Miscy Business

Gaming Nostalgia, TikTok Trash & More Shower Thoughts

Miscellameous Season 1 Episode 10

Join us as we reminisce about our gaming-filled childhood, and let us take you through the delights and downsides of being obsessed with Baldur's Gate and GTA 5. We talk about the transition from console to PC gaming and needing to navigate relationships to fit in our gaming schedules. Remember, gaming is not just about the game, it's about the experience and the people you share it with.

If you're a beach lover, prepare yourself as Liam shares his gripes about sandy shores. If you ask him, it's not all sun, sea, and serenity. If anything it is far from it!

We talk more about our shower rituals and how we like to get the job done, do you face into the water or out? The boys share their preference to get your mind ticking.

So, tune in as we navigate gaming, culture, and life. It's a maze you'll enjoy getting lost in!

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Speaker 1:

I got a video that encapsulates what it's like to grow up as a bogeyman in Australia. Do you guys want to hear it? Yeah, I'll play for you. Found out TikTok. Okay, I'm going to turn my volume up. So are we winning? Yeah, go, go, go, lio.

Speaker 2:

Did you use my fucking car over the weekend?

Speaker 3:

Yes, you said that I was allowed when.

Speaker 1:

When did I say that?

Speaker 3:

Oh, you texted me the other day, that's you.

Speaker 4:

Yeah well, I didn't fucking mean it.

Speaker 2:

What the hell did I fucking mean? Stop you. Swear at me, you little cunt.

Speaker 4:

Alright, you're grounded. Why? Um, because?

Speaker 2:

I said so that's not fucking fair.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I tell you what's not fair. I fucking pay the bills, do the dishes, the cooking, the cleaning, put clothes on your back and you're on the fucking table, alright.

Speaker 2:

Don't play the dishes. I already did the dishes. Well, don't play the dishes, lio.

Speaker 1:

Lio. That's like as someone who grew up in a lower socioeconomic in Australia in the burbs. That is like bang on. These dudes do like so many of the exact same videos.

Speaker 4:

I recognize those.

Speaker 1:

I'll control my own volume. You can just keep it up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, james reluctant to do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I want to click on him so I can tell you who they are. So they are on TikTok. Name is Ben Christopher and Liam Dowling is tagged in it. But the fact that his name is Liam is just so fucking triggering for me. Every time a fucking comes up and I commented on it, so I keep getting notifications for this, so I keep getting like every fucking 30 seconds.

Speaker 2:

Lio, liam, liam, liam, oh holy shit Love it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're back at Versus. It's super fun. I like being here, except I've spent all of my time literally all of my time playing Baldur's Gate, so I have nothing to contribute unless it's about that. So, this just became a Baldur's Gate special.

Speaker 4:

I was going to say did anything else actually happen in the last three weeks? I'm not aware of it.

Speaker 3:

Who even knows? I didn't know you guys were alive.

Speaker 1:

No, I did, from those times when Liam would post telling Andrew to wake up, can you?

Speaker 3:

explain to our listeners that situation.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I've been like off work a couple of days here and there and Andrew is off work for like a full month. I've just been off work period.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I was like, fuck your Baldur's Gate's coming out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so his sleeping pattern has gone completely the other way. So he's up all night, sleep all day, and I'm with child, so I'm up all day, sleep all night. So I'm like sometimes I get like a free day and I don't normally have a free day, so I have to message Andrew. Well, I messaged our group because it's easier and I'm just like Andrew. Please, for the love of God.

Speaker 3:

It started off with hey man, tomorrow I've got a free day, so let's play some fucking games. And then didn't say no response.

Speaker 1:

I missed that one notification, like we kept talking about other stuff.

Speaker 4:

As far as like the video is about anime basketball and I was like, yeah, sweet, this is the last thing I missed. And then I went and I'm like, and then like in days it's like caps lock everything, tagging him about three times.

Speaker 3:

Andrew, for the love of God, please fucking set your alarm tomorrow morning so we can fucking play some games together. All caps wake up. But me and Jamie got in on it.

Speaker 4:

You make fun of me, but I'll be pretty good this week you got up early and I was like right.

Speaker 2:

I'll set an alarm. I'll treat it like a work day.

Speaker 4:

I'll get up really tired and I'll play games Like a work day.

Speaker 3:

Appreciate the dedication and honestly it's been a long time.

Speaker 1:

It's been since January, since I've been like this with the game as well, because in January, on almost the 10 years that the game had been out, we started playing GTA 5 online. We'd like I'd never played it. I know you guys had all played GTA before GTA 5, but I'd never actually played the story or anything. I'd never played online. Andrew's season vet already done it all and basically showed us all the ropes, but it hooked us so fucking hard. We were off work at the same time because it was over Christmas. It was perfect, it was pretty good.

Speaker 1:

So, we were like old school shit every night up to 3am, just like make it our way through the game, chill it out. And I looked at my Steam account and since January 2 today I've played and I've never played GTA 5 before. So this is an accurate number 657 hours, Holy shit. And I've never played the storyline. I've only ever played GTA online. It's because it's a great game it's.

Speaker 4:

they're both really good. If you ever like, want more GTA in your life. Gta 5 was excellent. Yeah, it's fantastic online. It's just like and a lot of people I talk to insane yeah.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people I talk to at work and stuff have played GTA, but they haven't actually played online.

Speaker 1:

It has its own story, it's not like, so it's evolved so much, and I think it is a bit different to how it was back in the day, because I feel like when my friends used to talk about it, like you know, seven, eight years ago, they were like oh, you log in, it's just chaos. It's just like shit's blowing up everywhere and everyone's just killing everyone. Yeah, and nowadays it's like there's some of that, but if you want it the public. Lobbies are pretty tame for the most part.

Speaker 4:

As long as you don't start shit. Yeah, you're okay generally, but you can make private lobbies anyway, which is what we do. We just open a private lobby.

Speaker 1:

We fucking you know, hot up our cars, drive them around in circles and just do shit. That earns money. Yeah, so much fun, it's great, great game. So Baldur's Gate, first game that I've done that again, and prior to that, the only other game that I'd done that with was Divinity, which was maybe the same people who made.

Speaker 4:

Baldur's Gate yeah.

Speaker 1:

So me and Andrew, andrew and I sorry we played into the morning at least every weekend for a good month and I was like I'm going to sit your wife down and be like right, I'm going to be out of action for a few days, like maybe a week.

Speaker 4:

And the same thing happened when I played.

Speaker 1:

GTA as well, Cause I was like I had to. I had to actually, like you know, you're in a partnership with someone you've got, you've had a kid with them.

