid obviously just really didn't want to be put in that situation. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And this older guy's just like come on, just do it, just use the urinal.

Speaker 1:

That would have made that, just like Dude, his dick would have inverted. Yeah, that's like.

Speaker 2:

Don't mean, while the other guy's like everybody's got one, he would take a piss in the urinal. I was like what the fuck, dude?

Speaker 4:

He runs away pisses, his pants Scarred for life. Yeah, that's horrible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's tough, though that's tough.

Speaker 3:

I feel bad for the kid.

Speaker 1:

Because there's an etiquette. There is an etiquette and like it's kind of the situation where if someone's at this urinal, then you don't use the one next to them, you use the one one over. Yeah, like obviously it's a scenario.

Speaker 3:

If there's space and it allows for it, you do not stand right on the other person's fucking foot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you get those fucking psychos that just go right next to you, and also talkers, oh man.

Speaker 4:

I don't want to talk to you Urinal fucking talkers. I'm taking a piss, man You're a urinal talker.

Speaker 2:

Fucking. Stop it. Pull yourself together, man yeah.

Speaker 3:

This isn't a social occasion. He's going into the toilet and being like you know what I could really do with what I'm taking? This piss conversation. A new friend, yeah, a new friend, yeah.

Speaker 2:

In fact, do you want a beer, dude? Let's go get a beer.

Speaker 3:

Let's go get beers and then come back and have a piss while we're drinking our beers. Dude, if it was next to a bang.

Speaker 1:

When we were kids, you would just create one in the urinal because there were so many cups in there.

Speaker 2:

So gross Thinking back on that now they've recycled those cups, they can straight out of the urinal, maybe wash them, who knows? Yeah, fucking, they steam them. They steam them in there.

Speaker 1:

They just do a quick rinse and steam run inside the dishwasher and then fill them back up again, rose.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, I used to get spirits whenever I was at those places, because far less frequently would you see a spirit cup in there. But the pots for the beers are just so many Lined up and if you're there you can't help it. Of course you're going to piss in it. It's a boring thing to do, just to stand there taking a piss, but if you get given something to aim for, it's like you can aim for it. You, just, you're only human.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to blow this bad boy.

Speaker 4:

Good point, Foxy. Do our cupicles have massive gaps like the American ones?

Speaker 1:

No, no, they don't.

Speaker 4:

Occasionally, but it's rare.

Speaker 3:

It's like you're like oh, that's pretty well sealed Put the shoddy workmanship on this one.

Speaker 1:

American movies give you this idea.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, as if people could just look through, is that it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the American movies give you this idea that even in like, especially in high school movies, you see like they're hitting the showers after PE and shit like that and they've got like the open showers. Not a thing here, like the showers that were at our high schools were barren, like they were just dry.

Speaker 2:

They hadn't been turned on since, like 1987.

Speaker 1:

No, they would like they would turn them on to like see if they still ran.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it. Yeah, no one used that shit.

Speaker 1:

They just put their fucking school clothes back on.

Speaker 2:

Spray your links, africa, and be on your way.

Speaker 1:

Uh the smell of the equivalent of that for Foxy Um Axe Axe body spray. Yeah, yeah right.

Speaker 4:

That's funny, but yeah, so London.

Speaker 3:

London was London. Then we went to Italy, so we started in Rome. Uh, we landed at like 10 o'clock and then my cousin who picked us up took us for dinner at like 11 o'clock at night. Yep, and it was like a three, four course dinner at 11 o'clock at night, which was amazing.

Speaker 1:

I can appreciate that.

Speaker 3:

But uh, yeah, it was fucking, yeah, it was a lot, it was fucking.

Speaker 1:

It was fucking, it was just fucking. That meal fucked it was just fucking. So the point is um you framed it as this like you know, a working holiday.

Speaker 2:

Like you were going to go over there and you were like going to be busted ass and and.

Speaker 1:

I just like, I just want to know was Jay fully aware of the scenario?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yes, it's been a hez in here yesterday.

Speaker 1:

Like there was still shit to do. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get that. I get that Like sweep the floors. You know what? G? Where's the fucking mute button? Yes To greet. To greet the in-laws and be fed.

Speaker 3:

No, Okay, I I shopped at IKEA. I'm like nobody's fucking business. So I I reckon, I was at IKEA for like three hours.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure she's happy you had a great time, three hours out of three weeks.

Speaker 1:

Two weeks. Two weeks, not three, but she's stuck. She had a good time.

Speaker 3:

No, I had to make sure shit was happening and it was coming together and, yes, the kitchen was built and installed. But then, like we had to make sure everything else got there and sus all that out, I had to go have like meetings with the real estate agent. I had to go sus out how the gas, the Coliseum, yes, the.

Speaker 3:

Coliseum, you dickhead. Yes, and we ate spaghetti while we sat in the middle of the Coliseum. Oh fuck me, that's good shit. But yes, anyway, it was just setting it up. I didn't have to build as much shit as I thought. I think there was one piece of IKEA furniture to build and Dave did that.

Speaker 4:

I mean, that's what you took him along, that's what he said, cause I was like doing a hand.

Speaker 3:

He's like, no, this is what I came for.

Speaker 1:

So I think he got home in his conscience.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Tell Gemma oh geez.

Speaker 2:

I broke a sweat.

Speaker 1:

I was one, yeah, just one One solid beat.

Speaker 3:

It was funny.

Speaker 2:

I was saying cause, like your Instagram stories, it looked fucking amazing Like you're eating all this awesome food, this fucking awesome sandwiches. You're going to see these awesome places. The views were spectacular. And then I'd flick to the next story, and it was Jay being drawn on her face by your two children.

Speaker 4:

It was literally one after the other.

Speaker 3:

It was the best.

Speaker 1:

She's a very good woman the exact post was had to go back for another, and it's like this fucking or authentic as fuck sand. And then you literally against a wall, kids drawing on her face that sandwich.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you what like I could have worked my way through that entire menu. He's given the chance, if my stomach would have allowed it, because they were fucking huge, like the pictures didn't do justice, but they were fucking massive.

Speaker 2:

What was in them?

Speaker 3:

Is it like what to tell? The first one I got was more to tell her more to tell her pistachio spread pistachio, spread cheese. I think that was it in the first one. So that was just nice, like that was good. And the second one I got was like the fuck was the second one, I can't remember now, but it was really good. I think that one had like not prosciutto, I think it like had poqueta and stuff.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Oh la poqueta. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

The food I ate was like. The food I ate was like at a much higher standard than la poqueta.

Speaker 3:

When was the last time you went to La?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I only because I had to go there for work. But I've never I've not eaten there in a long time Since high school.

