Miscy Business

Time Travel, Extraterrestrials, and Wild Youth: A Mind-Boggling Podcast Adventure!

Miscellameous Season 1 Episode 8

Hey there, curious minds! Buckle up for an exhilarating journey through mind-bending concepts like time travel and aliens, spiced up with crazy tales from our reckless youth. Join us as we explore mysterious theories surrounding the band, The Used, and share amusing stories like Jamie's unforgettable dance floor licking incident and Liam's glass-knee predicament!

Hold on tight as we dive into the universe of conspiracy theories, uncovering extraterrestrial claims from a former intel officer. And remember those golden days of childhood when Pokémon and flipping through music CDs filled our lives with excitement? We'll take you back!

Get ready for some hilarious retail stories, including bizarre manager behavior, and other nostalgic gems. But that's not all – we'll dive into introspective territory, pondering our parents' intelligence and the allure of a secluded life in a commune.

This podcast is a mixed bag of insightful discussions, hearty laughter, and a generous sprinkle of sweet nostalgia. So, join us for this wild ride, and let's explore the unknown together!

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Speaker 1:

Like Jonathan Davis, time traveled back and then he created the used, and that was his band from that point onwards. But then what's the what's that thing where you travel back in time and you see yourself? What do they call it? Time traveling?

Speaker 2:

No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

You create a, you create like a rift in the space time continuum there we go yeah. So he had to kill one off, and now the Jonathan Davis that we see in the current corn is a lizard band.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that theory checks out. I mean, bert McCracken doesn't sound like a real name, sounds like you made it up, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I thought you made it up Just one. I mean, someone did the conversation.

Speaker 1:

Someone did make it up. Parents had to name him. Yeah, technically every word is made up Exactly. But see Bert McCracken sounding made up actually makes it more real. Jonathan Davis is like such a typical name that if you were going to be like a replicant or like a reptile person integrating into regular society, you would make your name that because you think that that's super normal, right, john Smith?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so John.

Speaker 1:

Smith the right, john Doe right yeah.

Speaker 2:

John Dave.

Speaker 1:

Dave Ross. Dave Ross, john Davros. He's a great name. We're in versus merch today. Just for any of the listeners, this is a merchandise place that the owner has graciously allowed us to use. It's a very big, open space and but it's filled with stuff. It's filled with lots of merchandise. So I don't think the sound will bounce a bit, but I guess we'll find out when we get the recording back.

Speaker 2:

And if anyone complains about it, we're just going to ignore it. Stiff shit, yeah, basically.

Speaker 1:

I kind of noticed there is a worn out portion of rug over there that looks like either something was spilled on it or something was dragged across it a bunch of times, and I keep like probably both. I want to see someone tongue that spot.

Speaker 2:

You know what?

Speaker 1:

In my younger years at the Hawthorne Hotel.

Speaker 2:

Jamie tonged many a spot. You know what. You know what.

Speaker 1:

In my dark. This is my darker youth days. Yeah, I reckon early twenties Somewhat. I was already at this point very drunk I want to make clear of that and dressed as the crow continue potentially. But someone said to me I dare you to lick the dance floor and I'll buy you a jug of beer.

Speaker 2:

Oh, dear, and I did it, I did it. I have to live it live.

Speaker 1:

I have to tell the story for licking the dance floor at the Hawthorne. Anyone that lives in Victoria and knows the Hawthorne. That's not something you want to do. No, you would literally be better off licking the road.

Speaker 2:

You know what I reckon people have picked up with girls that are dirtier than licking the floor at a fucking club, anyway, and vice versa. Yeah, exactly, yeah, that's the point I.

Speaker 1:

There used to be an alternative club in Melbourne called Switch and it was sort of around God bless, yeah, rip by inertia. I don't know if that production company is still around.

Speaker 2:

No, they're not anymore. They got bought out by one of the bigger companies.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

An umbrella of one of Right right right.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, they were like they were an alternative club, One of very few on Saturday nights. And that was when. Fuck, what was the one before Plastic and before Bang? It was called Gooo.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, gooo, yes, there we go.

Speaker 1:

So we used to me and my friend Mugsy we knew a couple of girls and they were why.

Speaker 2:

They were a little bit older than us and they would come. I know Is this like For somebody who made up story or For somebody who made up many video games, as we did, and very surprising, I know.

Speaker 1:

But he would he organised with them to like come out and they would lick their arm where their stamp was, and then they would transfer the stamp onto our wrist and then we'd get him for free underage, which was amazing.

Speaker 2:

Impressive. Actually, that's kind of clever. I'm surprised they went for that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it worked. I don't know how, because I would have looked about 12 when I was 17. Holy shit. It's my current age of like almost 40. I still look like I'm like 30. So, I would have looked at least 12,.

Speaker 1:

I reckon. And yeah, we went to Gooo. But then back to my original story, which was me being a switch. I was very drunk, I had a drink and I was walking down to the dance floor. That was sorted down the back where the stripper poles were, and the dance, like Johns, that you stand on the stage platform yeah they were like multi-level platforms. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I didn't sort of see the step or register it, so I just kind of like whipped fresh air as a walk and I came down on my knee and where I came down there was broken glass.

Speaker 2:

Oh, dear, god.

Speaker 1:

The glass went into my knee and I pulled a lot of it out and, like I went home basically straight away, I was like my night's over. Yeah, this hurts too much. Yeah, so, pussy, I went home crying and that night I was in like an exponential amount of pain but, as is custom, I didn't bother going to a doctor and you couldn't tell your parents. I didn't take painkillers because at that time I'd recently done a book report on Bruce Lee and he died from.

Speaker 2:

EK no, not realizing what was happening with the fluid filling his skull. So I didn't take painkillers either.

Speaker 1:

And then roughly, I want to say a month later I'm picking the scab in the shower because it's getting soft and I like picking my scabs and I pull out a small piece of glass.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I was still in my body. There you go.

Speaker 1:

My body just eventually pushed it out, and when I like popped it out, it left like a crevasse behind, yeah, and I was like, oh, maybe I should tell someone about that or get it stitched up. And then I never did and nothing ever happened. So that's a life lesson for you kids Never call a doctor, don't go to the hospital and don't take painkillers.

Speaker 2:

Don't take painkillers and you'll be fine, just like me Platforms.

Speaker 1:

I want to make them the platforms, right, because in any club music venue or anything is just stupid. Oh, really I was going to say plus 10.

Speaker 2:

Oh really, oh no, plus 10 vibes, plus 10 on the vibes, plus 50 on the danger when I was running a gig. Jamie's a dad yes, I am a dad Plus 50 danger dude. I bet he would have gone to the hospital. You look like a man who'd go to the hospital. What are you going to do?

Speaker 1:

Doctor to pull the glass out of your legs. I would have done it with my own teeth.

Speaker 2:

Pull it out a month later like a man.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't have even pulled it out when I found it, I would have just left it in there.

Speaker 2:

I was running a gig.

Speaker 1:

We had like a VIP area at the back which was a raised platform and there was, like I'm going to say, a narrow set of stairs that went up to this platform and the performer on the night had her mum come down, who would have been like mid 60s Primed hip break. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like if you were there watching you would literally just say no lady, just walk to her death. Like just bang straight down like a sack of shit.

Speaker 1:

You know there's like people out in the world that like they lack the ability to catch themselves when something like that happens. And seeing them fall is hard to watch. Yeah, like when you see someone who has like shitty reaction speed or it's just never in their life done anything that required them to get good at falling over. You see him hit the deck and it's just like, wow, that was way worse than it needs to be.

Speaker 2:

You really hit the deck hard. Yeah, yeah, you know.

Speaker 1:

And when you're that age as well, they call it having a fall, which really takes the funny out of it. I took a tumble.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Having a fall is literally removing years from your life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like that point. Someone has a fall that's like oh, that's not good, yeah, and then you fall over.

Speaker 1:

Haha, funny Having a fall, oh no.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, it's that age though. Yeah, that age bracket, when you, you know, just past 60. When it's at that point, when you have a fall, not good Dude.

Speaker 1:

I'm so stressed about aging in the way that, like I want to be like physically capable at 60 still, like I want to play basketball as long as humanly possible. I want to be able to run and lift things and just generally not be a burden to the people around me as much as humanly possible. I'm hoping that I only physically deteriorate in my 70s. That's my aim, that's your goal. And at my age, with bearing in mind how many injuries and how much stuff I've done and sport and the whole nine yards I don't have bad knees and I don't have a bad back, which is really uncommon for guys my age.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I am very lucky on pattern. So as long as those two things, don't give out.

Speaker 1:

I reckon I'm looking pretty good.

Speaker 2:

I got half half of that 50, 50 knees or the back, that's not great.