Speaker 1:

You need to be like pretty upfront about it, but the game has been a lot to me and I had to quite literally sit her down and just be like look, I'm going through something right now and I need to like, I need to get this out of my system, and the only thing that really got me out of it was going back to work and even then like we still played.

Speaker 3:

We still played it nearly every night, every night, yeah, for months, for months.

Speaker 1:

And then it eventually dropped back to like basically three nights a week, which is what we're pretty in line with now, until Baldur's Gate came out.

Speaker 4:

And we're like sorry, do you will see you again soon, right? I haven't bought the game yet, cause I know it's going to be the same thing, I'm going to get stuck into it.

Speaker 3:

I'm like I'm not prepared for that yet.

Speaker 1:

I mean, like I hope you do, and we have our own campaign running. So even if you're not on as frequently as we are, cause I know obviously you're expecting you've been showing a bit.

Speaker 3:

I didn't want to say it, no, no that's just the fish and chips that I ate.

Speaker 1:

I feel that the fish and chip baby they give birth. Tomorrow morning I was going to spit take you Almost.

Speaker 4:

Oh shit, dude. Maybe it's been a lot of time, but it's great yeah.

Speaker 3:

So good, I'll jump on board eventually.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, there was another video.

Speaker 3:

I mean you guys, I know I say I'm a volume, oh, yeah, sure, you don't want me to move the volume.

Speaker 2:

All right, you're doing a great job of it so far.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's what you got for us.

Speaker 1:

No, I was going to ask actually because, being that I'm a seasoned gamer, I'm not saying like I'm better than anyone, or that.

Speaker 4:

Sounds like it.

Speaker 1:

I'm not like a high tier skilled game or anything like that, but I do play like the fuck out of some games. But that's actually a serious conversation I had to have with Christy was like you know, this ain't going away. Like you know, some of the shit that I'm into might go away, but this ain't going, it's going to be there and it's something that, like since I had a kid, I've had to really be smart about and I have to really directly communicate the fact that this is something that is actually important and does actually matter, because a lot of people in our generation still view games as, like you know, waste of time. You know blah, blah, this, and that you know I'll sit down, watch maths and then like pay out on you because you play Pokemon and you switch. You know what.

Speaker 2:

I mean yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So is that like, have you guys had this discussion or have you had this kind of thing with your partners? Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it's especially through COVID. Like that was rough. It was rough for everyone, obviously, yeah, but like all I wanted to do to, you know, not fucking be depressed, all the time was playing.

Speaker 1:

And it was really social because we were like, yeah, we would actually just leave our discord open with our cameras on all day.

Speaker 3:

All day. Yeah, and it's got you from home, or yeah.

Speaker 1:

And if someone wasn't there, you could see that they weren't there because their camera was still on. They just wanted their computer. Yeah, they might come back. You know, it was like it was like a hangout area. It was like it was like sitting around the table, like we are now right Totally.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that whole aspect of it was was a lifesaver for me during COVID Like you needed that. You needed to still feel somewhat fucking normal and speak, to speak to people on the reg, on the reg. But yeah it was. It was fucking rough, but that that was, and I think it's sort of carried through, but I just love playing games also.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that happened when warzone happened and like that was. That was like a big wave in the gaming community, golden era, yeah yeah, like mechanically brilliant game that ran like a bucket of shit most of the time, and but it was just one that, like 99% of people, were like into it at some stage.

Speaker 1:

It saved a lot of sanity, yeah, and it was just a. It was a really hit at the right time. Some people argue it wouldn't have been as successful as it was if it didn't hit at the time. That it did. Yeah, I actually think it probably would have been anyway.

Speaker 4:

Essentially Nothing so To a slight degree.

Speaker 3:

Like it was still, Maybe not as successful. Still successful though. Oh yeah, All the all the Call of Duty games are successful.

Speaker 1:

Every code game has been successful, surely? Yeah, even the shit ones. Like people, like I mean Andrew, you know.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, oh yeah, I waste so much money Like, well, I don't know, that's not that. But like some of the cards, you just like start playing them. You're like, yeah, new card fresh. And then you like yeah kind of shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this one's not. Maybe not for me. I'm gonna wait for the next year.

Speaker 1:

I only played from warzone, so I've only played like the recent ones.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the recent ones look, they've been pretty good. To be honest, in general, like it's just the Excuse me today's day and age of micro transactions and really really grabbing us with those skins we don't need.

Speaker 1:

We played. We played one night. I don't think we told you about this, jamie, but like we played one night, um, it was before bottles get came out and we were like oh, let's play some card. You know, we haven't played. We hadn't played like six months. We'll play warzone to login buy new skids.

Speaker 4:

I need a new outfit today's session.

Speaker 3:

And then you're like, oh, we'll get starlight dude. Wasn't a special place in my heart, though because it was like obviously throughout covid, but also I. It was around the time just after I bought or just be just after I bought a pc. Yeah, and I was originally like console gamer and that was my huge introduction into pc gaming like not knowing what the fuck I was doing. Like it's total noob.

Speaker 2:

On pc. That's a big diff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, andrew's bizarre into console. Still, I feel I love him. Yeah, like you are, it's so much cheaper.

Speaker 4:

Like yeah, and I grew up playing both, so I control a mouse and key. It doesn't matter, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I, I definitely made a switch when I made it way earlier than you did. I made the switcher. I was a teenager, so like I pretty much didn't play much console, except for like jrpgs and shit like that, from like Basically 15 onwards I was pc. Yeah so I've been. I've been that way for a long time.

Speaker 3:

It's definitely a light bloomer, but I love him.

Speaker 4:

I kind of went the other way, like I was weaned on Commodore 64. Just like had a pc and was just like please buy me a console. They're like you have a pc and I was like it's far more superior. But I really want to play final fantasy 7.

Speaker 1:

Real bad. Yeah, yeah, the You're, you're primarily. Oh, why aren't you getting a fucking like a, like a ace of thing? The, what was that called? I was considering it, the alley.

Speaker 4:

The rogue rogue. Yeah, rg, yeah, I was but no, I'm gonna get a laptop now set game I think I talked you out of it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you did. Which is not, which is not something I'd like to do, but I think a laptop would have sued you better.

Speaker 4:

He took my little dreams.

Speaker 3:

Because I hate you. No, my justification was because if you you were saying you were going to still plug it in at some stage and use it as a desktop like you, may as well just buy a laptop. Yeah but it will be more powerful.

Speaker 4:

It's, it's. I mean, you're not wrong. Yeah, did I like it at the time.

Speaker 3:

No no. I could tell you did it.

