Miscy Business

Chaotic Neutral Or Complete Psycho? You Decide...

Miscellameous Season 1 Episode 5

Hold on tight as we embark on a wild journey through character creation in Tabletop Role Play Game (RPG) - Pathfinder. We'll guide Jamie through the process, even if he has no intention of actually playing the game. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of laughter as we discuss stat allocation, character races, and the importance of crafting a compelling backstory for your fantasy hero.

But don't worry, we won't leave you stranded without tips and tricks. We'll spill the beans on character classes, equipment selection, and alignment, all while giving you the lowdown on how to create a dream team that works together like peanut butter and jelly. And hey, who knew spreadsheets could be so handy in character creation? We've got you covered with all the geeky tools you need to make this process a breeze.

So, grab your dice, summon your inner nerd, and join us on this uproarious quest into the realm of tabletop gaming. Get ready to laugh, learn, and create the ultimate character in D&D or Pathfinder. It's time to roll the dice and unleash your comedic hero upon the world!

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Speaker 1:

I'm not an actual psycho man.

Speaker 4:

Okay, we're good now.

Speaker 1:

Good Yeah, can you hit record? I'm good G.

Speaker 4:

Can you hit record? Have you hit record? It's already recording.

Speaker 1:

Okay, just double check and you hit record. Oh, no, no.

Speaker 4:

We're back.

Speaker 1:

Still back again Biscay business. Here we are So exciting. I, I, I, Andrew's legitimately excited for tonight. So that's good, andrew's excited.

Speaker 4:

I want to.

Speaker 4:

I want to get some creative juices going just a little bit and get our heads in like a, like a space where, where, thinking laterally. So, um, and this is mainly for the people that don't listen to or play Pathfinder or D&D, so at least they get something out of the episode. So, um, i thought of something today and I was thinking like there's like the big three in, like everything right, you got like your big threes. I was thinking like what's the big three of trilogies? Because one of them is Star Wars No dispute. One of them is Lord of the Rings No dispute. What's the third one, what's the big three trilogy that goes on that podium with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings Back?

Speaker 3:

to the future. That's good, that's very good.

Speaker 4:

Indiana Jones.

Speaker 1:

Indiana Jones Pretty good If you on the count of the trilogy which you should Well like, yeah So.

Speaker 4:

So my proviso is that, like there's a certain amount of time that can pass between the third and the fourth. So if we ignore Crystal Skull which, like we're happy to do because it was so far away, not even just- the quality of the movie.

Speaker 1:

It was so far away in every way, yeah, so far away Trilogy Godfather.

Speaker 4:

I think a lot of people would put that on the pedestal. I haven't seen two or three.

Speaker 3:

You know what the third we can do without, but still a great trilogy. It's part of it.

Speaker 1:

That's fair. I would not look back to the future.

Speaker 4:

before that, though, right. What about Jurassic Park?

Speaker 1:

As a trilogy? Yeah, no.

Speaker 4:

That's a good set of movies. All right, all right.

Speaker 1:

Matrix, i mean once again as a trilogy. I love the first one.

Speaker 4:

It's not a big three To death?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if it's so good Seconds, who don't really?

Speaker 4:

hold up to it. I'd slap John Wick in there if they didn't release a fourth one. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say that What about a movie, though? What about Rush Hour?

Speaker 2:

Comedy Goal.

Speaker 4:

It's not a bad rush hour movie, all great movies Beverly Hills, cop Three.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one, two, three Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Actually The.

Speaker 4:

Fridays Yes, friday next Friday and Friday after next Friday.

Speaker 3:

after next Yeah, great movies.

Speaker 4:

Did they do a fourth one, and it wasn't them.

Speaker 1:

No, i think, you think it was Barbershop.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And each time I'm stumped for words, I'm heading straight for that. Did they do a fourth? No, they didn't do a fourth one, just be rest assured that, at no point.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Friday, no, i think there's one in the works where it's like Chris Tucker and Ice Huber back right on the block, on the block, and it's Friday.

Speaker 4:

It's Friday, drink and juice after next Just be rest assured that at no point of it. Barbershop.

Speaker 3:

I feel like it ties in.

Speaker 4:

Is it not an offshoot? Maybe I would just say it is Any other, any other top tier trilogies that we're missing? I'm sure we're missing something. Surely, what's a banger trilogy? Toy Story.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Hobbit Good One, two and three. Four Too much time pass Kind of separate. It's nowhere near the quality of Lord of the Rings, so it can't be on the same pedestal It's still, great Still good. Great Yeah, fantastic Good. Why did they cast two guys that look identical?