Speaker 1:

I can't remember since high school, yeah. I recognize that 10 years ago. It's just that the stuff that you get there you can just make yourself, and probably better. But, like you know, if I go to like a nice restaurant, I'm like, okay, well, like I don't make that type of pasta Like, and that's actually done really well, but La Poqueta was literally slop.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there was. There was one. Remember, the one that used to be next to in Oakley South, next to, like, the Red Rooster and stuff like that? Oh, yeah, yeah, there was one there that was owned by family friends and it was amazing because it was like authentic.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh it did start, it did start as like an authentic Italian experience, and then it didn't like. It's not that.

Speaker 2:

Just franchise it, it's, franchise it, it's, franchise it, it's not that now.

Speaker 3:

But, yes, food though Amazing. Tried lots of different foods. Carbonara had a lot of carbonara because very different there, yep, and it was fucking amazing. Do you have a carbonara pizza? No, but you could.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I've had some. Yeah, I've had some.

Speaker 2:

You got the cut, cut your pepe, one which is like the cut your pepe, pepe, pepe pepe pepe, which is really nice.

Speaker 3:

It's like a dumb down carbonara. That's what I can say. Okay, carbonara is less with less things.

Speaker 4:

You're like. It's like cheese and pepe. I still don't understand the second word. It's pepe. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's pepe, pepe, pepe pecorino cheese. Yeah, oh yeah. So it's like to it's carbonara without the bacon or the pancetto pretty much.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I saw something on the internet, which obviously means it's true that if you're lactose intolerant, much like yourself, a lot of that has to do with the moisture in the cheese. Now, I can't remember exactly why that's the case, but if you're eating a lot of like pecorino and fucking, what's the other really common one?

Speaker 2:

Parmesan, parmesan yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like that. Shit should be fine for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I usually don't have too much of an issue with that sort of stuff. So there's something in like the way that the enzymes really fucked me up yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the soft ones, because the way the enzymes break down in the aged ones, yeah, that's takes out the lactose and then, like I'm paraphrasing off like the edge of my memory here yeah, yeah. It just means that the harder the cheese, the less likely it will affect you as a lactose intolerant person.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it's just I just do it yeah.

Speaker 1:

I understand that yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'll deal with the fucking consequences.

Speaker 1:

I know a guy who has lactate and he just carries it around with him just in case she like tick-tock.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Just in case he's just like ah, fuck it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sometimes a really good meal involves a lot of fucking cheese and you just you have to eat all the best ones, yeah.

Speaker 3:

If you are sitting around in Italy and they put a burrata in front of you, which is like I'm very like you, can't not fucking eat it because it's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, fucking, nice.

Speaker 3:

It's the best, wateriest, bestest of cheeses ever created and, like you, just yeah, you're not going to say no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, corpus G likes them hard. Oh yeah, yeah, double up. Don't kind of with that soft shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, andrew, what have you been up to my man? I drank lactate what? Oh, is there a liquid version of it?

Speaker 3:

Okay, I drank lactate in my teen years.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was a pill form, but I guess, like you, can probably get it yeah.

Speaker 3:

Sweet, why would he like it? Okay, he just has his pizzas and ice creams and stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Fuck it mate.

Speaker 1:

I've tried lactose free ice cream. God shit. I was like, wow, this is way less calories. And then I ate it and I was like oh, I see, that's why I'm terrible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like, um like all the dairy free cheeses, like the soy cheeses. Yeah, fucking horrible. Yeah, there is nothing that comes close to actual cheese. Yeah, I don't care what anyone says, it's shit. That was even like so people are like why don't you put that on your pizza? And like I would rather have it with no cheese at all.

Speaker 1:

Which I do because that other shit.

Speaker 2:

fake cheese ruins it Straight up. Or just have it with the cheese and, yeah, die later.

Speaker 1:

Oh, kermit, look, I'm wearing my. I'm wearing my. I'm in Uncle Drew mode, but look, I'm wearing my my T-shirt. You got me my Fast and Furious T-shirt. I got it tucked in because I'm really feeling it. Been watching a lot of Maddie Madison lately. I got some more. I got some every every week I find a new one. Oh yeah, sorry, sorry, sorry. I mean, I'm really dying.

Speaker 4:

I play my video games.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's what's on the release schedule.

Speaker 4:

Oh I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I have you to play what?

Speaker 4:

Oh, one warfare three.

Speaker 2:

I guess next week Maybe we'll stream.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Dude, I've been getting all those nostalgia videos on.

Speaker 2:

Just not killing me. Yeah, yeah, actually makes me sad.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it really makes me sad. I got a lot of footage. Maybe I'll just go and watch it. Yeah, just I remember this.

Speaker 1:

I remember hating that game as well. Like I remember.

Speaker 4:

Like you were so mad at the start because you just weren't used to shooters. Yeah, I just sucked at it, yeah, but then, like yeah, by the end you were like hmm rebirth island baby yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh God yeah.

Speaker 4:

I remember you guys complaining about the dance, but then, like after it left you're like man, I missed the dance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. I feel like if I went back there I'd be so much better at it. I'd be pretty far what else though?

Speaker 4:

Um, why still always going to get my dailies in on Genshin? Yeah, gacha baby, the old gacha waifu collector, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I saw you playing a honky star rail.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, because it uh, they released it on PS five.

Speaker 1:

So it's way easier, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

And be like look into it and cool. Maybe I'll play this again.

Speaker 1:

My favorite PlayStation update of all time is that it integrated to discord and now I can spy on whatever you're playing. It's so annoying. I like the message in our group and I'm like you're going to join us tonight or are you still too busy playing obscure PlayStation one?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm just like, I'm just like, oh, legend of Dragoon, fuck, yeah, you know what. I'm going to jump into that again and play from the start.

Speaker 1:

I actually know what that is.

Speaker 4:

Um, if anyone doesn't know what that is?

Speaker 1:

it's basically like bootleg final fantasy seven. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, it is similar time, similar character, not in a bad way, but no, no, it's solid.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely one of those ones that like stood out. Um, yeah, yeah, I was watching um this video on TikTok and it was a. It's these guys and they they try to guess like the top 10, um games on like consoles over periods, um, but it's based on Metacritic, so it's like uh so it's yeah, so it's not like sales or anything like that. Um, and they were doing one for PlayStation and final fantasy. Seven and 10 were not on there and I was like that makes no sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not even on.

Speaker 4:

Metacritic but final fantasy.

Speaker 1:

six was so six.

Speaker 4:

I've always heard good things about it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Six has a good rep. Seven is highly regarded as the best one ever, but 10, I would say there is a sect of people like myself that preferred 10. Look, 10 was good. Yeah, everyone says 10's good, but like people do say seven is better because they're right, seven didn't have Blitzball. Uh, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 4:

Like look when those mini games started coming in, like I mean, you know, the golden source is fun at all, but like Blitzball is fucking phenomenal. Yeah, I can't even. That's why that game is so cool.