Speaker 4:

I'm married. I have a wife that taunts, taunts me.

Speaker 3:

Yes. I don't need you to do it as well, but anyway, you're right, you know what I could buy, just go get your fifth of a gaming laptop because it makes more sense, it's more future-proof, etc.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I'm glad, I'm glad yeah good. I'm happy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, by both. What do I do?

Speaker 4:

Talking about the path to like gaming, then I was like, yeah, I was always console gamer as well. Terrible, always been terrible.

Speaker 3:

But it was a console gamer. He's got a lot of time in mate.

Speaker 4:

No, yeah time.

Speaker 2:

What is time? You guys all have heaps of spare time, right? Yeah, then you guys.

Speaker 4:

Borderlands yeah, borderlands was the first game I played. Started playing on PC and then what do we do? Splitgate splitgate.

Speaker 2:

Splitgate was good. It was a start. It was good.

Speaker 1:

It was great to leave 15 minutes. Splitgate has tainted my my top achievements in Um. I make sense in steam. I've got like achievements that only, like you know, sort of five to 10 percent of people have, and it takes, like my, my top earnings, not in golf with friends. Ah, golf with friends is so good, point, point zero. Four percent of players have it and it's literally because I bought.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Do you guys reckon, your laugh has changed over time. Yeah uh, yes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it has. I've actually thought about this. I'm like yeah, it has. When you, when you, when you're doing stuff like this, you hear, you hear your voice a lot. Wow, that it has actually changed over time.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that fucking weird? It's like weird. It's like you develop a different laugh accent.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So fucking weird.

Speaker 3:

I feel like it hasn't changed for a while, though, so maybe this is a bit forever now I'm stuck with this one.

Speaker 1:

Five years in your change. It's more of a like a dr Hibbity kind of you deliberately

Speaker 2:

changed that one.

Speaker 1:

Oh I knew that fucking headset was gonna be a problem Um. Yeah so are you back in, because I I want to back it.

Speaker 4:

I want to play a laugh for you guys another video I found today and uh, I think I, I think, I this girl laughs in it and fuck man.

Speaker 1:

You gotta hear this shit, oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm not slow, but I'm slow Like slow, like a bimbo type of slow like ditzy. I don't know. I probably have to google that definition because I don't want to offend or say the wrong thing. Okay, bimbo via Google is an attractive but unintelligent or frivolous young woman.

Speaker 3:

Sounds like that video of the dog skewing Fuck I've had a cough and I haven't had this coffee like two weeks, but it's still there when I laugh.

Speaker 1:

So every time I laugh heavily I cough through the laugh. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Is that what brought up the the whole laugh changing, your laugh thing?

Speaker 1:

No, like I saw that video. Oh, do you think she should change the sound comes out the sides of her mouth.

Speaker 4:

So bring you on to our next segment of should this person change?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Absolutely they should.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that, that was brutal but uh, yeah, no, I never really thought about it. I mean, I'm sure I laugh differently at different things.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, like this always that like that louder, weirder one.

Speaker 4:

That escapes like but mine doesn't sound like that.

Speaker 1:

Wild man. I was interesting. I've been sending G. Tiktoks and it's just like I was like I was looking through them and I was like, oh, my fucking god man, some of them, I was dying and I send them to him because he doesn't look there.

Speaker 3:

I did it. I did it once. There was about 30 videos in there and I was a long time ago, so now there's probably about 80.

Speaker 1:

No, I can see. I only send you the absolute cream of the crop. Yeah, okay, yeah, cuz I just that completely off the edge of a cliff humor. Yeah, they're the ones that I said. That ones that aren't like like funny in a conventional sense.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

In an ill conventional sense the ones.

Speaker 3:

I know that you, only you, and I will find fun. Yeah, yeah, it's really fucked ones really obscure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this one is a toothbrush.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

Speaker 1:

Why do I know?

Speaker 4:

what it's yeah, yeah, yeah, but it is, yeah, it's in line, doesn't make any sense, but it's in line dude, Just absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Why do I know what it's saying?

Speaker 3:

What was that other one? You played your twist the other week.

Speaker 1:

I've been getting a lot of them. Hey, I don't think I've got any in here, fuck what was it? I Get a lot of BMO ones, like ones from Adventure Time like yeah and Marcelline. The people ones are sick and the Marcellin ones are cool. I don't know. I could probably find the ones I've liked, but someone will have to fill dead air for me.

Speaker 2:

That's your job. So Baldur's in, so Baldur's in gate three. Huh yeah, what did you think, Jeremy? Oh fine.

Speaker 4:

Back to Liam, I guess yeah.

Speaker 3:

No, it's fine. No, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

Is that exorcist or something?

Speaker 1:

It's the cod zombie.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, so that one's pretty fucking good.

Speaker 4:

It's like a.

Speaker 1:

Muppets character.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I guess. So You're a racist zombie.

Speaker 1:

Oh, dude, fuck dude, I got more. Late on us. There got to be some where I like too many.

Speaker 3:

There was one with, like someone from SpongeBob.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, there was a Mr Krabs one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't remember where it was, but there's a few of those. Hold on. What's this one? I don't know what this one is, so this is Marcelline from Adventure Time.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that fits. Yeah, it's great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, so you can't argue with that.

Speaker 3:

It's a nice song too. That's fair, that one goes hard. What's this one. Do you want to get tickets to pay?

Speaker 1:

Tickets to pay Tickets to what I don't know. I got tickets to this. I got tickets to Joji. Oh that's cool. Tickets to Joji. We got tickets to J-Pig. Yeah, we came on that. Yeah, we're going to go see that. He's sort of the moment in America with Danny Brown and I'm so jealous because I don't think they're going to come at the same time. No, no.

Speaker 4:

Because it's a listen out side show. Yeah, and listen out to Cabering Gardens, is he what? How crazy is that?

Speaker 1:

Wow, I mean that's a big enough space, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Well, like, yeah, I mean yeah, it's a good space. It fits 10,000 people, which is what they want. That's pretty fucking rad. That's crazy.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know they did any kind of other gigs there, to be honest, like festivals sort of stuff. Well, they didn't. They did nothing before.

Speaker 4:

No, no, no, no, Not music festival. Yeah right, that was literally Hollow.

Speaker 2:

Sunshine was the first one yeah, which he ran and now they're listening out.

Speaker 4:

We're seeing a local.

Speaker 1:

I guess you could just like vision, the space, but like Danny's a freak man, like he really does just have an eye for that kind of shit and he just understands how to make things go together. Yeah and yeah, he just eyeballed it, thought it would be good and it was so. I mean he set a premise.