Speaker 1:

You know what I figured? Fucked, yeah, yeah, I figured it at that point.

Speaker 2:

Everybody gets to that age, when the age of you can't do anything. Yeah, Bochi is my goal. Oh, I'll play Bochi with you.

Speaker 1:

Bochi lawn bowls any of that kind of shit, I'll be setting it up, obviously. Yeah, dude, bochi goes hard Bochi is much fun.

Speaker 2:

I do like Bochi yeah.

Speaker 1:

What was that game we played at Jamie's kids birthday, finska?

Speaker 2:

Finska yeah, finska is good. So here's the deal. Finska is great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, anyone who hasn't played Finska it's do it. It's just wooden, effectively just wooden blocks with a like round wooden blocks with an angle on the top and they've got a number on top of them. So there's like one to like 12, say. I don't know, there might be more, but I'm just going to say that for just for the explanation. Go ahead, fact check me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, fine, I'm going to do it. This is fucking good, are we? Episode eight, and I haven't been fact checking. What's wrong with me? Yeah, get back on that. Surely you have.

Speaker 1:

Carry on with your story while I prove you wrong.

Speaker 2:

It was kind of your job to do it last time, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now it's like go ahead and Google that, yeah, so you get another block which is roughly the same size and shape as the others and you throw it from a point and however many you knock down, you get a block. How many you knock down, you get the accumulative amount. So if you knock down a five and a seven, then you get 12, right? So yeah, the more you knock down, the better it is.

Speaker 2:

I think that's incorrect. I think if you knock down more than one, you get the number, the amount you knock down. So if you knock down a five and a seven, you get two because you knocked down two. Oh, you are right, but if you get, if you knock down a single one, you get whatever the, whatever the number is on the top of that block. So you just aim for the one that's got the highest number. Yeah, that's the answer. Okay, sweet.

Speaker 1:

But when you knock them over and they start to spread out as the game plays, so wherever they land, naturally from being hit, you just stand them back up again in that same spot, so you don't put them back. They constantly spread out as the game plays. I assume they were just like in the way from that point, but you stand it back up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cool Okay.

Speaker 1:

There is 12 of them. There's 12?.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thanks, jamie, no worries, and still much up, yeah, but it's so much fun.

Speaker 1:

So Finnska, if anyone ever gets the opportunity to like, buy them from like Typo or some shit.

Speaker 2:

And then you have to get to certain. I think it's at 35. Yeah, I remember One of those numbers and you have to hit it exactly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have to hit the exact number.

Speaker 2:

I have played this and if you go over it you go back to 20. Yeah, and start again and you keep going, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And if you miss three times in a row, you out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you don't hit anything three times in a row, catch you later.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which is how I lost. I was doing pretty good, though I had a great game.

Speaker 2:

And Finn when you were playing. Yeah, so Finn, who's the best? I've got footage of it.

Speaker 1:

I put violent sound over the top of it, so he like he missed and I was like and he was pretty young at the time, like he's only like maybe five-ish, and we were like we were trying to teach him like taking turns and sharing, and I was like, all right, well, look, you missed and that's OK. Now everyone else has their turn and then you have your turn. But because he didn't get to knock any down, he went and like quarantined himself over on a park bench like 20 meters away, Sad boy Rod yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I filmed him and zoomed in and I've got like the violent sound over the top Dude.

Speaker 2:

Great game, though Great game.

Speaker 1:

That's another thing that kids will need to deal with, like as they, as new kids, come through with, like Alfa Centauri Circle. Back to that.

Speaker 2:

That was a great movie. That was a wild movie.

Speaker 1:

But like they left, they left to grow up with parents that like know how to make memes.

Speaker 2:

Like on that, so true.

Speaker 1:

Let's get a suck, like I put one of them. I put a meme of Finn in one of our recent posts and it's just him doing a thumbs up and it says cool man, yeah, very cool, the fucking face that he's doing so cool. So, alfa Centauri, I one time was up late and accidentally saw a movie which was called the Last Starfighter. Oh, thank you.

Speaker 2:

There we go, I have actually seen that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, yeah. So this guy is like playing an arcade game. It's like an 80s, like sci-fi, yep, and he's playing like an arcade game and it's effectively just him in a fucking I don't know X-wing and he's like it's kind of 3D for the time, lcd screen kind of thing, and yeah, he gets like the high score and then an alien ship picks him up leaves a replicate behind and takes him to like fight them.

Speaker 2:

That's right, I think I've seen it. They put him in the ship Many years ago.

Speaker 1:

He proved that he was good enough for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's awesome, it checks out.

Speaker 1:

Another movie, the Child, very classic movie, very classic. And that's when I said Alfa, and I thought Alfa Centauri, that's the place where they take him. Yeah, I was like why don't I know that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that actually happened to one of us. Look at me and be like yeah, he's not great at games. Yeah, Maybe not this guy.

Speaker 1:

Actually, that's what Warzone is. Yeah, they haven't picked me up because of my KD.

Speaker 2:

Andrew right now is a replicant. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was going to say no, no, yeah, the real Andrews running across Afghanistan.

Speaker 1:

Oh my. God, he's getting them stripes.

Speaker 2:

He's got an.

Speaker 1:

MP5 with a fucking. What's that fucking?

Speaker 2:

The laser side Like a laser the livery.

Speaker 1:

What's the livery that you get when you max out all your guns?

Speaker 2:

Oh, damascus, damascus, Damascus, damascus. Mp5 with Damascus Hit playoff.

Speaker 1:

Please use the no.

Speaker 2:

I have better results with this gun. Please use the regular rifle. Hell yeah, none of it. Why have you only got that gun and a throwing knife?

Speaker 1:

Oh, dude, good times.

Speaker 2:

I miss that game man.

Speaker 1:

if any of us need to ever get in a fight on Alcatraz Island, we'll be fine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, I escape from Alcatraz easy. I know that better than I know my own house. I can give tools there. Oh man, for those of you that don't know, the old Call of Duty, the old gun that used to play Warzone one, warzone one had a map on there that was very strongly based on Alcatraz and the island. It was to scale as well. It was, yeah, it was pretty much pretty bang on actually. So so good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we, we had a very fucking, very, very well, we made a lot of memories there as well and it's kind of sad that, like and it's kind of weird actually that they've taken the game away, like when I think, like there's games that I've played in the past and I feel really nostalgic about them, I could just play them. You literally can't do that, you can't play that they actually just took the game away. It was like and that's the end of Warzone one, Goodbye. Go and play this hunk of shit that we made.

Speaker 2:

No one's playing.

Speaker 1:

You will love it Well that's all right, just make it so. It's only Caldera, they'll come around.

Speaker 2:

Oh, do we mention that it's also broken as fuck yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it runs like a. It runs like a fucking, like a, like a sore, like a fucking one of those johns that make chipwood. You know those like sharp cutters, that's how that game runs. It's like the sound representation of how that game runs.

Speaker 2:

Pretty much, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, so aliens did come down right though. Oh yeah, this you heard of this.

Speaker 2:

I haven't. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

So I definitely haven't been replaced. I'm like I'm getting my news from TikTok, but effectively all right, which is like, honestly, it's fast becoming a more reputable source for the news.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the news yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because it's not mediated, which is the beauty of it which is why they're trying to shut it down in America, because I don't want to. I don't want anyone to learn what's happening in other countries.

Speaker 2:

It's pretty, because then?

Speaker 1:

they'll realize that their influence isn't divine and obviously they don't want that. But yeah, it's someone was. Who was it? It was like a dude who used to work in a government organization. Yeah, it was something like that and he's gone on record and he's small and under oath and they're asking him all these questions about extraterrestrials or non-humans. I think they're referring to them as because it's like easy to capture.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think that's the correct terminology. I'm just like imagine aliens being part of the LGBTQ plus whatever it is Like we're non-humans.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

LGBTQ, plus LGBTQ, lgp.

Speaker 2:

NH plus.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, LGBTQ NH plus.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, we fall under that banner yeah.

Speaker 2:

They came down and come down to giant rainbow In vicious views.

Speaker 1:

They are shaped like balls, though. So, yeah, they fall under that banner.

Speaker 2:

It was an ex-intel officer.

Speaker 1:

Ex-intel officer yeah. He was hiding in that one alien class In brackets, not crazy In brackets, definitely the Italian truth.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm in a row Speaking his truth. He looks fucking batshit crazy.

Speaker 1:

He does look a little bit crazy. He doesn't look as crazy as the ancient aliens guy, but he definitely looks like some type of crazy. He looks terrifying.

Speaker 2:

He does, yeah, he looks very much terrifying, he looks like as if.