Speaker 1:

They should release Blitzball as a standalone, like it should be picked up by EA, and they should release Blitzball like by the year You're 2k, blitzball 2k 23.

Speaker 4:

Like yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was fucking sick. It was basically for you guys. Um, if you probably didn't play it, but um, this presumptuous I'll be. Um, but it's, it was a, it was a sphere. And it was basically uh you would swim in it and it was soccer rules in a sphere, um, and it was fucking sick. It was just basically underwater soccer, cool yeah.

Speaker 4:

It was fucking rad, it was mad. It was very well done. Um, what was it? No, I lost it. Lost it. Yeah, I, I, I ruined your chain of thought All right.

Speaker 1:

So each week I've been bringing in a new AI.

Speaker 4:

Oh fuck.

Speaker 1:

I got a new one. It's a muse song. Does anyone remember muse here? We go yeah man Fuck off Muse.

Speaker 3:

Not how fat.

Speaker 1:

It's like this is kind of funny, yeah, oh my gosh.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, love this song though.

Speaker 1:

There's some uh, the video is like uh it's just like Homer on a stage and there's just bunch of like random characters around, like from every type of franchise. Yeah, I was thinking about the Simpsons recently and I was watching like some like cool, like good era ones, like season sort of seven-ish kind of region, and I was like, wow, these characters have like such uh, what's, what's it? What I'm looking for? They're so much more interesting than they are now, like the. The episode that I was watching was like it was a very old one actually. It wasn't season seven, it was when they go to marriage counseling and Homer brings his fishing gear so that he can catch the legendary fish at the lake.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, and just like how selfish that is, like he he actively hid it from Marge. It was such like a fucking marriage ending thing to do and I'm just like now it's like too goofy, almost Like he just does like something so outlandish, but that's like an emotionally eliciting like you cringe that he did that because of how bad of a thing that is to do for his relationship at the time.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the anniversary gift of the bowling ball.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like you have.

Speaker 4:

Homer's finger size or whatever. Yup, yup, yup.

Speaker 1:

Yup, and she gets lessons and she wants to cheat on home. Well, she doesn't actually.

Speaker 4:

It's just like she just likes being romance because he doesn't do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, really, those are the things that you don't like get from new episodes. The new episodes is just kind of very family guy. Yeah, Um yeah.

Speaker 4:

I haven't, I haven't dead watch any last 10 season. Yeah, just for, I just assumed I'd be disappointed. Yeah, I was like no.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's rather not, let's not rule much out. It was one night when we got back in Venice where, some reason, the apartment we stayed in Dave and I only had Austrian TV. Okay, in Italy.

Speaker 1:

We were in Italy.

Speaker 3:

Venice, but for some reason I don't know the way this satellite worked was only Austrian TV, but there was like a comedy channel which was in English and they'll play in Futurama for like five episodes back. Oh God, no, it was also right then today I'm like, well, this sound right.

Speaker 1:

I like Futurama more than the Simpsons.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, I know a lot of people that do.

Speaker 1:

Actually, yeah, yeah, name them oh.

Speaker 2:

Mac comes, shout out to Mac comps. Yeah yep, pretty sure he likes them all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think, like, I Think my sister like Simpsons more, but my sister has a full Futurama sleeve.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just like one of those.

Speaker 3:

I remember that from what you worked at chatty. I was gonna go into more explanation. When you say she has a Futurama sleeve, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Kind of like a sleep it's a bang a slave, though it's real good. I'm looking quietly jealous of it. Sweet it's because it's fucking, it's done really well to Actually went to the tattoo shop. It was really popular when we were younger. What was that fucking one that everyone said was the best one when we were young?

Speaker 1:

I Can't fucking remember what it was called, but I went there and they were so rude to me like I walked in and I like I had a lot of tattoos at that stage, like probably about as much as I've Now because I haven't gotten many over the last 10 years. But I was effectively just walked in there just to like get a consult and and they were kind of rude to me and I was like not feeling the vibe. So I was like I was literally like at the desk and they were like you know, basically being like oh, you know, who do you want? Like what are you? And I was like you know what? I'm good, I'm fine. And the person was like what? And I was like and I was like you guys slowly back and go away.

Speaker 2:

What's your?

Speaker 1:

there was a really fucking pop. You asked me a suburb, do you know me? Maybe like in the Richmond area?

Speaker 2:

Would you know if you heard it or if you said the name dynamic?

Speaker 1:

No, it wasn't that. No, we're gonna name it If I think of it. It'll come to me later I'll say it it's. It's irrelevant for the story. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I feel like they were. They were like that back then, though. Yeah, a lot of the tattoo shops.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's a lot more competition now. Yeah, I feel like people, I feel like a. The equipment's gotten better and the inks gotten better, so they so a lot of people are able to actually do decent tattoos, even if they haven't been doing it for a long time. Yeah, and Apprentices aren't like what they used to be. Apprentices used to be shit kickers, but now apprentices are like actually getting real life experience, like very, very quick, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And they're becoming quite good, quite quick you know, I mean I got like four or five tattoos from an apprentice, yeah, this past year. Yeah, they're fucking great. Yeah, well, we'll see.

Speaker 2:

I'm coming said. Victims of ink victims of ink.

Speaker 1:

victims of ink? No, it wasn't them.

Speaker 3:

It wasn't that they've been around long enough, cam.

Speaker 1:

No, it was a long time ago. Yeah, it was like like maybe 10 to the 15 Region. My life is so long now that I can't remember. I'm almost 40. Um, so, which means you're almost 40. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're same age, that's right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I remember quite, we got a couple more years to go.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yeah, yeah, two more years, right, yeah, we're 38. I believe we've turned 38 this year.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm, who's the youngest, jamie, how old?

Speaker 1:

are you Jamie youngest? Yeah, yeah, after Italy goes.

Speaker 4:

And he's thinking about it for way longer than we did. Yeah, you guys can't remember how old you are 35.

Speaker 3:

Fuck, you got your best use of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm 36 next year. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, you're born.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure this is all great for radio.

Speaker 3:

And look, we literally talk about dicks. For 70% of this, I've got another video it is.