Speaker 4:

So you know, people can. Well, now, I mean the blue, the blue prints. They're right, cause now they've got, like, the format of where the food trucks will go. Yep, they've got where the toilets are, they've got the people we don't need to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, true.

Speaker 3:

Don't even care about the bands, yeah.

Speaker 4:

And like you know, they've gotten the stage in there and everything before, so it's all done. So it's like pretty much the organizers losing out.

Speaker 3:

We're just like do that it was a before it. It was at the Sydney Maya. They did listen out, and then they've done it.

Speaker 4:

I think it like Flemington it's been around a few places. Yeah right, Showgrounds probably.

Speaker 3:

I think it was one in St Kilda as well, somewhere I don't know where the fuck I was in St Kilda, but I remember it being like that's a weird spot to have any kind of festival, yeah, so I think you're right.

Speaker 4:

I think it's like where they did something like St Kilda Fest, that foreshore place. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah, listen out and be right actually.

Speaker 3:

Who's headlining at this year? Do we know? Great question, great question, go me.

Speaker 4:

All right, everyone quickly. Yeah, I'm looking at listen out.

Speaker 3:

Pause for edit. Pause for edit.

Speaker 1:

Oh that's right, I have no internet. We do have an ongoing joke with Baldur's Gate, though, with our friend that we're playing with, and that is that it's like, because it's based off Dungeons and Dragons 5e, the ruleset and we're like Pathfinder players. We're being real dicky about it. We are Like every time something comes up and we'll be like, oh, that's kind of weird. We're credibly nitpicky we're like man.

Speaker 4:

If only your edition of D&D in the play by preference was as good as us, so that we could make it from a good rule set.

Speaker 3:

I think the game really would have gone even further yeah.

Speaker 4:

We're pricks. It's probably to be fair on the rare times that something has been good, we've said it yeah. Maybe two out of 20 times, like we'll be nitpicky and bitches about it 18 times. And then we'll be like, oh, you know what I do like having advantage on my roles. Yes, I'll give it to you.

Speaker 1:

The advantage or disadvantage is probably the best thing about the 5e rule set. So what that basically means is like in Pathfinder you'll be in a situation and you'll have like a bonus to your role. So you roll like a D20 or a 20-sided dice. Whatever number comes up, you add your bonus to it and on the flip side of that, if you've got a disadvantage, you take it away. So it's like plus five, minus five, just as an example. Right, but in the 5e rule set there's some rules or some situations a lot of them actually but instead of like making you track all of these minute sort of things going up or down, it just tells you to roll two dice and take the better or the worse one. So it's rolling with advantage or rolling with disadvantage.

Speaker 4:

Advantage roll to take the better number. It's kind of cool. It's pretty good yeah.

Speaker 1:

And we were like you know what? That's a good rule, so you can chalk that one up to 5e, but the rest of them, and it's pretty good.

Speaker 4:

We've been pretty mean about it because he actually plays fifth edition D&D and he has played Pathfinder in the past with us. Yes, and the only reason he played fifth edition D&D is because he could play it, because people were playing with him. So, he went and did it and we just give him shit for it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But it's not as good. But Baldur's Gate as a game is phenomenal, fantastic, and not only just like it scratches the itch that I have for, like you know, technical building and stuff like that and just being like really in depth in the way that you can make your character in a metal sort of min maxi way. But the thing that it has that other games don't is that I give a shit about the story.

Speaker 1:

Like you know like we all played Borderlands together right. Fuck knows what the story outside of like the one boss that we fought where we like stopped them from taking the power from the siren woman yeah, yes, yes, yes very little knowledge of what the storyline to that game played.

Speaker 4:

All of it yeah, that's right through us all the way through one of the expansions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and all I remember is there were two guys that kissed and that one moment. If you want me to tell you like what builds there are and like what, like what guns are and like what ranges and what brands of guns there are, like all that stuff. I know about Borderlands 3, but I don't give a shit about the story yeah, that wasn't the driving factor at the game exactly, but Baldur's Gate has this like rich fleshed out story.

Speaker 1:

That is like, unlike any other game that I've played, because you can find a corpse on the ground and if you have the ability to talk to dead people, it will talk to you and it has fleshed out dialogue. If you go past animals and you have the ability to talk to animals, they will have fleshed out dialogue that's awesome really really good. The everything is accounted for. Yeah, I took so long to release but, um, yeah, but it's phenomenal so it's so worth it heavily worth it.

Speaker 1:

And now being so far into the game and starting it again with Jamie is so funny man. He's like he has not made a single decision, the same as what I did one thing, and it's so interesting to play it, yeah, and just have it like go a different way it's the best because, like, we already have it set in our mind what worked.

Speaker 4:

And like you play and you're like, oh, the good answer is this because it worked when I did it and then like, but you just let someone else drive the lead, and you just like wait, oh wait. We just talk to them and they let us through like yeah yeah yeah, I mean I was spoiling for a fight, but I mean win, win, really. Yeah, that's right because that happened a couple times and then it also went the other way. He's like he's got up the middle to talk to us.

Speaker 1:

Like this outpost, he's got up the middle to talk to them and he's like in a cut scene. Yeah, and we've both just like no communication between us we've both just gone, opposite sides of the camp. We're still thing around, we're getting into like good combat position we just got experience and we were like what the fuck, we weren't like the way the game works. When you go into a conversation, you just like click a, listen in.

Speaker 4:

But you can choose to listen in the convo scene in the cut scene.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but we were just like actively not doing that we've already seen the cut scene. Good battle positions, yeah coming up and then it didn't happen yeah, just talked his way through.

Speaker 4:

Oh okay, I've flanked left, liam flanked right. No communication, it's just what we did on our own.

Speaker 3:

We just vanished off it was like where are you guys? Don't worry about it, like yeah, I'm done. They're like wait, what? What you mean? That's right there with a fire in my hand, like aiming at the trigger that triggers the rolling boulder and I'm like oh, okay, fine, I guess I guess walk through there's so many things in the game that are so funny.

Speaker 1:

You can get real angry at people really quickly so yeah, like play it with as many people as you can, play it as many times as you can.

Speaker 3:

It's so fucking hilarious and so good, and you know I would just be an absolute pest playing this game we're playing it as an.

Speaker 4:

Alex mode it's fine, yeah okay you're a friend, we probably won't get too angry. If you're over a hardcore, you can actually play it on a harder difficulty.

Speaker 1:

So there's like my intention, step it up, which is like, if you're someone who's just like really loves to dark souls your way through games, then you can like make it like that. Yeah, you can make it exceptionally hard. We play it on balanced, which is like normal, like a good balance between perfect by the way, I haven't seen what the lower one is but there's like basically a story mode. So I guess it would like just make the combats really easy, I assume.