Speaker 1:

Voldemort grew all his hair.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he does actually the violin. Come on, come on, seriously, are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

well, alien's hair, he's back Voldemort's back.

Speaker 2:

Have you ever?

Speaker 1:

gone on a deep dive. I mean, I think we all have gone on a deep dive occasionally. Is it Denver Airport? No, dallas, dallas.

Speaker 2:

I thought that's crazy. I think it's Denver. It's got weird wacky shit in it.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure it's Denver. I don't know this. Please, I have no idea what you're talking about. Oh, it has weird fucking satanic murals and apparently has underground passageways and stuff. Have you been on this shit, jay?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

You're describing Disneyland.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pretty much Imagine.

Speaker 1:

Disneyland, but more satanic. But yeah, it's fucking weird. They can't explain and they're saying that the tunnels were for industrial purposes, but I don't know, it's all fucking weird.

Speaker 2:

It's mysterious tunnels. The airport is home to a number of tunnels, including a tram that goes between concourses and failed automated baggage system, so there's a heap of shit underneath it apparently, so they just keep building over the tunnel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so that's right, that's right they built it Like New. York Exactly, pretty much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But pretty much to Andrew's point. They fucked up and were like, instead of moving the airport, just built over the fuckups and just kept going.

Speaker 2:

Yeah just cover it up.

Speaker 1:

Like there's heaps of random statues and shit around the airport.

Speaker 2:

So there's a couple of different conspiracy theories so I've got them here. Love those Denver's International Airport's Runways, former hate symbol Check that.

Speaker 1:

They are a hateful people. I hear that.

Speaker 2:

Is involved with biological warfare. I don't know how that works.

Speaker 1:

They are a biological people. It was built by a secret organization. They are also a secret organization. Yeah, no they did say, isn't it? The Freemasons are somehow like involved. Yeah, involved as well. Involve in construction? No way.

Speaker 2:

They put us mysterious tunnels. Yeah, freemasons, what? No way. It is headquarters for an underground government. That's another conspiracy.

Speaker 1:

The Illuminati yeah, they're part of it. I mean they'd probably have nice at.

Speaker 2:

Dixon and it's got a giant horse statue which is apparently cursed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right, a cursed horse statue.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

So things exist, like you can go and see them, you can't go see the secret government. They've got tours of the airports. They have a viewing box. Who are those guys? Oh, they're the secret government. Keep walking. They're funded by the ticket sales of the viewing. But, like the statue, we hunt, we hunt and see good government.

Speaker 1:

The dumb statues are like something you can physically see. And there's a mural, isn't there? I swear, there's a fucking mural.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there is some kind of weird fucking mural.

Speaker 1:

I reckon there'd be like one in 10 people in the world. You could convince them that anything is cursed.

Speaker 2:

Oh, anything is bad luck.

Speaker 1:

Those are your like crystal people Like you could convince them that, like mirrors, are the portal to one other dimension.

Speaker 1:

And if you look at yourself long enough, I'm just thinking of someone that I worked with at a past workplace that I'm not going to specify. That was literally the most gullible person on earth, right, some people here might know who I'm talking about. And yeah, that person there you could probably tell literally anything, right, right, and they would fucking take your word for it. I've worked with people like that. There was one, her name was Susanna and she was like incredibly dumb yeah, for lack of a better way of saying it and she like definitely not, not book smart, but I would just tell her facts and I would make them up, and then I would forget to tell her that, like so you would tell her lies, so you were telling her facts.

Speaker 2:

She's putting it out there in the world, yeah.

Speaker 1:

She's spreading that to her other dumb friends. So now there's I don't know what sort of butterfly effect I've caused in the earth now, Like maybe I started flat earth.

Speaker 2:

There's a rift. You've caused a rift.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cause I've just told some random and I was like, haha, the earth's funny. And then, and then they've been like, yeah, it's proven totally. And then she would be like, oh, why would Liam lie to me? And then she goes and tells her dumb friends, and then they all this is exactly how conspiracy theory started, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's exactly how. All it takes is for one person to believe it and spread the word. You know what?

Speaker 1:

you know what, like I think there is a phenomenon out there in the world where multiple people can come up with the same conclusion and that, like is, predates, you know, any sort of modern society.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's a name for that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't remember the exact name. That kind of thing does exist in modern day as well, but the problem is they're so easily able to find each other, so, yeah, anything that would normally be snuffed out early they just find each other on the internet and then just feed off each other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, they get in there a little vacuum, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. You know Facebook groups, reddit and stuff like that. Like you, fucking search for anything, you'll find someone else whose batchy crazy as you. I have a seven year old coworker who actually just retired last week and he broke up with his partner as a seven year old Because she kept finding other people on the internet that have conspiracy theories and she believes them all and he just couldn't take it anymore. Wow, he just couldn't fucking deal with it.

Speaker 1:

It's just every day. It was just wearing him down. She was just this conspiracy this, this conspiracy that, and it all started with lockdown and you know, fucking COVID and blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so my parents won't listen to this. So, yeah, same thing.

Speaker 1:

Fucking idiots.

Speaker 2:

Your parents are anti they just jumped off the fucking door.

Speaker 1:

They're like they're like this video proves that blah, blah blah, but they've taken it off Facebook. I'm like do you have any idea how, how incorrect and dangerous something has to be for Facebook to actually take it down? They're not hiding the truth from you. Yeah, stop they're hiding dumb information.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just so stupid yeah. They cause they, they're like they basically retired and like they're like I don't know, it's just so stupid yeah.

Speaker 1:

They cause they. They're like they basically retired and locked down here and they were just alone with their thoughts for too long.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And they were already a bit fucking weird. But yeah, yeah, Like your, your mom's very big in a natural natural life, yeah, my entire life a bunch of random pills that changed the color of your urine. Just that's it. That's it.

Speaker 2:

Just kind of know what's in it. Kind of know what's in it. Have a go at that. It's not really worth it. It's like RGB for your piss. Yeah, I'm not, I'm not going to like like fun colors, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It was one time, rgb piss pills. Yeah, I mean you could do it.

Speaker 2:

I guess, like you know, I I shit you not like.

Speaker 1:

You know different. You know dark to light colors You're like that's weird. Yeah, the flu row fucking green. I'm like I'm out, I'm done that's like.

Speaker 2:

That's like role models yeah.

Speaker 1:

I was like never again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was a hundred percent like that, and I'm like what was the point of it, though?

Speaker 1:

It was probably you know. I was like sick and couldn't go to a doctor. I'd have to have some tablets.

Speaker 2:

Right, and vitamins. Vitamins change the chemistry.

Speaker 1:

It's just all the all the snake oil shit that like all of the entirety of the naturopathy industry industry is built on. Yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like you can go to like yeah, She'll only buy her pills off someone who opens with step right up 100% is ridiculous, Like yeah. It just I get so upset about it.

Speaker 2:

It's so weird Dude that's going to be a top 10 joke for me. I reckon it was pretty good, I got into it right off. It's not bad, you're not wrong.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just like yeah, my entire childhood, excellent friends, just like, so stupid. And then like like. My absolute favorite is the time that she touched stinging nettle and then was dumb enough to let her mom, my grandmother, sting her again in the same spot, because that's how you fix it. What? Yeah, it takes it away. I'm standing there right next to him, I'm like don't, don't do this.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that's how it works. Please don't do this.

Speaker 1:

Don't it's, it's not right.

Speaker 2:

I think this is a trap.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, funniest time ever, because it is the one and only time I've ever heard my mother swear in front of her mother.

Speaker 2:

Amazing, that's great. I'm like one. How?

Speaker 1:

do you think you guys were when you realized your parents were dumb? I don't think there's many intelligent people in our parents' generation. I truly believe that Like but like did you? Did you hit, like a point where you were just like, oh shit, I'm smarter than my parents. Now I think it took me a long time to realize, but looking back, I don't know 12, 13. Yeah, that's when you became like craftier than your parents.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when did you have?

Speaker 1:

the epiphany that, oh wait, I'm smarter than my parents, Like my parents do dumb shit. I always assumed my dad was quite smart. I was like mom, maybe not as much.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then, like recently, I'm like maybe it was just, maybe I was wrong.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's terrifying though. Like well, my parents had me had kids when they were youngest. Fuck, and me thinking back like wow, if I had kids at 18 or 20 years old, that is terrifying Dude.

Speaker 1:

I was a fucking train wreck at 18 years old.

Speaker 2:

Same, absolute, absolutely I could barely function.

Speaker 1:

I didn't even envision being a dad at 18 or 19.

Speaker 2:

Dude, I would do it once a day. Yeah, who do you want to raise a child?

Speaker 1:

It's fucking terrifying, my parents had me late as fuck, though my mom was 38.