Speaker 1:

It is teens react to limp biscuit. So you guys won't be able to see the video, so I'll basically explain what they look like. But they're younger teens, very fashionable I want to say 16 age range kind of thing and None of them have any idea who limp biscuit are like. They're young enough that they've got zero idea who limp biscuit are and the Reactions are like I just want to play this video for you because, like their reactions are so interesting and there's one girl that is fucking Into it, like she's hearing it and she's having a musical awakening. Like never heard anything like it and she's she's God. It's hard to explain like how into it she is. It's like it's like it's yeah, it's a spiritual awakening for her. So basically, there's like a couple of guys. One of them looks like super, super fashionable, like wavy hair, longer, longer earrings. One of them is like a regular ass fucking to ring girl and then probably has rocks in her bedroom.

Speaker 4:

You know what I mean. Stumbled across them trying to figure out what, like how, dvd players work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah what?

Speaker 4:

what you do with like a Nintendo.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a mess, yeah, it's like that kind of. Reach that stage now and then, and then the girl who's super into it. She's just like black girl, long, long braids, just like you can tell, like she's just ready to accept Anything that comes her way, kind of thing. So I think because she went in with an open mind. Anyway, I'll just play it. Yeah right, yeah, let's go.

Speaker 4:

Got a background limp biscuit, a biscuit with the lintel. Is that like a weird outfit?

Speaker 3:

No, Probably like a cracker.

Speaker 1:

That's the basic one artist or band name. That's the fashionable one.

Speaker 4:

No, we're gonna do a deep dive into the late 90s, early 2000 probably only play like half of this.

Speaker 1:

Just want you to hear the.

Speaker 3:

Metal mm-hmm. Okay, see cuz I don't listen to it a lot, but I like it.

Speaker 2:

It makes me it like. It brings out the confidence me. I will probably know about this video.

Speaker 1:

I'll become a fan. Heavy music does bring out confidence. Is this like a well-known band?

Speaker 4:

Oh my god, that's brutal. Oh, is that Snoop.

Speaker 1:

Dogg, why are they screaming at me? Oh my god, I like this, I like it that. M&m.

Speaker 3:

M&M was in the video clip. Oh, was it yeah.

Speaker 1:

M&M and Snoop Dogg were in the video.

Speaker 3:

Oh, actually they were. Yes, right then, woo, I thought he was referring to his voice, it feels like they're on something that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

I like it. I'm not opposed to it. Oh yeah, she loves it.

Speaker 4:

You know he's a bad boy cuz his hat's backwards, oh fuck that's amazing.

Speaker 1:

That's some aggressive music like. That's the type of music you listen to Before you're about to go to the skate park, yeah, and then they play Faith, and I don't really like that version of Faith.

Speaker 4:

So I'm just gonna stop it there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but yeah, it's just it's really interesting to see someone in that age range like hearing limp biscuit for the first time and just going Wild about it, because I think like when. I think like back to when chocolate starfish got released how fucking Into it I was, I loved it. And it's also interesting to see that Like two, like three out of four of those kids were like this is like the heaviest music I've heard and I'm just like what. There's some heavy shit out there.

Speaker 2:

Can you remember the last time you felt that way about when you heard like a band or a song or an artist for the first time when you were so fucking into it? They were just like, oh my god.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yeah, go ahead oh uh, fuck, I can't remember the name or anything. It was pretty recently it was just a random uh like symphonic metal, sort of.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, fucking track, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I don't know, it just vibed. I think I was out walking at the time and I was just fucking hyped.

Speaker 2:

I was like I could walk forever.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, it was a couple months back, yeah, yeah, right, I can't say you can go to the skate park, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, spotify did me good. I was just like I want to listen to songs like these songs. I like, yeah, just hit me with like bands I'd never heard of.

Speaker 1:

but I was like this is exactly what I want.

Speaker 4:

That's right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you'd probably like Babymetal actually. I don't know if. I'd do it to them. Yeah, okay, there you go, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Like I don't know, the Scoot Art days.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Just around that era.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, I used to watch like a SPS Pop Asia.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I see like a Mino Eclipse as well. I was like this is fantastic. What is?

Speaker 4:

this? Yeah, yeah, I'm listening to the music. Get the fuck out of here.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, I didn't know what to do with it anymore.

Speaker 2:

It was kind of annoying me. I actually kind of appreciate that.

Speaker 3:

Corvus said sleep token.

Speaker 1:

Sleep token? No shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sleep token yeah, I have.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I have not.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're pretty rad. You might like them. I've got. I've got.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you probably would actually. Yeah, I think you were in Corvus Mirror. Yeah, a lot of similarity in like the heavy music you like I have had a few. I had a lot of like like depresso bands that like really fucking hit me when I was young, as cities burn always be special to my heart.

Speaker 3:

Love them.

Speaker 1:

But I definitely remember very vividly the first time I heard the Ghost Inside and I was in. I was in a car and I'd never heard them before and the other guys in my band which was House first hurricane at the time they were like oh yeah, let's. Yeah, liam hasn't heard this. Put it on. And it was the first track and it fucking the moment it started I was like this is the best.

Speaker 2:

Fury in the fallen ones. Fury in the fallen, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I was like this is the best music I've ever heard and, to this date, I would put them on the. I'd put them on the podium. I think they're. They're on the podium, yeah.

Speaker 4:

You have literally said that before, like 100%.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he ain't lying, yeah, they are like a pinnacle of what like hardcore songwriting can be. It's not even like their skill that like comes out. It's just the like that album very specifically as well. Like they've made much, much more evolved albums and many good albums, but nothing is better than Fury in the fallen ones.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that album is fucking awesome. I remember the first time I heard that one as well, I'm just like this, is it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, that that fucks the second it starts. It's like you put it on and you need to check that your volume is down before, because it it starts on a hit, it's just like straight in your face Very relentless. Yeah, love it.

Speaker 2:

You know what I came across? Actually, there's a video for them playing at the castle, do you remember?

Speaker 3:

that no.

Speaker 2:

It's on, it's still on YouTube. Fuck. And there's like we all jump up on stage and shit, and it's like Fuck it, it's a castle. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

This was, and I remember they played. I think this is the first time they came out and they played like four or five shows. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I went to every single one of them and they were all like small, like they played at the art house. They played at the castle, yeah, because they were like seafood or something like that. They weren't like huge yet.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I mean, and as far as hardcore goes, they were never like the hugest, like that would come and they would play like a show with Parkway but Parkway would obviously headline. Yeah, you know like shit like that. But yeah, they were like super, super special to me. Yeah, definitely. I remember listening to Circus survive for the first time ever and I just didn't realize that you could write music like that. And it was like very like soul opening for me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like listening to music like that. That was like not quite emo, it's definitely not hardcore and it's like experimental. In a way, it's broadened my horizon and made me able to listen to other genres of music, because it just like opened up a segment in my mind where I was like, ok, I don't have to only listen to heavy music, I can listen to other stuff as well. Yeah, yeah, definitely.