Speaker 1:

So like, if you just want to like if you just want to play and like role play, it gives you the ability to do that as well. So even if you're someone who doesn't really like the idea of going through, like the combat, and like, oh, if I don't optimize my characters, you know, blah, blah, blah, you can probably just get through the game easy because it gives you the option to do that and it's allowing people who don't want to do what we do, yeah, to play the game and experience the story just like everyone else. Yeah, yeah, like it is.

Speaker 4:

It is one of those games that's very much catered to everyone and it's great, yeah, because, like, yeah, well, you could also pick your difficulty settings, but like, even without that, like any way, you want to play the game as a fleshed out answer yeah, what you do like there's a lot of people you could like. If you play a high charisma, you can just talk your way through all the fights and you'll still get the XP for overcoming the opponents yes, yeah, through yeah, like you'll still level up, you'll still be just as strong, like or you can brute force it or you can sneak past into whatever you want.

Speaker 1:

It's awesome it's just like talk to me, just go in guns plays like it's really fun.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah you want to side with the good guys? That's kind of the normal way to do it. You want to side with the goblets? You can. You can do it pretty crazy, it's okay there's also a.

Speaker 1:

There's also a class called dark urge, which is for people who want to like have a really unpredictable play through. Yeah, dark urge. It's like you might choose an option, but your character has an urge. It will do its own thing, just the random.

Speaker 4:

That's pretty pretty good it's like pretty dark. They call them like evil playthroughs totally do that as well, yeah yeah, don't pick darker what do you call it?

Speaker 3:

a cut? Run well that's great on our podcast that how do you, like Andrew, say that it's not mine.

Speaker 1:

I heard it from someone people call it murder hobo yeah, can't run murder hobo same same thing is like you don't have a base of operations. You just kill everything you see and take everything you can. That's like a murder. Hobo playthrough yeah, right because we play Pathfinder.

Speaker 3:

You know, we don't play like that like we're pretty, we try to do things that our characters would do and not be a fucking nightmare for the GM, because my character what happened with your session with your brother?

Speaker 1:

did he? Was he a pain in the arse or what? Because you DMed a session? Yeah, yeah, that was pretty fun, yeah, it was good, okay, cool. So Andrew's brother is like like decades long experience GM, basically yeah, and he goes out of his way to be that guy he plays, he plays a.

Speaker 4:

He's rarely played, he was always just jamming, yes, so like he's been the dungeon master for life and I played a game and like, like he plays in a session, like like he needs to win like and I was like it's it adds a little bit of spice for the newer GMs or D master masters who are trying to just give him a chance to play in a game and he's just like we get like one example is we get to a town like sorry, we get to, like you know, the bad guys tower like I would enjoy myself, explore the place, work my way up level by level.

Speaker 4:

He was like we all know the boss is gonna be on the top floor.

Speaker 3:

Let's just go straight up and we're like straight up the spiral in the center ignoring every door and got to the boss fight oh, my god sane, it was so dangerous.

Speaker 4:

I mean, it was next level, but like I was like I wasn't DMing that game, but I was like I'm glad I'm not doing that game because I wouldn't have prepped that material. I was like they'll get to the top next session or the session and I was just like, oh my god, yeah, so yeah, when I was prepping.

Speaker 4:

I was bitching to leave in advance like I hope he doesn't just go straight to the, the, the third or fourth band at camp, like the boss one. Yeah, in the first session they'd taken one guy prisoner so and they'd like, let's say, coerced him to give information. I mean even that which was RP, it wasn't very good like they didn't even ask a question. One guy just goes I'll fucking kill you and I'll be, like. Is there anything I could do?

Speaker 3:

does not get stabbed, like I didn't even ask him a question, like I could kill him like pull sword straight to three.

Speaker 4:

I was like, yeah, and I'm like what do you want me to say? But yeah yeah, that was great. But yeah, they carried that NPC with him into the next session and I made sure it died, so I didn't have to fucking play it anymore, there was a couple of people in our play through like torture a dude and I was like I'm gonna kill him.

Speaker 1:

Between sessions we came back I was like, oh, it looks like you guys hung him up the back of the boat and he died.

Speaker 4:

We did that at the end of the session. Yeah, we're like please, please, make sure that guy didn't tell you guys there was mechanics for that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, they call it recurring villains now they call it a pirate ships when they, when you dredge someone on the water. That's it, yeah, yeah yeah they were killing him off the back of the boat. I was just like oh, I think you guys left him down there too long and he's dead now. Sad days, but yeah, no, it was really fun session I am.

Speaker 4:

I don't know. I just ended up riffing off top my head a bunch of stuff and they, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

I did a whole bunch of different voices for the different characters and it was really fun and and I wasn't getting a lot of like, like people like this take too long and I'm like, then ask the right question, jesus Christ, like I'm, like I'm going to travel here like you know what, I don't have prepped all the battles you want to do. You know what I can do off the top of my head, these conversations we find out but I was like alright a second, and I just screwed up the computer and I'm like bring up a map in the TV. I'm like, alright, be yourself in no, no, it was really fun.

Speaker 4:

They smashed through a couple of different locations in the wilderness that they're mapping and, man, it was good fun and yeah, no, no, everyone was good about it. They just they're pretty borderline murder. Hope are we? But yeah, shit up, and I can't Ronnie, can't Ronnie, they're not, they're not, they're definitely not but, they are if they, if they were walking a line, it would be honey.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's like another gangsters paradise. Ai covered you. Well, please do, and I was waiting there's a good one it's not a toothbrush again if you can guess what it is it's definitely some kind of barn.

Speaker 4:

Is it an actual chicken or is it one of those fucking gang?

Speaker 1:

signs. It's just a someone's got like.

Speaker 3:

It's just a bunch of chicken well this is the future AI times it sounds like one of those like rubber chickens. Yeah, I was just like really want to take what you squeeze them down, dude. Another thing I was sending G this guy.

Speaker 1:

He's called you know miles. He's a rapper dude. A new song came out and I was like holy shit, this is the business. And the caption was like my grandson not making it out of the streets with this one. But yeah, I'm not just parody stuff, no, dude, this guy like I think he's like a little bit taken the piss, but he has other songs that are like island boys. I can't figure out the island boys man, they get too much coverage.