Speaker 2:

You're on yeah.

Speaker 1:

Get out of here. I was unplanned, oh.

Speaker 2:

Surprise, here I am, accident, jamie Yep.

Speaker 1:

Disappointment the whole way through. You know what I am. You know what I am Consistent, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It is awesome.

Speaker 1:

I think I realized I was smarter than my mom when I was about 16. That's when I started to realize that the shit that she did on a daily basis was like not normal and just generally stupid.

Speaker 2:

Was there a turning point? Was there something that happened when you just like OK?

Speaker 1:

that's it, or you just generally came to realize All right, so the reason is not a good reason and it wasn't like the reason. I thought that was wrong at the time, but the conclusion was correct. You know, you do a math problem and you do the working out different, but you get the right answer.

Speaker 2:

It was like that Effectively. She had undiagnosed agoraphobia, which is like fear of going outdoors and I was like Open spaces.

Speaker 1:

And at that point I was just like this woman is dumb Because you did not Because I didn't know any better, because I was 16 and I didn't know what agoraphobia was. All I knew was that she would like literally not walk out the door and I was like that's dumb, what a moron.

Speaker 2:

Catch you later.

Speaker 1:

Like you could at least go to the post box, Like you know, to the post box To the letter box.

Speaker 2:

To the letter box To the string.

Speaker 1:

I've never, once been, even to the UK, so I don't know why I'm saying post box, post box To the post box, jolly good, cheerio. But my mom wasn't a naturopath or anything like that, she just believed in any form of spiritual thing. She had a belief system so strong that she simultaneously believes any religion and any spiritual or fantasy thing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Fully believes that fairies exist, unironically.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Believes all religions of all walks. Believes that rocks can affect her mood. Believes that the stars are lining.

Speaker 2:

Is there a?

Speaker 1:

name for that Surely. Yeah, it's called crazy yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean an official title.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. It's like reverse Atheist Dude. Some people go through their lives with such mania and depression and like autism that when they like all play with each other, you can't actually ever get a correct diagnosis. And we probably all know someone like that, Like where there's just like someone in our life who is just not right chemically and it's making their life hard. And that's what my mom's like. I wouldn't be able to tell you what she has because she's probably been diagnosed with a dozen things.

Speaker 2:

Like co-morbidities, I think. Yeah, you don't just have one thing. No, they're kind of working off each other. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And like having now with Finn, being having what they call AHD now, which is autism, but like AHD now being a spectrum it's and because, like, obviously my kid has AHD, so now I understand a lot about it, whereas before I didn't really look into it. But now understanding that, like ADHD is on that spectrum as well, it's just like on a different portion of that spectrum. So it's like autism doesn't affect your overall intelligence, it affects you, like just mentally. It's just how you perceive and process things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just different.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, when you say like and like, it's going to sound really fucking shitty coming from someone who has an autistic son. But calling someone autistic as a joke is funny still. Like you know if someone has like a thing that they do is like an autistic tendency. It's funny because I don't view it as an insult at this stage in my life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't, you know yeah, I don't like.

Speaker 1:

oh, if you say someone is like like black, not. Could not even hold a straight face for a fucking half a second on that one.

Speaker 2:

A little wind up, dude. I'll do it for the clips. I just want those hate views, man, and then they'll sting us. Yeah, get the. Get the sticker out there.

Speaker 1:

Oh dude, I saw a Theo Von clip and he was like, yeah, if you really need to get it out, you just, I just write it down.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, he's always so bad, I just write it down.

Speaker 1:

If I really need to get it out, I write it down.

Speaker 2:

So back on the parents thing, though I I did. I never. I never had a point where I was like, oh they're fucking dumb. It got to a point where you realize they're getting old. Oh yeah, and it's just like oh yeah, when you, you know, when you, you were younger. When I was younger, I used to think that they were really good drivers super safe. Yeah, I get in the car with my mom now.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, it's just like oh okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'll drive next time please.

Speaker 1:

I think I'd agree with that man because like, yeah, like when Liam asked, like when did you realize you're smarter? I don't think I ever really had that epiphany. I just realized they were dumb now.

Speaker 2:

Right, like a couple of years back, like when they had their whole COVID thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and like, yeah, I think, like she just said, I think it's just age.

Speaker 2:

It's an age thing.

Speaker 1:

I think, yeah, they retired, they got too much free time on their hands. Not enough friends nearby.

Speaker 2:

My mom has. They went a bit deteriorated like that.

Speaker 1:

yet because they were my mom was really young when she had me, so she had my sister at 16, had me at 18. Yeah, so so there's like so she's not old, old, yeah, you know, like Jamie's parents would be 72.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 72. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So your parents would be like 20 years older than my mom is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's bonkers.

Speaker 2:

That is yeah.

Speaker 1:

Mid to low. They're probably both mid sixties now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, same.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty regular for people our age. I think yeah. So I'm going to go to Andrew on the way home from wherever the fuck we went.

Speaker 2:

I was like me, andrew, or different one. Yeah, there we go, costco.

Speaker 1:

And I was saying, like when we retire, which is going to be like potentially 75, 80. Yeah, maybe never, but like when we retire death bed, and this is why it's really important for me to stay in at least reasonably good health. I'm not really worried about my weight, I just want to be in good health, and what happens when we retire, being in the age that we live in now, is that we no longer have any obligation to do things during the day. We will literally just play games.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 12, 15 hours a day we're going to wake up in the morning and maybe we'll deteriorate to a point where we can't play like our shooters or anything like that. That's fine. There's plenty of other fucking games.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We'll play like Divinity and Baldur's Gate and, like you know, there is such a new low-paced there's such a bad catalog just waiting for it.

Speaker 2:

Before we get to that point, I want to hang out IRL like the old men do to start just fucking smoking CGs at like a cafe you don't understand.

Speaker 1:

Our relationships aren't going anywhere. We will actually just move into a village.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the dream, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then we will just set up all our computers at one person's house, you just go to their house. What else are you doing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally yeah.

Speaker 1:

In those villages they have, like you know, little poker clubs and stuff. You guys will just have a Pathfinder club. Yeah, get together Totally, keep the brain ticking over Non-stop Pathfinder, like actually just play D&D forever until we literally die.

Speaker 2:

That is a fucking dream.

Speaker 1:

And then, hopefully, when my body stops moving, vr will get to a point where I only have to use mental you know, yeah, and then I'll be able to just play until I literally die, like plug it into Sword Art Online or some shit man. Like fucking just play until I'm dead these are my aspirations.

Speaker 2:

This is my actual goal for my retirement.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's all I need. I don't even need to travel, I just need to be able to have a computer and to play the video game. As long as I've known you, you've wanted to live in a commune with your closest friends. That is true.

Speaker 2:

Why would?

Speaker 1:

you not want that, Jamie.

Speaker 2:

No, I never said I didn't want it. I just say has living been?

Speaker 1:

very zoned in on that for a long time. Yeah, there were actually periods of time where I was like trying to figure out like where, like G was going to buy a house, or where.

Speaker 2:

James was trying to buy a house, so that I could potentially buy something next door or behind it, so that we could like open up the fence lines. Hey, there's still fucking plenty of time for that.

Speaker 1:

It's not that we can afford a house anytime soon, yeah, but the thing is, I have looked into buying plots of land, but they're just so far away like for us to all be able to afford it. And then the idea is we would all build one very large house and then we would all section it, we would pay it off, and then we would all fund the next house.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's a good idea.

Speaker 1:

So it's just like it'd be. You know essentially four groups of people paying off. You know the houses at a time, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's a fantastic idea. We should do that. I don't see how else it's gonna happen In Tassie, in Tassie. Tassie was the viable option to run.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tassie actually is a viable option because they have big the plots of lander. I've worked for a builder, though, and I've like, and I know like a couple of things that we could do with, like a couple of different houses that would like work that way. There's, like this one very specific type of house that is all single story and it's just really fucking wide and for like very reasonably priced upgrades, you can just add shit to it, and because it's like not a complicated build, it's like basically putting Lego pieces together yeah, amazing Anyway.

Speaker 2:

That's something we can do.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, that's our secret plan. Yeah, that's like that. Yeah, it's about my work.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

My job is actually fucking shit boring.

Speaker 2:

But you learn valuable things like that.

Speaker 1:

I've learned a lot of stuff working for a builder. Yeah, tons of stuff, tons of tons, of tons.

Speaker 2:

That would be the absolute dream. If we could live all close to each other would be amazing. It'd be fun.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, like that is such a real thing, like I, literally every now and again I'm like man. I hope I live long enough to finish this game.

Speaker 2:

Like, I hope by the time, I hope by the third part of that game comes out before I die. These are literally thoughts I have, Like it's the same as like trying to finish a book series.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I haven't written them all yet.