Speaker 2:

I can't watch for the average viewer Yeah, really.

Speaker 3:

I can't think of another trilogy.

Speaker 4:

Well, I'm glad that we're circling back to.

Speaker 2:

Lord of the Rings.

Speaker 4:

I'm not sure why we're circling Hobbit anyway, because a lot of people don't know that D&D was created off the back end of Lord of the Rings. So the entire lore that surrounds D&D, the inspiration from that, came from Definitely some Tolkien inspiration, exactly, yeah, the creatures in the universe that Tolkien put into play And Gary Gygax, the lord of D&D.

Speaker 3:

Our lord of the save you, praise, praise. Maybe the rest of you? He was in an episode of Future Armor.

Speaker 4:

Actually, i don't think about it, but he created the game and eventually that came what we play, which is Pathfinder. So for uninitiated and people who don't play Tabletop, j inclusive. So the Sima Or Tabletop gaming, so everyone knows what Dungeons Dragons is because of popular stuff like it was in ET, it was in what do you call it?

Speaker 1:

the upside down show Stranger Things, Big Bang Theory Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, i'm just saying.

Speaker 3:

I'm just saying Yeah, i know, it is You see those memes where they I just dropped my mouth a bit, yeah, it's fine, i'm just saying It has definitely has a place. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Popular culture, yeah, absolutely Pop culture reference. Oh fuck, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

You see those memes where they like mash up the names of like all those like typical fucking comedies from that age and it was like how I bang two and a half of your mother or something.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, no, I am not Yeah, i want to see it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so what we're going to do today is help Jamie create a character. Very much doubt Jamie's ever going to play Pathfinder because of his general schedule and the fact that he does too much. But we experienced Pathfinder players and G feels like he's not, but like versus the average person. you're pretty well experienced in Pathfinder at this stage, at this stage.

Speaker 3:

He's played through. He's played through.

Speaker 4:

He's playing through a couple of campaigns and he's made some characters. His knowledge is a bit more narrow but, Andrew having played like his lifetime, I segued in from video games that were based on it and then sort of like made my way into it and I've taken to it because I love it so much. It is so damn good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right, jamie. I feel so bad that you're not going to play it, but we're going to make your character.

Speaker 2:

You know, I feel like this character needs to be. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Left my house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then I might play it Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I'm still used to be playing it, andrew, so you know what?

Speaker 1:

I really hope so, and you know, we're all still playing, oh yeah.

Speaker 4:

You know I can borderline guarantee we will, because after you learn this is the downside of Pathfinder Once you learn how to play Pathfinder and you actively play it with a group of people, every other game you play that is in any way like an RPG, pale in comparison, yeah, and an absolute waste of your time. It's like when you play Zelda and then you play other games that are kind of like Zelda and you're like this sucks, because I've played Zelda, it's not Zelda.

Speaker 1:

It's the same.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

So tabletop RPG games, they're not for you anymore, because you've played Pathfinder now. It is the upper echelon. There is nothing better. We know this.

Speaker 1:

It is so frustrating when someone's like let's play some games. I'm like sweet, and they're like here's Settlers of Katana, and I'm like I don't want to be a dick.

Speaker 4:

But we can really use this eight hours to power through some camp.

Speaker 1:

I can explain everything in four hours, and then we've got four to play.

Speaker 4:

And this next bit that I'm going to say is for the people that are tabletop nerds, just in case any of them actually do listen to this episode. We are only working off the core rule book with core classes. We're not using any third party. We're not using any. what am I trying to say here? Archetypes?

Speaker 3:

We're not using anything from like Bare bones Yeah.

Speaker 4:

We're not using version one vanilla core rule book only.

Speaker 1:

So, and that includes spells, equipment, anything that we might talk about tonight, because otherwise it'll be far too complicated and take far more time than you have right now, which it also doesn't need to build speed build, which is true.

Speaker 4:

It definitely doesn't need to be that way either. So, and the purpose of this is to show that you can get into it. It's very complicated, and my suggestion to anyone looking to get into tabletop gaming is to find a group of people where at least one or two people know a hundred percent what they're doing.

Speaker 2:

I say that we don't even know that.

Speaker 1:

That's the hardest part. That's the hardest part. You need at least one.

Speaker 4:

One person with four knowledge Yeah, One person with a decent knowledge set of the game and then you can figure out the rest from there. You got half a brain You can figure it out, and if you're interested in this, then you probably already have half a brain. That'd be my call.