Speaker 3:

That's what they get, yeah dude, I've definitely said, yeah, their hair freaks me out, it's not that, yeah, yeah, that's the part, yeah, seen them all recent come.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, yeah that's the oh yeah what I don't think. I don't think I've heard this they turn to only fans with each other. Get the fuck out. That's their current 15 minutes of fame, and that was probably two weeks ago or something.

Speaker 1:

You are absolutely kidding me. I'm not even kidding, zero idea of this.

Speaker 4:

I avoided watching the actual videos in the information packet I was viewing, but Goddamn, that's a Holy shit. They're only fans. People are like so which one's the gay one? They're like no, no, it's okay. I mean it's also incest.

Speaker 2:

Like what the fuck it's? It's fucking weird.

Speaker 4:

That's wild.

Speaker 1:

I had no idea that is the next fucking level. I did know that they would go to Anything for a buck. But when I said anything for a buck I didn't realize we were going all the way.

Speaker 4:

No, they are like discovering Like each other for a buck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they are fucking Each other.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they have discovered the next frontier of just throwing your fucking self out there to be in the 15 minutes of fame. What was the?

Speaker 1:

same before Digital footprint.

Speaker 4:

Insane. I get that a lot Insane.

Speaker 1:

There's a dude I keep getting. He makes On TikTok. He makes fun of people who watch YouTube shorts and he makes out that they're slow and he always does a really uncouth fart and his face looks retarded and he just Everyone's comment is like I don't think he's faking it anymore. This dude doesn't care about his digital footprint. You should like that Dude. This is another one of that dude's songs. You Know Myles Indiana Jones.

Speaker 4:

This is far and away better than the last one, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm very much in improvement. But, Dude it is.

Speaker 3:

What's that guy? You always say to me? He's always talking about going to the beach and Wow.

Speaker 2:

Alright, Touche.

Speaker 1:

That dude. I can't remember what his name is. I could scroll up in our Facebook fucking chat and find it, but yeah, the ongoing joke there is that dude. I fucking hate the beach.

Speaker 3:

Liam absolutely hates the beach Lot of fan.

Speaker 1:

There's like I don't think there's a lot of things I truly hate doing, like I'll generally go and be a part of anything If I could somehow teleport from the car directly into the ocean and then again back into the car without having touched the sand, then I think I would be like way more.

Speaker 3:

Is it the only thing you hate about the beach, though?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, it's just the whole song and dance that goes around it. Yeah right, so it's alright, we got to get all the shit together. So we get all the shit together, unpack my fucking basketball bag, put all this fucking you know the beach shit in it, and then we got to get that in the car and we're packing everyone up with, like you know, food. We need all the. We got to get the sunblock I fucking hate sunscreen and then you get in the car. You drive there.

Speaker 1:

You got to find somewhere to park, you got to find somewhere to set your shit up and you put your shit down and it just gets covered in sand instantly and the wind blows it across the fucking ground anyway. And then you got to put your personal belongings, which are worth like a lot of money, and you just kind of leave them out in the open. And then they also. They just cop sunlight the whole time. There's no shade. And then, even if you bring a shade thing, you've got to set it up. And then you got to be in the sand, go down to the ocean. Ah, that's the good bit. You play.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, 100% Like throw some balls swimming's rad.

Speaker 1:

You come out of the ocean instantly your foot is caked in like buckets of fucking sand and it goes up your fucking legs and then you try to rinse it off at those things that are like up a little bit further, but everyone's walked the sand there and you get in your car afterwards like transfer the sand into your car. It's just everywhere. It's inside all of your upholstery. You got to fucking vacuum that shit out. But first you got to go home and have a shower and I've already fucking had a shower today. You have a second shower of the day and then you put all that shit in the wash. So you got all your fucking, all the shit that you swam in or the shit that you like used to dry yourself or the shit that you put out in the sand. You're going to wash all of that. Then you got to go and clean the car. I hate the whole fucking process.

Speaker 4:

I quite enjoy the beach but I haven't been in forever and like I enjoy the splashing around and getting the water part. But God forbid, once you get out, someone with you wants to sunbake or just hang around.

Speaker 1:

Oh dude.

Speaker 4:

I want to go in the ocean and then I want to fuck off. I love the beach.

Speaker 1:

Bro. Yeah, the only like what are we doing laying on a beach man? What are?

Speaker 4:

we actually doing for real Like what are we doing?

Speaker 1:

It's where the sand is.

Speaker 4:

You can lay in the sun at home. You're just like camping as well, though I'm still an outdoorsman, I like camping.

Speaker 1:

I just like it. Same principle. For like cleanliness purposes.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And a lot of shit in the car. It's way less annoying to me than the beach and the beach.

Speaker 4:

The sand and grief is like nah, it's not a friend, not only the brothers but the children too, Dude.

Speaker 1:

I just, yeah, I'm not. I just don't don't like the sand, I don't like the beach. Yeah, see, when you go camping, it's like you set yourself up and you're like, okay, well, at least I'm going away for like an elongated period of time With the beach. It's like I'm there for an hour and I'm sick of it.

Speaker 3:

See, that's the thing I do. I do short breaks because I live closer to the beach, so it's like a minute drive. I go in for a dip and I'm there for like in the water for like half an hour.

Speaker 4:

How long of a walk, because to avoid the car getting sandy, I see I don't like.

Speaker 3:

I managed to not get that much fucking sand in the car, but all that statement says, is that we have different levels of cleanliness.

Speaker 1:

I was really hoping that was a Buddha sound. I don't think it was. Yeah, let's do it so our friend Pete.

Speaker 3:

Shout out to Pete. Pietro brought up a good point, the other day about sharing. Do you guys face the wall or do you face outwards when you shower? I?

Speaker 1:

want to hear you guys first.

Speaker 4:

I turn around because I'm in there forever.

Speaker 3:

Mostly like a rotisserie, like I face away and make it really hot, so it doesn't burn my face.

Speaker 4:

And then like I might turn it down a little bit and turn back around, okay.

Speaker 1:

So you're a face away person? Face away, yes, technically it's not like you don't turn around, but I spend generally face out of the water.

Speaker 4:

So the water's hitting your back. It hits the top of my head, yeah, my shoulders and back, and just yeah, exactly. I'm not going to face away, but I will be in there plenty long enough to cover everything, don't you? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

Are you Jamie?

Speaker 4:

Yeah both, unlike Andrew. Yeah, which way do you start?

Speaker 1:

The bulk of your time you face the wall.

Speaker 2:

You face the wall or the bulk of the time.

Speaker 3:

Huh, so it's hitting your front, no.

Speaker 1:

I start because wait, andrew did you in. You are facing the way I cut, andrew does.