Speaker 4:

Fuck yeah, If anyone's curious, it was a one more flag in the ground by Camelot. Oh yeah, oh you've shown me that song.

Speaker 1:

I probably yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, all about it a couple of months ago.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, how about you?

Speaker 4:

Jamie, it definitely leans into my like fantasy esque.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. I was like yeah, yeah, yeah. It like crosses over the music into yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

The fantasy world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, jamie, it's OK. If it's a country song, I won't make funny yeah you will Sounds like a country song. Ok Now.

Speaker 3:

I've done it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Fuck, I don't know. There's lots of music that kind of like I enjoy a lot when I first listen. What do I point? What's one I can point out?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. You got one in the chamber G.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's a couple of artists. They're all obscure hip hop artists.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, definitely not fucking Pearl Jam.

Speaker 2:

No fucking way. Every time I listen to the Bill Simmons podcast, he has Pearl Jam as his intro and I'm like fucking skip it straight away.

Speaker 3:

It's like in first Pearl Jam.

Speaker 2:

I'm like Nope I don't yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I don't know what I want.

Speaker 3:

I literally think of G every time Pearl Jam is ever mentioned. Yeah Fuck, can't stand it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, artists for me was like Odyssey.

Speaker 3:

Hippobitus from the States.

Speaker 2:

First time I heard him I'm like who the fuck is this guy? And I need to hear and buy every single thing of his ever Yep, yeah, yeah. Odyssey the doppelgangers was another one. Yep, he's not both like. They both produced their own music as well and also did the rap against them.

Speaker 2:

So, they did the whole package and they filmed all their clips. They did everything themselves. I'm like this is fucking unreal. I just really respected that and the music was amazing. So I'm like, yeah, that was one of the two for me where I'm just like holy shit. But there was bands like Ghost Inside. When I was younger Listening to the heavier bands and stuff like that Parkway, like listening to the fucking Killing With the Smile, that album.

Speaker 1:

That was big for a lot of people, it wasn't for me. Huge, huge for me.

Speaker 2:

It's like holy fuck, what do you see?

Speaker 1:

It's like blasphemy for me to be an Australian and not really be into Parkway, being that I was like in the heavy music scene.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just like I never really resonated with them. Yeah, that's the end of that explanation.

Speaker 4:

So the characters go up and down the arm. It's a sleeve.

Speaker 1:

I have an answer now.

Speaker 3:

I reckon it would have been Arctic Monkeys.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That's pretty valid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, their first album, now that we're going into that, which album? Yeah, the first one. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I really rated that. I was really into like that Brit Rock at the time, though, like I was listening to Klaxons Yep Cooke switcher like Soft Rock really.

Speaker 1:

They're fucking, they're in there.

Speaker 3:

I would lump them into your car, so yeah so like I was kind of that kind of error was probably when I really like played those albums from start to finish Genre wise, for me it was Strokes.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, strokes were like real big for me when I fucking love the Strokes.

Speaker 3:

They kind of came with that, because then I listened to Razorlight, which were also like that error Comes with it. So Strokes, yeah, yeah, the Wallabies, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The Wombats, the Wombats, the Wallabies, the Wallabies.

Speaker 3:

That's the yeah. Fuck, Wombats are rad. Wombats is another one. Yeah, Really fucking good.

Speaker 1:

I saw them when they came through with their first album, which is the only one I've really given time a day to. Yeah, but yeah, that was a really good album though. Very good, and then that bred into like Interpol and then, like I was, really into Interpol and Blockparty.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Blockparty yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I remember listening to Blockparty for the first time and I had been drumming for like a number of years at that stage and I was like this guy can play the drums.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they got a new drummer. You know that Did they. Yeah, they got a new one recently because my mate messaged me literally yesterday about Blockparty, because they were doing, obviously, because they had about to tour Yep. They were just yeah, yeah, they were showing like videos of the new drummer and it's a she and she's fucking awesome. I don't know how I feel about that. Yeah, I know.

Speaker 2:

I thought so.

Speaker 3:

I didn't want to say it to you, but you know here we are.

Speaker 1:

As long as I replace the singer, it's fine. That singer is like he's good man.

Speaker 3:

I like him, kelly. Yeah, I'm down with him. Yeah, he's fucking rad, but yeah, they're fucking rad too. Yeah, that whole kind of scene.

Speaker 2:

I was into the White Stripes for a while there too. Oh yeah, yeah, it also fell short for me. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It didn't really. I listen to them now and I feel like I get it more now but, back then I was a bit closed-minded about it and I wasn't really into them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now when I listen to them I'm like Jack White's a fucking genius. But back then I was like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's because Meg White wasn't a good drummer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because you had a fibar drum here. Well, you know, no, I'm actually not like that at all. We played a show in Fertree Gully and one of the bands had a female drummer and I was like that was kind of hard. Good drum, I'm not looking, but I'm looking, dude. The other one I've had a lot of major awakenings, I would say, with music where it's just like deeply enveloped itself into my psyche, but one that is continued and is a podium finisher is the Midnight. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, my first exposure to Retrowave.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, christie has said, we all forgot about.

Speaker 1:

Fibre Theory, dude, yeah, fibre.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

The question was when was the last time? If we're just talking about fucking epic, fucking albums, then yeah, obviously, thank you.

Speaker 3:

Christie. Anyone listen to Collision Course? No Jay-Z Lincoln Park. No Colab, Because I didn't like rap when I was younger. You would have Jamie.

Speaker 1:

But I very much was dude. I reckon if I could like lay out a string of how long I've listened to an artist, for I still think Lincoln Park would be the longest string, because Hybrid Theory did not stop spinning. It was just I would like I would every waking minute that I didn't have to hear another person. I would be listening to Hybrid Theory Like I was obsessed. I it's like that's a really good call out because I was like I had a discman and it said it was anti-skip but it wasn't.

Speaker 4:

No, it was bullshit, yeah, bullshit.

Speaker 2:

So I couldn't have it in my bag or my pocket.

Speaker 1:

Anti-skip if you sit fucking still. I had to walk to school like I was serving a plate so that I could fucking listen to this. I would just walk into school or ride my bike and I just have like one hand, like this.

Speaker 2:

Just fucking ask Jeeves over here Shit.

Speaker 3:

Corvus, look at it and it fucking skipped here.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly yeah if you tried like you're like dead upright and it's just like you hear this scraping sound. Yeah, you're like no, no, I can't, I can't do it.

Speaker 1:

It was the opposite of my PlayStation, which I had to prop up on books so it would play games after a while. If it was sitting flat it wouldn't work, so I had, to like, prop it up on some books, so it was kind of sideways that worked.

Speaker 3:

I don't know why it's so weird. I think that's funny. I remember having to use Blue Tack in my PS1 to hold the fucking seat. Yeah, that's weird.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no shit.