Speaker 2:

Man, I hope he lives long enough to finish it, or I live long enough to finish reading it, like it's the same, like I'm like. Oh man.

Speaker 1:

I'm loving this Final Fantasy remake, but they've only done part one so far. It's like I better be around when it's finished, Like I'll be so mad. It's a legitimate concern.

Speaker 2:

I have these thoughts. I'm so mad with your plan. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And just having the time to do it and like the lack of obligation is just gonna be sort of oh man, I wanna write like I wanna write yeah. It's like you know how many times I'd dig around with like the retirement calculator to see how early I could retire. You are like that though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm like do you reckon I could live on like I lower the amount per year. I'm like 30k.

Speaker 2:

That'll do That'll do, my house will be paid off.

Speaker 1:

Like that'll get me like early 60s. I'm okay at early 60s. That's fucking rad. I'm like dude. I sit there all the time and fucking dig around with that I think I would want to work till I was 70. Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I would want to. I think mid 60s would do no, I don't wanna work now. Mid 60s would do no, you're laboring like you get an office job. Yeah, I suppose.

Speaker 1:

You need to transition into office work because it's way like you can it's Don't do it, it doesn't crush your body. It crushes your soul.

Speaker 2:

Just do it. Yeah, don't do it. Don't do it, we'll see.

Speaker 1:

Everybody ask me hey, you need me to like process any of this stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, You're like oh, dude you know.

Speaker 1:

What's funny, though, is I was looking at like warehouse jobs the other day and I was like I just wanna fucking work in a warehouse again, like fuck my job. And then, yeah, dude, I've already. Yeah, it was so much fun man.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

As painful as it was, just like working in the back end. Yeah, with the boys just throwing shit around. Yeah, there's something about working in a warehouse that's like, particularly like if it's for, like, a retailer or something connected to that. It's like there's something about it that's kind of magical. It's like this weird camaraderie that comes along with it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's good. I think that's a retail thing. That's a retail thing, yeah, retail.

Speaker 1:

You're in the trenches together. You're in the trenches together. It brings you closer together. It really does.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's you against the fucking world man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is, it is.

Speaker 2:

It's people who just fucking arseholes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, really are.

Speaker 2:

They're just arseholes, man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you haven't worked in retail, try thanking whoever served you. You can't, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Or Ospo. Yeah, Ospo is exactly the same. I've never wanted to work Ospo. I feel for those.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I actually think they've got it worse.

Speaker 2:

They probably yeah, ospo yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because the people that you serve can get drunk.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, A lot of the time I feel you brothers and sisters, you know what you can do in.

Speaker 1:

Ospo, that you can't do in retail. It's spitting their stuff.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, dude, you can really just get one over on them without anyone knowing that's true, just spitting the bag in retail as you're handing them their stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's front of them. That's on the house.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh man.

Speaker 1:

All yours.

Speaker 2:

There's your best price. You're pricking yeah, yeah yeah. Beat it by 10% is literally only bonnings, you moron.

Speaker 1:

You know what you used to always get me. Yeah, this doesn't have a price on, it Is it free.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, every fucking well that never gets old. Never fucking gets old.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Slowly, we're genius.

Speaker 1:

Get goes into my mouth.

Speaker 2:

Blow my head off.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, Are you a comedian. Oh my God, You're telling these jokes.

Speaker 2:

for free Wow.

Speaker 1:

Amazing. Oh my God, you're in the profession I see. Definitely don't miss that about retail, because my sides are sore.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, I do miss the camaraderie in retail, though. Like I miss that whole aspect of it and like we fucked around a lot back then. We got the work done.

Speaker 1:

Got all the work done.

Speaker 2:

We worked hard, but we fucked around a lot too, and it was fun as fuck.

Speaker 1:

Whenever I went into JB, people would ask me questions.

Speaker 2:

I didn't work there. Yeah, you look like you would have worked there. You just look like someone who would work there. I answered so many questions in the electronic section. Well, I was just buying video games. I'm staring at them for so long.

Speaker 1:

They're like where's this? I'm like I was just over there.

Speaker 2:

You knew where it was. I was like but who are you buying for? Yeah, yeah, it's very important.

Speaker 1:

It's easy to tell them where it is that it is, to explain that you don't work there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did in fact work there. They see you for a very long time. There was something about their uniforms as well.

Speaker 1:

that just kind of blended in, because we had black polos and like we just like I don't know, looked like we worked there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just standing around and retailing.

Speaker 1:

And we had the lanyard on, despite the fact that the lanyard was the Toys R Us one. We had a large giraffe on the back of our polo, but maybe they just thought that that was a personal preference.

Speaker 2:

That was so fucking funny, man. Yeah, like I'm like.

Speaker 1:

Look around, man. Have you never like won, have you never been in this shop before? They wear casual clothes and they wear a yellow fucking lanyard.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like they don't have a uniform, but they're everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's because people that like would ask you for things in there like view you as a subhuman. They're not looking at you as a human being. They're looking at you as like a crime.

Speaker 2:

This guy looks kind of alternative, Did you guys?

Speaker 1:

or did you notice when Kmart tried to go casual for a little while? I do, I remember that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, they tried for like a trial period of just allowing their stuff to like wear Kmart stuff.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you'd have to wear the clothes, no, what?

Speaker 1:

happened. The boom is complained about it. Oh, of course, really Boom is complained about it.

Speaker 2:

Of course they did. Who can help?

Speaker 1:

me, Yep. I could find stuff they gave all their workers an allowance and they would have to wear stuff from Kmart.

Speaker 2:

They would have to come up for their shifts, which is fucking awesome Way better.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, the boom is complained about it, though they're like we can't find anyone to help us. I'll give you a fucking hot tip it wasn't the uniform that was causing that.

Speaker 2:

You've got.

Speaker 1:

As someone who has worked in retail a lot, you have way too many things to do to serve customers. Serving customers is literally the bottom of the list.

Speaker 1:

Every morning you'd have a team meeting and your manager would be like all right guys, we got to get out there, we got to serve all our customers, but here's a big list of things to do and if the customers don't get served? Well, I guess that is what it is. I literally got called into the office in my first month of working at Toys R Us and told Point Blank that I was spending too much time helping customers.

Speaker 2:

I was so confused.

Speaker 1:

Like it was fuck. You remember, wes? It was explained to me that I was spending sort of an 80 to 20% helping customers to doing the work, and we need you to split that around and I was like okay, I mean you put me on. I started on the sales floor. I thought I was supposed to help customers. Boy was I wrong.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, I literally got pulled into the office and talked to him about it and I was like, oh dude, I got pulled into that office a bunch of times I got pulled into the office because I clicked my pen. I remember that I get like we had this manager. She was just like weird control freak. And when I would like walk from department to department, I would like click my pen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like constantly, incessantly, I would constantly feed you, because that's just what I fucking do, so she took that as a personal slight on her authority because she told me not to do it, but sometimes I would do it anyway because I would forget or I would just be doing it subconsciously, Dude, I got range over the calls for that shit.

Speaker 2:

Wow, how dare you attack?

Speaker 1:

her Dude. I remember seeing Wes literally screaming inches from one of the manager's faces. Like I walk around the corner right as it starts. I walk into the board game section, I turn and I've got like a box in my hand like twister or some shit. Turn the corner and he starts screaming at this dude. He's like just walking out, maybe two feet taller than him, so he's like up against his body basically screaming up at this dude's face.

Speaker 1:

Spit coming out of his mouth and I'm just like and I put the box down, just walked out, I think. I know exactly who he was yelling at. Dude's name is Luke. It's all more on such a dick. The dude couldn't spell things. He was my manager and he would like have to write the notices on the white board he couldn't spell. I would come into work and when no one was watching, I would do what teachers do and cross it out and write With a red pen, you would have the critique as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just corrections and then I'd grade him.

Speaker 1:

He was gonna say, oh man.

Speaker 2:

That's fucking awesome.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I did some fucking shit there, man.

Speaker 2:

Oh God.

Speaker 1:

That's the same dude that made Jared, who basically cut an artery open.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

Drive himself to hospital.

Speaker 2:

That sounds about right.

Speaker 1:

Wait, dude, I can start this one from the start.

Speaker 2:

Oh, please do so actually I remember this fucking story.

Speaker 1:

Toys R Us. We did Nightfill so after the store closes you got a bunch of people in and they have about you know a quarter of the time than a regular person would need to put the merchandise on a shelf. So you have to do it as fast as humanly fucking possible. So Jared is up on a ladder like way up. I'm talking like like 20 feet in the air, like up, and that's all. The shit was measured in feet because it was an American company and so he's like way up in the air and he's like Boston Box is open with a box cutter and just smashing the stock in over the top because he's trying to like just jam as much stuff in there as humanly possible so we can all leave on time.