Speaker 4:

Oh, you're allowed to have your own opinion on this. No, he asked. How do I start? And I said, I start facing the wall, but then I turn around.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I'm facing away from the water. Yeah, the majority of the show.

Speaker 1:

I face away from the water. I don't actually turn around to face the water at any point. I'm also like tilt my head all the way back to like my face, yeah, yeah, okay. I basically face away from the water, I face the open the whole time. Yeah Huh, my shower was like kind of like enclosed, like it's got three walls and then like one shower screen.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So like yeah, I don't have one of those ones. It's like got an L shape on it, it's with the glass, it's like it's three tile walls and then like one piece of glass.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, I've got to spin. I've got to spin every now and then.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I don't think you have to Like I have done exactly what you described back. But in general, yeah, I just turn around.

Speaker 1:

Oh, in general, what I do is I lean against one side and then, when one side gets cold, I lean on the other side.

Speaker 4:

I only really lean on the edges when I'm wasted you just like because I've got the two shower heads, the one and then the handheld one. Yeah, I kind of have all my stuff.

Speaker 1:

So you got one top and one bottom. It must be nice. Yeah, maddie's butt, maddie's butt.

Speaker 3:

It's not my head.

Speaker 1:

It's the one, and it was the best thing I've ever had. Dude, I long for how easy it was for me to wash the soap off the area between my balls and my asshole.

Speaker 2:

I have to like, like, up my hand and like flick the water up in the area.

Speaker 4:

I long for the handheld portion.

Speaker 1:

Dude, my favorite in the world.

Speaker 4:

I live it every day. I used to have it, man.

Speaker 3:

I had it Jetstream.

Speaker 4:

I had one of those when I was growing up. Yeah, they're so good, the house like I don't know, pretty run down but like the bathroom component like was renovated, so it was just like hey, that's nice.

Speaker 2:

It's like the biggest shower you have, your girlfriend over.

Speaker 4:

You can take a shower at once yeah. Two different handles Portable chair.

Speaker 3:

Portable chair Just slab a deck chair in there. No portable jet, but yeah, but the chair is also there.

Speaker 2:

There was a chair briefly with my brother Broker's leg Valid.

Speaker 1:

You ever sit down in the shower, though? No, you ever just like. You ever just like been so exhausted and you just like standing in the shower and you're just like I'm just going to fucking sit down.

Speaker 4:

Once again when I'm wasted 100%, I have once before.

Speaker 3:

But it was. I was literally on the floor, like just sitting on the floor like cross-legged. Yeah, Because I was just so so ridiculously hungover and just the worst migraine ever. And I just like I can't stand up right now.

Speaker 1:

Sick or hungover, definitely.

Speaker 3:

I've done it 100%, and how much does this suck? Yeah, it's not great. It's not as good as you think it would be. The water is cold, like you have to like it only travels an extra like what?

Speaker 1:

800 millimetres, yeah, 80 centimetres, and it's like it's not that the bit that's hitting you is like the water that hits you is hot, but like it's like it sprays and as soon as it hits and then the water droplets split and spray off that those bits are cold. And you think it's going to be really comfortable. It's not and it's not.

Speaker 4:

But it's yeah.

Speaker 1:

But you're already down there and you feel like shit, so you're like well, I can't get the fuck up now, Like I just sat down.

Speaker 4:

No, that is. That is like on the rare occasion where I've been like heavily drinking and it's like, you know, kind of like throw up before bed styles, like you're like, you know what. I'm just gonna like. I've been outside in the cold. I threw up in the yard somewhere. I'm going to go inside. I'm freezing, sit in the bottom of the shower, crank it for a bit, feel human again, go to bed.

Speaker 1:

You know every night that we go out and like we've gotten drunk and shit like that or high or whatever. And when I get home and I'm like still like fucking toasted, yeah, and I will have a shower 100% of the time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's nothing better than having like a shower when you're going to bed, when you're wasted.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's the best feeling. It's gone less yeah.

Speaker 4:

It makes you feel human again.

Speaker 1:

Like, if you're depending on how far you are. I feel like you're hydrating me. Yeah, 100% Dude Like a frog. Yeah, through the pores.

Speaker 4:

Like not feeling great, like feeling sick. I think I had five showers in one day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when I'm sick, if I'm like flu sick, yeah, yeah, yeah, I never do that.

Speaker 4:

Like I'm usually like a morning or like I'll have a. I've had two showers in a day, yeah, but like that I just was like dude.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't help it. You know what I have. That much as well. I just turned the shower. I don't even get in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just leave it running.

Speaker 1:

If anyone wants to use it, just pop in.

Speaker 3:

He turned the worry left to come here. He's just going to get home. It'll be nice and warm for him.

Speaker 2:

Just the hot water too, oh man.

Speaker 4:

Meanwhile my kids are like shivering in their cold bathtub. Sorry kids, Daddy used all the water.

Speaker 1:

Daddy needs to make sure the water's warm before he gets home, but um, yeah, that was refreshing.

Speaker 4:

I've never had to do that and it was good. It's great.

Speaker 3:

My shower's going to be fucking scalding hot. No, I say not me. I got to have my showers like from the fiery depths of hell.

Speaker 1:

I do a quick scold before I get out. I have it pretty warm and then before I get out I like scold myself so that my skin's red, and then I get out.

Speaker 4:

I'm warm, warm showers only. Oh yeah, I thought you were going to say something weird like cold, no, no no, do I look like I'm one of those guys.

Speaker 1:

I get up in the morning and stare directly into sunlight for 10 minutes as well. Yeah, dude, the only people that do yoga.

Speaker 3:

I'm ready to buy a notebook, not that I'm judging anyone that does that but I do not have the willpower to do any of that.

Speaker 1:

I do cold showers in summer, yeah well yeah, being someone that has delved into fitness, I like I can pretty comfortably say that anyone who has a six pack is that person. Yes, he's insufferable. Like, the only way you can have a six pack is if you're drinking that fucking fitness bullshit Kool-Aid on the Joe Rogan train, dude. Yeah, if you're. If you're drinking the fitness Kool-Aid, then yeah, you'll get a six pack, congratulations. But I'm pretty sure we won't be friends because you have a six pack.

Speaker 1:

It's because what comes along with having a six pack? These are the dudes that just like yeah they. These are dudes who like look like a million bucks but can't hold a relationship and they blame everyone else. It don't matter how good you look. You stop blaming the girls man. It's not that every girl means a fucking bitch, god damn.