Speaker 3:

Put your shit together.

Speaker 1:

PlayStation, what have they done for us Lader's?

Speaker 4:

horrified, I'm horrified, I'm like oh, you put Blue Tack inside your console. I'm like please no.

Speaker 1:

It worked All right, cool cool sweet. I get this guy on my ticker.

Speaker 4:

Can I get that game? I lent you back real quick. I do it now.

Speaker 3:

Listen the jamming.

Speaker 1:

Blue Tack. Oh, that's a good one, dude. Andrew like going to out you right now. Andrew buys physical games.

Speaker 4:

Still, like you, only buy physical right and I buy some DLC like downloadable, I don't know Ether copies, let's say major release.

Speaker 1:

If it's a major release, I definitely prefer to have a physical copy.

Speaker 4:

You get the physical, I mean on games where, like, the online servers will eventually turn off. I mean it doesn't matter, I suppose but like.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 4:

I just don't. It's all right, but I was never into like Steam collections and stuff either. I just like yeah, yeah yeah. I just like having my physical media. Yeah, I'm with that, with games too, and especially like a lot of games are like oh, we're closing down the servers and like turning off the online shop. And I'm like well, I still want to play that old games.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or I might want to play it, you know, yeah, I'd be fucked if I didn't have a copy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we spoke about this on a couple episodes ago around like the whole physical media thing, no, no no, no, I got an idiot.

Speaker 2:

And that's it, guys. Thanks for tuning in. See episode's done.

Speaker 3:

No, I was just saying like I was actually thinking about this even when I was overseas, because there's a couple of record stores and like they're selling like cassettes and stuff like that as well, and I was like I don't know, like the physical media thing is very relevant and Pete Davidson was on a show recently and he was saying how he spent like a stupid amount on physical VHS tapes because he went through this whole thing of well, vinyl had a revival Right.

Speaker 4:

So why wouldn't?

Speaker 3:

VHS eventually.

Speaker 1:

So he spent something like 50,000 dollars on buying sealed.

Speaker 3:

VHS tapes.

Speaker 1:

Dude, there is roughly, I would estimate, 5% of record collectors that are actually putting those things in a player and letting it spin. Those things will be sitting in like collectors cases.

Speaker 2:

Like your comic books, sorry.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, foxy hates when you buy a game and then it just has a DLC code inside.

Speaker 2:

Where's my physical medium that I just bought?

Speaker 4:

And like you buy the collectors edition or something, it has a DLC code and you're like that is unacceptable. There's like a steel book case in here. Where's the disc to put?

Speaker 3:

it. Yeah, blue Foxy, digital copies should be cheaper than physical, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, this was pointed out recently, so that's a Nintendo.

Speaker 3:

No, it's a $10. Axe sale Bullshit.

Speaker 4:

online Nintendo just doesn't do discounts on their franchise games. Yeah, the problem is to be competitive, like the PlayStation store or whatever. Like you'll pay $120 for a new game and if you just go to the shop you'll pay 90.

Speaker 2:

Like yeah, like it's shouldn't?

Speaker 4:

it's so expensive? I'm like, no, I'll just go buy the game. I'll get it on sale at launch.

Speaker 1:

It was actually pointed out to me recently that games are cheaper when you buy the physical version than it is if you buy it digital, which makes like absolutely zero sense to me.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't know, it doesn't not make any sense.

Speaker 1:

The only thing that I could think of as to why it would cost more is because, like the distribution transfer, there's like fees involved in like they need to make a profit margin on what they buy it off this person then to the next person thing. But if you buy it directly from a shop, you're just buying it effectively directly from PlayStation to the retail outlet, so there's less hands transferring in that transaction. So, like I well, I guess I just talked it through I do understand why it costs more.

Speaker 1:

It shouldn't, because there's less material involved.

Speaker 4:

The only real time I'll do it is if it's something obscure and hard to get my hands on Yep or if it's like sales, usually, like you know, playstation store, or 80% off, sweet yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'll buy that game for $20.

Speaker 4:

But, like sweet, I always wanted to play that game $20.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll pay $20. Yeah, but Nintendo, how confident are they in their franchise games that they literally do not depreciate in value? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's not fucking.

Speaker 1:

You can't even buy Mario Kart, which was a release title, for less than its full retail. Yeah, a release port from the last fucking month. Hey, you can get two items now.

Speaker 4:

The amount of times people like, oh, you're gonna like, oh, why don't you have that game? I'm like, well, because I already have that game. Like this game is really cool. I'm like, yeah, it was really cool five years ago when I played it on the last generation fucking casual Dude.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I thought I fought for that trap all the time, though I'm like some of them are worth getting again. Yeah, I'm one of those dudes who has like every version of Skyrim, because I'm just like yeah.

Speaker 4:

Skyrim I have. I have purchased more copies of Skyrim than any other game and it's mostly your fault and it's so annoying.

Speaker 1:

Remember when I made you buy it so we could get that mod to play multiplayer. That we never did. Yeah, yeah, I'm like oh cool, you know how the mods are, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I've sort of looked at it before All right, sweet, let's do that. Yeah, that's $50 gone. Yeah, I like, yeah it has to be on Steam, fuck. All right, I guess I'll do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if anyone, if anyone has ever used Nexus mods.

Speaker 4:

It's difficult Like yeah, that's totally fair. It's kind of annoying why we didn't do it. I was just like, ah, I bought that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

We'll do it.

Speaker 1:

We will do it. Maybe we can do that at Christmas. Oh yeah, let's talk about this. So, christmas break, what's our next obsession going to be? That our wives are all going to tell us we have to go to bed earlier. For when we discovered GTA online, let me tell you that it was at a time where we were all off work for Christmas, so we had like a two weeks spread there, basically, and we did not go to bed before three to four AM every single night.

Speaker 2:

We and I'm not exaggerating, I'm like, I'm talking like yeah.

Speaker 4:

I'm so excited when we finally came across that brand new game.

Speaker 2:

You're the only good after 10 years.

Speaker 1:

So what's that game going to be for us this year? I don't know what. What are?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I hear that's going to have multiplayer I was about to say. What are some other 10 year old games?

Speaker 1:

What other games has Andrew put an astounding amount of time in on the PS5 that he'll have to rebuy for a computer so that he can play with us.

Speaker 4:

I pretty much swore I'd never give them any more buddy.

Speaker 2:

Hey, there was Red Dead Redemption 2 on online, that's true.

Speaker 1:

We could do Red Dead online, but I don't think it's like. I don't think it has the same vibe as GTA Online.

Speaker 2:

I think they've shut the servers.

Speaker 1:

They're not doing the updates.