Speaker 1:

So, as he's doing that, he's cutting it and he's like got a stray swipe, I guess, and he's hit an artery in his arm and he's like spitting blood.

Speaker 2:

Oh my Lord.

Speaker 1:

Like the actual spitting blood and the manager told him to drive himself to hospital.

Speaker 2:

Just like you'll be right, right.

Speaker 1:

He was like, oh no, you need to go to hospital, oh my God. And he was like, oh, okay. And he was like, yeah, you'd better go. He's like okay, and he left.

Speaker 2:

And he drove himself to hospital.

Speaker 1:

And he was like pale, like I didn't see it, but like Dude he sliced himself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was, you know God.

Speaker 1:

He's a little dude already. Yeah, finn, he was just like.

Speaker 2:

I only saw the aftermath. Man, I cleaned up the blood.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I was bringing shit out from the back.

Speaker 2:

So I was like oh my God, what the fuck happened out here.

Speaker 1:

It looks like someone got murdered out here.

Speaker 2:

He made him drive himself. Oh my God, yeah that dude was bonkers man.

Speaker 1:

He worked. There was another guy that worked with us at the same time and he was a manager as well. Same thing. He was borderline illiterate and I was like how are these people? They are bosses.

Speaker 2:

How are they getting hired? They only hired people from outside, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Didn't really need to prove any credentials.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And what that did. Cause a chain reaction, though, because, after that point, pretty much everyone who worked at the store were the people who became managers, which is what ended up happening we all ended up being managers, because they're just ran out of people.

Speaker 2:

Did anything happen out of that Like, did he get you know nothing? No, never does Toys R Us never, no, never did, never did. Retail.

Speaker 1:

Toys R Us was the what West, like it was pretty nuts, do my manager? When I was a manager, you get paid a salary instead of hourly. And when I got to Christmas, my manager like brought us all into the office or the other department managers and he was like the expectation is that you work 10 hours a day to 12 hours a day and if you go home earlier than 10 hours, that's not acceptable. Yeah, dude, and you work six days a week until Christmas?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I remember doing.

Speaker 1:

I remember doing okay, I almost did. I reckon I almost did two and a half days straight at Chattie and I'm not exaggerating and it took, for I think it was Vinny actually walking into the break room and being like Jamie, you look like you need to go home and I'm like what? Like I literally didn't even hear words, like I was just staring at the wall and he's like Is that Santa's little helper, Whoa?

Speaker 1:

whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah, Like I was just like fuck, Like I don't, like you don't look great, Like I'm fine, Fine Dude.

Speaker 2:

I just couldn't work just to the bone in retail.

Speaker 1:

Retail was rough, we just got paid fuck all for it. Yeah, fuck man Retail.

Speaker 2:

Fun times I did fuck around a lot, though there was like we did work hard, but like, oh my God, the shit that we got up to in that store. You played hard, played very hard, like we'd like. At that time we were, you know, 20, early 20s we'd be going out the night before on a weeknight, coming to work without any fucking sleep and just working through it.

Speaker 1:

I'd first train home on Friday morning and go straight to work Same.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, I did chill like that.

Speaker 1:

When I was a store manager at Osmosis. I remember New Year's Day I had to work. I'd been out at New Year's Eve down at like the caravan my parents used to have with Dave and I can't remember a couple other people, and I was fucking like I was falling asleep in the middle of the store.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like I was just like.

Speaker 2:

This is not a good time. This is not great.

Speaker 1:

I remember like opening the fucking front, like roller door and just being like to everyone, like just hush, like do not talk to me, do you do not need me today? Like someone get me 10 red bulls. Yeah, yeah, yeah, please leave me alone.

Speaker 1:

One of the dudes I used to work with. I went out with him and a group of people and then he stayed out later and got more drunk than me and then the next day he was like meant to be cashing up in like the till area, out the back, where the safe is, and I just saw him asleep. He was just like face down, like literally passed out, and I was like how come we've only got one register out?

Speaker 2:

I go out the back, he's literally asleep, he's sleeping and like he just passed out and I was like oh fuck, that was one of the Stormy did that once he got like a paper towel roll and slept up in the racks.

Speaker 1:

Oh I found that at the Northland store At the North we had baby cot mattresses. Thank you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I found like someone who put boxes up.

Speaker 2:

I built a little cure. I always told about it, and then there was a pillow up there. And it wasn't even my store.

Speaker 1:

I was like redoing their warehouse, because the store manager was dog, shit or whatever, and I was like redoing their warehouse.

Speaker 2:

I'm pulling all these boxes out and I was like what the fuck is this? The secret break room?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's like you know, they're trying to page someone to customer pickup. He's just not coming. They're like, oh, he must be so busy. He's probably a fucking, fucking snooze. I have a snooze. You can't see him Just out cold.

Speaker 2:

I thought about that. I thought about that Hunk shoe he's out there, hunk shoeing, hunk shoeing, hunk shoe, mini, mini, mini. Did you have a little nightcap in a fucking candle? He had a candle arborist next to it. Yeah, dude.

Speaker 1:

Fuck. It reminds me of Rescue Rangers.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Rangers, this one VHS of Rescue Rangers and it was a pound of the Baskervilles and it was like a play on like the haunting of like that.

Speaker 2:

The Hound of the Baskervilles. Yeah, I got you.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, it was funny. Yeah, but do you remember like Disney VHS's had, like the ads at the start? And they'd be the same copy and paste ones for each one, and they had the rescues down under.

Speaker 2:

It was like oh my God.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like oh, it's like, yeah, that just brought back so much shit yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, fuck. And they had the cases before. They were the modern in quotations VHS ones and they were like the crinkly plastic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that like closed yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, eventually stopped closing.

Speaker 2:

That eventually stopped closing. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I had an empty VHS as my pencil case for high school for the last two years. Oh, that's a fucking genius.

Speaker 2:

I just like took the wrapper out of it yeah, and had a clear VHS cases that's so good. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was so fucking smart.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's kind of rad. Yeah, how do you time?

Speaker 1:

mate. Yeah, dude, I reckon I could like buy those off Ellie Barber and release them as, like I've got a bunch of VHS at home still.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah you just throw the tape out. Yeah, start selling these as pencil cases. Fuck the tape. Fuck the tape off, oh man. Yeah, I got a bunch of all that old shit at home, like Do you guys have a VHS player?

Speaker 1:

I do no shit, I've got one, you got one.

Speaker 2:

You got one in the box in a shed somewhere. Yeah, mine's in a box, in a pair.

Speaker 1:

I had one of those combo. I think I've still got it somewhere.

Speaker 2:

VHS DVD. Oh no, wow. Yeah, I saw one of those. We were ballers, ballers. I think my dad got one fucking ball in it, maybe, hmm, I don't even think I have a DVD player anymore. Yeah, oh, specifically DVD Nah.

Speaker 1:

I've got a Blu-ray player.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I got my PlayStation 4 out I said, oh, I can watch it. Yeah, yeah, sweet yeah. That's basically all my Xbox is now.

Speaker 1:

It's like an M yeah you know what On that I miss buying Blu-rays.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah and things like that, I mean you know they're still for sale. No.

Speaker 1:

But like, well, no, I know that. But what I mean is like streaming has kind of-. If I was in the summer I could go. No, I don't buy CDs anymore.

Speaker 2:

We would just talk about JBI play.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like, yeah, the car doesn't take them, huh, like-.

Speaker 2:

No no.

Speaker 1:

No, the car doesn't take the fucking-.

Speaker 2:

Hey, new cars don't oh wow, new cars don't take CDs. That's true. Yeah, I didn't even think of that.

Speaker 1:

One doesn't have one, but I'm just saying I miss, like that being a thing you needed to do if you wanted a movie Like yeah To buy. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I miss the year shops. Yeah, I do too. I miss that a lot.

Speaker 1:

I do miss browsing through JB Hi-Fi. Yeah, I used to browse through JB. Hi-fi a lot, yeah, and like, just go through all their Blu-rays and browse them and then I'll be like, oh yeah, maybe I'll buy this, maybe I'll download this later.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't. Before I worked there, before I worked there, I'd go in and like just look for new music. But I would purely buy the CD just judging from the cover. Cover art. Yeah, yeah, like this cover art looks fucking cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, spamless, raw, yeah, and you get it home.

Speaker 2:

You listen to the whole thing. You're like that was shit, it was a waste of money.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then you go back next week and you find something that might be good. It's like I miss doing that. And I was like yeah, we're just so fucking spoiled for choice, that's true. You can just skip through tracks on fucking Spotify, Like no, I don't like this yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I do like the fact that you can like set it up so that it plays a playlist of things that you probably like yeah, find some new stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, one time I went to Jared Cooper's house.