Speaker 4:

Must really suck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, that, that fitness thing, man it's it's a wild train to be in. I fell pretty deep into it, but I think I'm lucky enough to have fallen into the I guess, strength over physique, if that makes sense. Like only really cared about the being strong part, not the looking good part, which is pretty easy to fall into, though, and like and I really think that like being healthy and being consistent with Jim is something that is really beneficial for people and they should do. There are people that just like fall off the edge and they just drink the cool late every day and it's like they just become like insufferable. They're robots of each other, just like lack of individuality. Yeah, I really feel for those people. They lose themselves.

Speaker 3:

But at the end of the day, like if it's, if they're healthier for it, fucking awesome. You know what I mean.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, you got nuts.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, not for me.

Speaker 1:

I saw a post the other day saw a post the other day someone said that pathfinder was the crossfit of tabletop gaming and I was so deeply offended. Who could have possibly said that? It was on a TikTok comment, unlike Baldur's Gate, and it was like a sort of like D&D versus pathfinder thing in the comments and someone said that I'm offended.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I am drastically offended. I'm not offended because you can't take that seriously. That doesn't make any sense it doesn't. There was. There is no other game you could be playing tabletop that has the right to say that we're at the top. I'm here, yeah, I mean like it's just people punching up.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I found this video that I sent to G and it's a, it's a girl and she just says something and she has like one of those scream laughs. But the video, the video gets slowed down over and over again and I just like it destroys me and I just want to see if you guys think it's funny just from the sound. So it's fast forwarded. Now. I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous. So now we're getting normal.

Speaker 2:

I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous.

Speaker 4:

Did someone's actual fucking law.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say please don't let that play through again. I don't need it again Point made.

Speaker 2:

It's gonna get a rabbit hole lately with people's weird loves.

Speaker 1:

Oh fuck, legitimate tears man, oh fuck.

Speaker 2:

What the fuck? I'm nervous. The last one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, fuck, oh, that fucking killed me. I had too much fish and chips before this, fuck me. I also send. I also send G videos of this guy who, like DJs two songs together. He's like these two songs and go off these old videos.

Speaker 3:

I've never seen yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I look into my TikTok.

Speaker 1:

I'll see how many there is a picture of a dude. He has a picture of a duck. Actually, you can check your messages. My man See.

Speaker 4:

Andrew, I'm gonna say there's a direct correlation for every time you don't log on and play bowlers game.

Speaker 1:

This is what happens. Anyway, my algorithm, just, it just hits you with the bangers nonstop.

Speaker 3:

I only get the bangers.

Speaker 1:

I get a lot of those cringe videos. Now I get a lot of those videos where it's like some fucking like I don't know basement dweller and he's like got like a wolf filter on and he's like, oh shit, it's good. How do I explain this? It's got like a caption and it'll be like when I see you talking to my girlfriend and then he like looks really, tries to look really intimidating and it's just like in. Sometimes they have lines and stuff like that and they've written the responses as captions and it's just like wildly cringe.

Speaker 1:

But I can't stop watching a man. I can't stop.

Speaker 3:

I had 18 messages from you, 18 new messages.

Speaker 4:

Dude, so good Click on red.

Speaker 1:

I mean click red Couple of them. I would have only sent to you. So I had them for tonight because I was thinking oh fuck you know what I'm gonna go through later to be I should actually save some of these. Yeah, do this. I went through them and I was just like dying that girlfriend. I'm nervous. One or boyfriend.

Speaker 4:

I'm nervous.

Speaker 1:

Oh dude the call of Cthulhu. Fucking hell man.

Speaker 4:

It's crazy.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, how we do it for time, jamie.

Speaker 4:

I was gonna say Liam's got no more laughs to impart on us.

Speaker 1:

We can almost call it. Yeah, we can call it there. We can call it there. That's something that's gonna be fun. I'm gonna save that. So I guess we'll do that next time. But yeah, fucking ran hanging out. I feel like I haven't seen you guys in ages, because all we've all that Andrew and I have done is play ball.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's nice. It's actually good we could just podcast during boulders gate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah people have been asking us to stream it. But I don't know. I'm kind of going through a thing now. I kind of just want to play my game. You know, I don't want to have to mediate like a friendship. At the same time I would.

Speaker 4:

I would stream it before four of us are on. Yeah, true, and you guys wouldn't have to pay attention at all, you just play and watch the chat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we could do that we could stream it, but we'll probably stream it in Discord though. So if anyone listening hasn't joined our Discord, we have streamed it in Discord a couple of times. We have like a like a streaming channel, not frequent, but like we do stream in there a little bit but, it's just good shit, get in there. We got a lot of the rings memes, a lot of people just hanging around playing boulders gate too.

Speaker 4:

So, like various boulders gate.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes, you'll see Jamie and I playing.

Speaker 1:

Fortnite yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, or our failed attempt at FIFA.

Speaker 4:

I used to love that game.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, we just couldn't get it to work.

Speaker 4:

No, you can't like yeah, and you can't just to each other.

Speaker 3:

So we could. We played against each other. I beat Jamie, by the way.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we both win.

Speaker 3:

Italian teams.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, but yeah, we couldn't find a fucking match like it was, it was impossible.

Speaker 4:

There was a shit.

Speaker 3:

The servers are terrible.

Speaker 4:

Terrible. I don't know if it's a PC thing.

Speaker 1:

Premium services right, yeah, I've always had a really good like high renowned service.

Speaker 3:

Especially when you pay extra for it.

Speaker 4:

I was gonna say you can connect to the shop though. Yeah, the shop was fine.

Speaker 3:

The shop was fine. Surprise, surprise.

Speaker 1:

The service are down, but you can buy skins.

Speaker 3:

We even created our own characters. Yeah, we did that. One was called. Giovanni Spaghetti the back of his jersey just said Spaghetti number 10.

Speaker 4:

Delicious Very good, at least you had that moment together. Yeah, that was great. Couldn't play it.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, you'll see us in there playing games.

Speaker 4:

If you do, I can definitely jump on Just good, yeah, tell us what games you play.

Speaker 1:

If we've got channels for them, I'll give you permissions, and otherwise we'll see you guys another time in two weeks, exactly because I tell you frequently we release these episodes All right, bye, guys Love you Bye. Hey guys, thanks for listening to our newest episode and if you do us a real solid and go ahead and follow us on the socials, jamie Instagram, yep, that's, that's about the only one we really care about the moment. Yeah, all the socials, and where can they listen to us? G?

Speaker 3:

and this is us on Apple podcasts or Spotify?

Speaker 1:

and, andrew, how many episodes of One Piece are there?

Speaker 4:

Oh God, it's going to be like 1076, close, 1072.

Speaker 1:

Fucking close man, all right we'll see you guys next time. Bye, bye, bye.