Speaker 4:

They definitely didn't bother continuing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 1:

They stopped doing updates and stuff like that I told you we could play VR chat. That'd be funny. That's a no.

Speaker 4:

I just looked down and saw Foxy is like. Sadly, red Dead Redemption 2 never finished its co-op campaign.

Speaker 1:

Actually, yeah, Foxy played a bunch of online with these friends. I watched a handful of those streams.

Speaker 4:

They never finished the campaign.

Speaker 1:

That's upsetting. That's right. They announced GTA 6.

Speaker 4:

Dude, I remember. Yeah, no, because I'm Foxy on a PlayStation Network. I just randomly joined his Red Dead server one night, 4am in the morning for me, and I'm like just like just rock up next to him on a horse. It does the quick double takes like oh fuck.

Speaker 1:

Are you specced out in Red Dead the same way you are in GTA? Yeah, yeah, you're pretty fleshed out.

Speaker 4:

I would have been like I don't think there was much to flesh out. Oh no, not as deeply Like. I had you know, I had a rifle, I had some pistols, but then like I log in one day and someone's firing exploding arrows at me or some shit, oh right, yeah, that was pretty weird, but still had my sniper rifle.

Speaker 3:

So bang headshot. Stop that. You know we could play. Is it Tiny Teeners?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. Yeah, we've talked about this.

Speaker 4:

I don't know why you guys didn't enjoy that Neither do I no, I don't think.

Speaker 1:

I had no idea, Didn't we?

Speaker 3:

come to the conclusion that we didn't not enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

We just I don't know why I didn't enjoy it. Yeah, because I like Borderlands it seemed like you should have.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we just like oh, I guess we're never going to play that again.

Speaker 1:

I like Borderlands. We played D&D.

Speaker 2:

I think there was not enough time in between the games you played.

Speaker 4:

Borderlands and jumped in. Yeah, I don't know, I mean it's Borderlands. Sometimes I get it, I get it.

Speaker 1:

I'd be. I'd be more interested in playing Borderlands 3 than playing Tiny Teeners. There's DLCs. We have a plate of Borderlands 3.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Did you and I do a few DLCs. I'm just playing Gasolina by a chicken, sweet, why not? It's a brief intermission. We should run and add yeah, what are you saying, jamie? It's like come on, jamie, chop, chop. Something about Tiny Teeners.

Speaker 3:

No, we played some DLCs, didn't we Did? We do some DLCs. We did play some of the Borderlands. Yeah, we thought so we played a couple of them.

Speaker 4:

There was probably like five, we would have done like two out of five. Yeah feels better, there's more, there's more.

Speaker 1:

We had to wait a time for that. Yeah, they were always fun, maybe we stream it.

Speaker 4:

We're never going to play it again.

Speaker 3:

Are we going to go again?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, like interestingly, like we could talk about that. We haven't talked about that much. I mean, we talked to like some of our friends about it, but the whole streaming, the gaming thing kind of lost its luster for some reason. For me it kind of like took out my, my immersion, my guess you could say like I didn't want to play single player games on it because I was like I wanted to like really give all of my attention to the game. But also it kind of became like a, like a job. And it's sad because, like we did really enjoy, you know, like obviously streaming and like hanging out with like the people that we built.

Speaker 4:

I fucking love hanging out and interacting with you guys, but, yeah, same thing though I was like, this is my like one player game. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 4:

I have the.

Speaker 1:

I have the inkling too.

Speaker 4:

I really I'm set up to maybe a couple of special events Maybe some foreplayer, just fun stuff.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we could do some foreplay stuff yeah.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of what's that Don't push the button. Game we played.

Speaker 4:

Oh my God, did we? Did anyone see any of that?

Speaker 2:

I re. I rewatched that last night. I remember what it was called. It was the one where we had to jump. Oh Pico Park.

Speaker 4:

Pico Park yeah, did we release that. Yeah, we did we did.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's on YouTube. It's on YouTube. Yeah, that was funny.

Speaker 4:

That was fucking hilarious.

Speaker 3:

That was funny.

Speaker 1:

It's hard for me to find good times to do it because, um, yeah, because, like, obviously with the kid and stuff like that. Like, yeah, I got another video and I don't know why I saved as a favorite, so let's just play it and see what happens. That's gonna be good oh that's why, yeah, oh my God what the mashup.

Speaker 3:

Actually I think I was gonna make a video with this, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna like cut the audio. Yeah, I mean technically, you are. I was going through all of our old YouTube videos last night and some of the editing was fucking hilarious.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Like some of the yeah some of the shit you cut together that was like just random meme trash.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, on the wall, so in videos.

Speaker 4:

In the end, you were just like confluted.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like clips with sound overlays. Oh dude, I should have saved the raw footage, because I've fucking bastardized our footage by putting just trash over the top of it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's so funny though. Yeah, I was watching um Neo play rebirth violence, and I'm like oh fuck, I missed this game and I'm like I'm gonna go watch some of our old videos and I'll was like going through our YouTube and watching some of our old clips, Fucking great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, good shit, man. Yeah, honestly, why aren't we famous? Probably because we don't have anyone to like. Give us a leg up, which we're thinking of working on, by the way.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Um, so there's a, there's someone that we've had on the podcast before, to which guys might not have heard it, but, um, he's named Danny and he's uh and uh, how would you, how would you explain? He's just like a force in business, Like he, just he basically absorbs how to integrate himself into a um, into a market, and then attacks it head on and it's just like, because it's his absolute passion, he's so good at it. Um, obviously, like there's a lot there, but he wants to be involved in podcasting and we really enjoy him and, um, you know, he enjoys our company.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we're thinking of, you know, putting together maybe some sort of partnership with him where we get him on and he'll be like a very regular, um kind of guest as well. So a bit of change of scenery, um, and he knows like some really interesting people, so it'll be good to get them on and have them talk about stuff that isn't dicks and farting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or GTA yeah.

Speaker 3:

The only thing we do with our lives. Yeah, I mean, we might still talk about that a bit. Yeah, some of the guests, if appropriate and now set up tonight.

Speaker 4:

Come on, Jamie. Everyone loves talking about dicks and our setup tonight is pretty, uh, grassroots.

Speaker 1:

Um, we, we literally cobbled this together today. Um, jamie, on a whim, coming back from Italy, um, and thinking of ways that he could again not help with rearing his children, um, I got home and I was like how can I get out of this house as?

Speaker 3:

quickly as feasible.

Speaker 4:

Uh, and here I am. He was still in Italy, yeah.

Speaker 1:

He was just like we're going to go live the next session. I'm actually pretty sure I was on the plane Wifi.