Speaker 1:

Shout out, jared Shout out. Jared, yeah, and it was like we were very young because I had an iPod that still had a radio wheel on it.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

And it was four meg or four gig.

Speaker 2:

And four meg is like one song. It was probably four gig I fucking loved that song. No, it was four gig, it was one track iPads, ipods.

Speaker 1:

And I plugged it into his iTunes and I don't think either of us realized at the time that that would just wipe everything that I had. Oh yeah, and it actually turned out really well because I wanted to get like something I can't remember what it was, but he had something I wanted and I wanted that specifically. But then, because I did that, I discovered 4 years strong and I'd never heard them before and I love 4 years strong now.

Speaker 1:

I think, they're like one of my top three bands of all time. Yeah, so it was a happy accident.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And that's when I first discovered 4 years strong.

Speaker 2:

There you go. I once won an iPod from those skill tester machines.

Speaker 1:

Get the fuck out. The Stacker one was the Stacker one. Fuck off man Dude, I want it.

Speaker 2:

The only person I know that's one is me. I didn't realize it was a thing.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I want to stack around tour when I was in HVH Dude, and I got one of those fucking shitty LCD block game boy things. There was like 101 games on it. This was dog shit yeah.

Speaker 2:

It was the iPod shuffle. I've never been able to win it since that came. It looked like a like a USB stick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and it was great.

Speaker 2:

And then the guy that I was with it was my friend at the time he tried to claim it, saying that it was his dollar.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, uh no it was not your dollar.

Speaker 2:

What yeah, he got real weird about it that I wanted.

Speaker 1:

I'm like um what?

Speaker 2:

He's like maybe we can share it, Like you can have it two weekends and I'll have it.

Speaker 1:

I'm like no, no, no, no, like that's, Listen up this isn't how it works. This isn't an episode of Kirby. It was like that, the fuck, wow, it's like. It's like he paid your salary, yeah, so your work belongs to him. It was bizarre.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was bizarre, it's like me going to here, going to get food with him, watching him buy his own food, and but oh, that's actually, that's half mine.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we can share that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like um, that's not how it works.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like me lending, like Andrew, $5 to buy some chips and then eating half of them because that was my $5.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you know weird, I mean that would be more normal, I would happily share those chips. I still think that's. However, that is weird. It's very weird.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's like it was my dollar. I'm like no, it wasn't. What are you talking about?

Speaker 1:

So he didn't even give you the dollar. No, you put a dollar in. It's not like you just like, wait what that's saying that he had lent you the dollar? No, no, no, no, that is crazy.

Speaker 2:

He must have imagined that he gave me the dollar and I'm like. That did not happen, Wow.

Speaker 1:

That's because he just was super jealous. He was super jealous, yeah, because every time I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

But we'd always go like every time we went it was at Southland, it was the time zone or whatever it is now yeah. Every time we went there, we'd play it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So it was like one of those things. I think he just got super jealous yeah.

Speaker 1:

Of course, and instead of being like hey man, do you mind if I borrow that for a little bit, Just like I think you're fine that that's half mine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know you owe me when I want it, but there's no bearing my friend. You got really weird about it. Oh my God, it's super weird dude.

Speaker 1:

Like imagine I'm trying to think of other like sweet analogies for this. So imagine like you're in the Olympics and the person from your country wins the sport that you're doing, but you're like. Well, I was here too.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so really, you both won. I won the championship for Australia and I'll have it for half the year. And you have it for the other half Wow.

Speaker 1:

Yep, that's about it Actually. No, it's even worse than that. It's actually more like I bought a ticket to watch someone in the Olympics, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel entitled to their victory. It's actually my medal too.

Speaker 1:

No see, I was here, so yeah, what, I'll take it this weekend.

Speaker 2:

I just like the way they started.

Speaker 1:

They didn't start by being like hey man, can I, can I borrow that sometimes?

Speaker 2:

They would just, they just straight up all in to part ownership.

Speaker 1:

To try and force that on you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so weird, very weird, very odd cat. I'm like I don't want anything to do with this guy anymore.

Speaker 1:

I'd say one of the weirdest things I ever saw in primary school is just one of one of very many things that I only remember on spare of the moment.

Speaker 1:

But I was in grade five or six I know that because of what school I was at at the time and I one of the guys had a lot of money, like I guess his parents gave him like $10 or something to like buy lunch with, which is a lot of money for a canteen, and he bought like bags, those mini bags of chips. You know. You get like 10 pack of chips, whatever like the mini bags.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so he bought. He basically spent his whole thing on them, like however much it was, and he had nowhere to put them.

Speaker 2:

So he put them in his. I don't know where this is coming from.

Speaker 1:

The pants legs had ribbing on the bottom so he put them all down his pants legs because he could put it, because he could store them in there and then someone realized, and then I don't quite remember how it started, but effectively he was on the ground and everyone was kicking his legs Trying to pop the bags. He's finally able to stand up. He says chips coming out of the bottom of his pants oh my God.

Speaker 2:

Kids are cruel. Kids are such fucking assholes.

Speaker 1:

Dude, that shit's wild. I remember it too. Got beat up because it was like yo-yo season and he brought a pop ball. Everyone's doing yo-yo tricks. He's like hey guys, check this out.

Speaker 2:

So I just wailed on him.

Speaker 1:

It was like a pause and then I was just like fucking bang.

Speaker 2:

Yo-yo's flying to the air, I said it's fucking yo-yo season.

Speaker 1:

Yo-yo's went real crazy for a while hey yeah, do you? Remember what's new at Nox City.

Speaker 2:

Do you remember that they?

Speaker 1:

used to have their fucking. Like the brain, remember the brain.

Speaker 2:

Yes, the brain, and they had the code one, and then you'd get all the mooses ones at Toys R Us yeah yeah, yeah, that's right.

Speaker 1:

And like Toy World and shit would have the mooses ones, the tornado.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no shit man, I feel like we were at the prime of collectibles.

Speaker 1:

Like in terms of like Pogs and Tazos and yeah, yowies, dude, I owe dude.

Speaker 2:

I collected the Yowies too.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure I've got somewhere at my parents place the entire series one of Yowies, yeah. So the thing like my parents never really bought me. Maybe it was something I have no idea Because they never loved me and we were poor. But, yowies, they did because they liked them.

Speaker 2:

So I got to collect them because they wanted you to collect them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, so that was alright, that was a win there, I chalked that up as a win. That's a big tick for me. My primary school like kind of embraced that stuff and made it like a thing so they would have trading days and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

So instead of like having kids have arguments like oh, mom, dad, this kid like essentially like fucking fooled me and they did it with like I think I told you guys this like off podcast, like video games as well, so like you would go in with like your old Super NES games on Nintendo 64 towards the end. And you'd go I'm a bit bored of this one. And the kid would be like, oh well, I want to play that game and I've got this one. You'd swap it and like it would be like noted and mediated by the teacher, like they would actually mark it down.

Speaker 2:

That sounds like a blazer school man. Yeah, right, yeah, that's actually going on at my school.

Speaker 1:

No, dude, it was public primary school, but it was just fucking genius and I'm like that is so clever and like it just meant everything. Like you know, for kid was like oh, actually I made a mistake, I didn't want to trade that game. Okay, well, we know who's got it and we'll just record, yeah, wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no shit, yeah, really, that's actually really cool yeah.

Speaker 1:

Facebook marketplace now, but actually that's good. I thought it was good, I thought it was good at time. Yeah, pokemon cards got banned.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think. I think they did at one point at my school.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they got banned. Yeah, I think once again they got my.

Speaker 2:

Charizard before that.

Speaker 1:

So I was like, yeah, I might have said this on podcast before, but it's like too good of a story not to mention.

Speaker 2:

But when I?

Speaker 1:

was in I think I was in year six or seven, maybe around that age my friend, his mother, died on her bed and he found her, and then he took her purse and used her credit card to buy Pokemon cards. Oh my God. How fucked, is that?

Speaker 2:

Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

That was. That was his reaction to finding his passed away mother, and I think about him regularly. I was going to say how's he doing right now?

Speaker 2:

I have no idea, yeah because that, yeah, I just say like, if your, action to that is that you take the fucking credit card.

Speaker 1:

How old we? We would have been 1213, like around that age.

Speaker 2:

Wow, so not like, not so young, to understand exactly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wow, well and truly at an age that you would understand that was his really messed up.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I was just curious to try and give it something, some legs to stand on, something.