Speaker 3:

When I messaged you guys, I hadn't even hit ground yet and I was like boys session this Thursday it's happening, so he's like we're doing it. And which means that now we know how to do it.

Speaker 1:

Um, I can also put some bells and whistles in. I mean, we've got some really. We've got some really generic like alerts for things that we're going to do. Um, but all the sound alerts we have to pull out, because obviously this is a like a talking format thing. So having like the fucking sound alerts coming on and us having to like stop for them is a bit like yeah, yeah, Kind of derail.

Speaker 4:

We can't hear them, so we just be talking. Yeah, we can't hear them yet, maybe next time. We're working on that, yeah, we're working on that, um, but you know, um, I'm working on like a lot of stuff.

Speaker 1:

I'm working on like intro, outro, um, just like some like bells and whistles to turn this into something that's a little bit more TV showy. Um, you know, maybe, like maybe we can get another like camera, sort of going things like that. Um, maybe get the fuck rid of that MacBook because I don't know how to use it. Um, before we went live, I was like trying to set up OBS and I was just like I don't even know how to like like I'm trying to right click things and I can't even figure that out.

Speaker 1:

I could hear his blood boiling from. Yeah, I was like I will be getting the fuck out of this.

Speaker 2:

Um, I'm going to be getting the fuck out of this. I'm going to be getting the fuck out of this.

Speaker 3:

I was like I will be getting a gaming PC laptop. Sorry At some point, and that'll make me much happier yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean like we don't have to, but it'll be, uh, it'll be fantastic.

Speaker 3:

You got something that windows on it, yeah, but yeah, for those of you that do want to, either listen back, or, if you've tuned in or out or anything like that, this will obviously be the podcast as well. That will go going to rip the audio straight off this bad boy and straight onto Spotify and everywhere else, and I think we'll. We just put this recording on YouTube, may as well. Why the fuck not?

Speaker 4:

Um, so yeah, yeah, someone will take care of that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, unfortunately no, kermit. Um, but like, if we do, if we do other stuff, we do like special events stuff Obviously we'll just turn it on because it won't matter so much. Um, if our attention's like divided on something else, but if we're like having conversational, like it doesn't kind of make sense to have, like those gaming streams.

Speaker 3:

Sure, yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Gaming didn't matter, unless Andrew was trying to clutch up.

Speaker 4:

But still gets my blood boiling. Yeah, I was going to say boy, could you?

Speaker 3:

make him angry real quick.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I was trying to hold it in and I was like shut the fuck up.

Speaker 1:

And you know you cue the frog song.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if we um what's that footage?

Speaker 4:

I look so sad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's good, though, and you know, if this, if this kind of subtraction and we do quite well on um, you know like getting growth um through using someone else to do that, daddy, I mean um, then you know I've got some other ideas I'd like to do. I'd love to do a player podcast as well, um, just like a pathfinder shit, d and D, um, the uninitiated that'd be really rad, um. But if I do that, I want to do it like. I want to do it fucking properly.

Speaker 1:

Um, I've got a couple of ideas One, uh hinged around Andrew's dad because he's a first edition player and I and he like does character voice stuff and role play stuff, and I was like, fuck, I want to interact with that, like, I want to. I want to, you know, really sort of get into that sort of like, uh, d and D, first edition Um. But I was also thinking of like making, uh, making it in such a way like a D and D first edition campaign. I was going to like go back and learn how to do it myself and then set it up so that when you did want to physically do things or stuff, you would have to physically do the things or stuff which is off the back of like stories.

Speaker 4:

Andrew told me stories.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I just think that that would be so funny. Um, just like all right, you want to hit that thing? Okay, I'm going to throw this apple and you have to swing that stick at it Like you know, like you know it's just shit like that.

Speaker 4:

It was so funny man, it was just like you could do anything you wanted If you proved it was possible. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Capable of that, yeah, so.

Speaker 3:

I like it.

Speaker 1:

It'd be like pretty much making my own game. That would be off the back of um. You know the rule set from the first edition D&D, which is possible because, like you, can just use GPT to do anything True.

Speaker 1:

And then they just have to physically set it up and we've got a space that we can use, which is rad we're in, versus now we seem to be able to use this for the indefinite future, um you know uh. But that in its own um right, we'll have its own uh benefits as well, because now we've got this space, but we also have a connection through the person who owns the business here and we can do merchants stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we are. We are working on merch um, which is cool, so very, very soon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, very soon.

Speaker 1:

So not not like you know, not kind of forcing it out, kind of we'll see how, like you know, what's the weather, whether or not there's growth, and then whether or not that's really what we want to do. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then I think, just to wrap up on everything as well, if anyone has podcast ideas or wants help doing podcasts, that is something we are definitely interested in as well. Yeah, like I think, if we can that's.

Speaker 1:

That's lofty. Yeah, we have a very lofty idea there.

Speaker 3:

Yes, but please let us know. It's potentially in the cards down the track, something else might come to fruition.

Speaker 1:

We'll see, yeah, where we can help um where we can help people like set up live streams and, you know, set up um merch stores and set up podcasts and things like that.

Speaker 2:

Like, we have like a as long as you don't have a MacBook.

Speaker 1:

The first. The first thing we do is take that MacBook and snap it over my knee.

Speaker 3:

If you have a MacBook, uh message may not leave. Yeah, and I will help you, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But stuff that uh, yeah, that's stuff that we would like we. We are interested in doing um as well for other people and helping them um sort of get their get their teeth wet in that sort of scenario as well, which is kind of you know.

Speaker 2:

I like that idea. Yep For show.

Speaker 3:

How long we've been going for you trying to wrap us up. Yeah, we're wrapped up. Okay, all right, all right yeah.

Speaker 1:

I could just go back to. I could go back to here Um, do we know if anyone's live? Can you guys check if anyone uh is live that we could raid to Like?

Speaker 4:

that's been all right. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, sign off. I want you guys to know that. Uh, you know we're back, you know this is it. We're back, baby, we missed you guys as well, and and we're going to be back reasonably regularly Um, not not any uh schedule as of yet. Um, because we basically have to work around each other's availability schedules. But definitely every couple of weeks, um, maybe maybe longer sessions as well, we might sort of do a podcast, go away for a bit and then come back and do another episode, like 30 minutes later, that kind of thing. Um, just so we can get some more stuff out. Or if we've got like the original miscast and then we, you know, segue into doing like an episode with Danny instead with someone else we can just knock them out on the same night.

Speaker 1:

Um, release those over a couple of week period, but yeah it's, it's been fucking rad being back. Um, thank you guys so much, uh for coming and saying hi live. Thank you anyone who was listening and yeah, well, hopefully see you guys soon.

Speaker 3:

Nope, peace out, peace out, guys, peace.