Speaker 1:

His mum used to beat him. It was a blessing in disguise. I doubt he was out to like yeah, no, it's definitely, that was his shock mechanism. Yeah, Cause like yeah, you could understand, maybe just like total shock, but like.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, yeah, it's just pretty random, though, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I remember he had a credit card for like like months and then he was just buying everything and anything that he could buy no idea how much I had on it. Just kept going until someone finally fucking caught him and then, like I guess his dad probably got like a fucking credit card bill.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You're like, you just like no, we will not be paid that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, what's a Pokemon? Why was his dad a redneck Pokemon?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, true.

Speaker 1:

They say it like 700 times in the TV show Pokemon, pokemon.

Speaker 2:

They say it Pokemon.

Speaker 1:

They must see it going on. Oh, that's whack. I want to be the best there ever was to beat all the rest. Baby, that's my cause Nice rendition. I used to know the poker rap. I can't do it anymore, though. God bless. That's why we're all staring at Lee and waiting for you to do it. Yeah, we're waiting for him to recite at least a little bit of that. Let me see if I can remember something I can't. I couldn't possibly remember all the words. I want to be, I can't.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember any of it. I'm standing up, he's standing on the table. There's a spotlight. No, no.

Speaker 1:

I remember the regular song.

Speaker 2:

I know the actual song. I have no idea what the poker rap is.

Speaker 1:

Because it was all out of order as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, true, there was a guy at work.

Speaker 1:

His name is Drew and he said that he could name all of the 151 first Pokemon and he did it.

Speaker 2:

He did it, holy shit yeah.

Speaker 1:

Which I think is impressive, because I know them all, but I don't know if I could just Rattle them all yeah. Yeah, in order.

Speaker 2:

He fucking did it man I was like he must have had one of those posters that had them all on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 100%, had one of those.

Speaker 2:

OGPokodex yeah, I had one. What was your first Pokemon?

Speaker 1:

Did you guys play Blue or Red?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yes, what was your? What did you choose? What was your first Pokemon? You chose. Oh, what was the starter, your first starter.

Speaker 2:

Charmander. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a Charmander. All three of you, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Fuck, I was Bulbasaur I know, there's dozens of us, and I still love him.

Speaker 2:

There's dozens of us. I still love him.

Speaker 1:

If it helps, Pith was Squirtle oh.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So Vinny was Squirtle, andy was Charizard Charmander, but I went into Pokemon not knowing anything about Pokemon, like I got the game before the TV show and I didn't know anything about it. So I just made the choice based on what I saw on screen.

Speaker 2:

I was like, why is it sick? Dragons are cool. Yeah, I think I went down that line of thought. I always liked.

Speaker 1:

Elves kind of like you know, grass kind of like you know nature, kind of things. So then, when I saw Bulbasaur, I was like, oh yeah, that's me.

Speaker 2:

That's the one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, got that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's fair. That's a little dinosaur. I think that's great.

Speaker 1:

Best base stats in competitive Pokemon.

Speaker 2:

So my balls, Charizard Dickens, you actually played it Right.

Speaker 1:

It was a game. It was a game. I thought I was just supposed to catch a ball.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's played the cards. Still got mine. Still got them. Really, yeah, still going to get those rated as well. I know, I know, shiny Charizard, shiny Charizard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I was just gathering.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, one at a time. One at a time ladies. Yeah, that's not even a joke anymore. Girls actually like magic. Yeah, not when I played. Yeah, yeah, the world is changing. Yeah, the world is changing man, I was like where were these girls? When I was like yeah, yeah, yeah, dude everything, all of my interests.

Speaker 1:

That made me a little bit weird when I was younger is like totally acceptable now, yeah, well, like that's the cool shit. Yeah, I mean, everyone fucking loves comics and sci-fi and fucking anime, just slapping the face. Oh it like it makes me want to gatekeep like girl boss, gatekeep a bit yeah. But at the same time, I'm like you know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty happy with it.

Speaker 1:

I'm like it's introducing more of it into the world. So I got more anime than I could possibly watch. Yeah, yeah. So what am I to complain, you know?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, sure, these people didn't have to grow up with the harshest idea, yeah, being into like Star Wars and yet somehow being made fun of for liking Star Wars. And now it's like totally socially acceptable the hardships.

Speaker 2:

The hardships man.

Speaker 1:

The hardships. Oh man, people didn't even know what JRPGs were. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

No shit man, I was the only person in my high school that played I mean small high school, but the only person in my fucking school that played them, until I met Mugsy. And obviously that's why we came friends, fast friends, yeah, very fast friends. Yeah, I was like, oh, this guy actually plays games, not just like only killer instinct. My, my one of my old neighbors. He like got me into gaming because he was a, he was from Hong Kong and he'd go back for business regularly and he was Stop, stop him. No, no, no, no, please don't. No, no, no, I'm done talking.

Speaker 2:

Can we play the song? Yeah, we can play the song after Jamie's finishing story as the ending.

Speaker 1:

We can do it Great.

Speaker 2:

Finish up your story.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we'll finish on this story so that we don't go too deep into what Liam's playing on.

Speaker 1:

But he would go over and he would bring back, just like CD wallet on CD wallet of burnt games from home and like he bought me, like brought, bring me back like the steering wheel and stuff for like Colin McCray and all this shit was a really good neighbor bought like me and my dad over to like to down to yum, char and stuff. But the video games and like signed up with more fucking games that I knew what to do with. Like I don't think I ever would in my lifetime have played all of them, but yeah, it was awesome, you really got me into a good game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but games, it was probably market special mate the old eevee games.

Speaker 1:

Seven day burn return. What a dumb policy on there. Seven days to change of mind you're like, no worries, see you'd six in fact see you in one.

Speaker 2:

You know what? I'll be back tomorrow. Let's not drag this out my brother.

Speaker 1:

My brother was like, so ahead of the time for us. He had an older brother and they had a four computer LAN set up when, like barely anyone even had a home computer yeah and um, and he would go to blockbuster every weekend and he'd just be like what do you guys want? And we'd like get a couple of games. And then he would like, okay, sweet, like give me time, and then he would like burn them. It really did, and then he would. And then he would find yeah, and then he would find CD keys he'd get.

Speaker 1:

There was like a cracking tool that he had, I guess, or he found online. Yeah, crack CD keys, put it on each computer, what a dude. And then he catalog it. So he had his xr spreadsheet.

Speaker 2:

So if you ever want to play a game, you could find it in the book like, based on like what the book was, on what page it would be and what side of it.

Speaker 1:

This dude was like actually he's probably autistic, but um, but yeah, he, uh, he would do that shit like we had everything, because he would just crack it immediately yeah, that's that is pretty much how things were with my dad yeah, your dad was one of those guys.

Speaker 2:

My dad was it. Yeah, yeah like yeah, he had the burner yeah, cdr, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah it was so good got the swap meets the cataloging thing I really like yeah, I dated a girl just one like story around cataloging her dad had this ridiculous dvd collection like I'm talking three, four thousand dvd like dumb. I was worried we were going and he he literally cataloged it all by.

Speaker 1:

It was alphabetical order and genre and it was ridiculous and he had like a master folder and then that would tell you what shelf in there like theater room to go to, to then get the dvd out like it was nuts next level like both of these stories have at least share about 70 of what my dad did as well yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was alphabetized. Yeah, like you would literally have the, the binder book yes told you what movies were available, and then you'd go yeah, find them in the.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's on a hundred percent.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that chop on down to China town. Here was some bluetooth. We're gonna finish the episode now. Jayme thought he was just give it a background background information on this it's just a video that I found from watching another podcast and I've been singing it and now that I've sung it a lot, like on the pod, the guys want me to like play it so that it can justify I don't know if I do, but anyway, yeah, so that it can justify me actually singing a very racist lyric. So I mean.

Speaker 2:

I've got full volume here.

Speaker 1:

G, so I guess you need to turn up your end yeah, it's, it's up, it's up yeah okay, now bluetooth one. G, the bluetooth one is it this one?

Speaker 2:

no, that's the phone one. See the one with the blue there you go what's the phone one? Why is what's that do?

Speaker 1:

we'll talk about that offline. Enjoy everyone. Thanks for listening. Bye, bye. I want to be ninja. I want to chop, chop, chop, chop down to China town.

Speaker 2:

I want to be clear she's white, she's white, she's very white, yeah we don't endorse this.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, bye. Hey guys, thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it. If you want to, please do us a favor, go ahead and follow us on the socials. Where should they find us, andrew? Oh, they're most definitely on instagram. Yeah, because it's the only place we're going to read your notifications, just happy. Where can they listen to us? On spotify and iTunes. Thank you very much. And Jamie, what do we want them to do? We would like reviews five star only, please if it's not a five star don't leave it.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, bye and newties bye.