Speaker 2:

Like as an individual.

Speaker 4:

If you're like, maybe I'll play Pathfinder, you are smarter than the average person, if you've even had that thought. So rest assured and be confident in yourself that you should be moving towards playing this game. And you might think, hey, a lot of people play D&D. 5e seems pretty cool, it's not?

Speaker 1:

It is probably more approachable.

Speaker 4:

However it's definitely easier. That is makes it less good.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, yeah, it's definitely more well known. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're good Having keep trying.

Speaker 1:

We are saying there we go.

Speaker 4:

Um, i don't want to stay here too much longer. It's time, but Ä expect to be done. Yup, okay, yeah, just hop on 2x, it's in, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But a journey would be happen And I just basically see you very confident with that. It'sðanaster, i think, yeah, yes, yeah okay, it makes sense.

Speaker 4:

So I guess, how are we gonna like I really wanna be so like absolute noob friendly here?

Speaker 1:

So we've got the. I got a quick list of things in order to sort out.

Speaker 4:

Well, like I see, i think you're jumping ahead.

Speaker 1:

I think I am too.

Speaker 4:

So I was just showing you this. No one can see this, obviously No, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because, like people, are not even holding up a list.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Imagine So like people are listening to this.

Speaker 4:

They don't even know what the fuck is happening in D&D.

Speaker 3:

Like what is the game?

Speaker 4:

It's different every time because it's mediated by the person who is the dungeon master. So, effectively, you're playing a person's game and you're not playing against this person. One person runs the game. They operate any of the people that you interact with, any of the things that happen in the game. They really have to make on-flight decisions And your role is to work with your team to play through this adventure. Now, the adventure is pretty loose. There are a lot. There's a lot of room for interpretation.

Speaker 1:

Very sandboxy.

Speaker 4:

So if you love an open world RPG on like a PC, if you got into the Witcher recently.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, would you like to play that with four other people?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

So I guess that's the main thing you need to know is someone needs to run the game and you're not that person in this scenario. So what Jamie's gonna do is he's gonna make a character to play in what would be someone running that campaign. So that's your base of understanding of how D&D works, what the story is in Pathfinder fantasy, so think Lord of the Rings, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know.

Speaker 1:

Swords and magic.

Speaker 4:

Like I mean like Divinity, Divinity, oh very much, yeah, pretty much. The only thing you can't be is an atheist.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because in this particular world you could talk to the actual gods.

Speaker 4:

Yes, The gods are omnipresent.

Speaker 1:

It's very hard to play an atheist in this game, because you might get punched in the face by a god.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And how do you deal?

Speaker 1:

with that. Believe in me, believe.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That said, you can choose not to follow any of them. That's always not true?

Speaker 4:

So, and I think now let's like start looking at your character sheet. Okay, do some easy shit, so go ahead. So what?

Speaker 1:

is your list. Sorry for everyone at home. I handed him a character sheet.

Speaker 4:

Very complicated character sheet So much complicated mechanics.

Speaker 1:

I haven't explained a single thing, so I love it Yes, cool, very fancy, great.

Speaker 4:

So get a pen and paper.

Speaker 1:

I might actually get a pen Do your do your list. I got stuff for you, buddy.

Speaker 4:

Oh, thank you, Pencils Don't use pen You don't use pen. You got to change the numbers. Oh, okay, you don't use pen on your character sheet.

Speaker 3:

Laura made that mistake, yep.

Speaker 1:

Boy did I learn Yeah, What are you? is that a pen? Is that?

Speaker 3:

a pen.

Speaker 4:

I have a blank Excel spreadsheet that I use because it like helps populate things that you might forget. That's cool. So if you have a worse seriously going to play, then I would probably give you that.

Speaker 2:

And if anyone wants that, let me know. He loves it.

Speaker 3:

Jamie fucking loves the spreadsheet. Do I ever? No Lucy reads them.

Speaker 4:

I get 50% of the time we get on for games at night. Jamie's just on the spreadsheet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you see me on Discord, i'm generally in Excel. Yeah, i can screen share if you like Those.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

They can see it, man Dang it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, it actually does tell you It's pretty much the same on Excel. No, I don't think you said it, the only one that does is.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So if you're on Chrome, it'll tell you, i think it says being a fucking loser.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yep, yep, that sounds right. That's the thing.

Speaker 3:

Pathfinder is a huge thing. I cruise around and call people losers. What's that?

Speaker 4:

It's a big tabletop gaming thing. We roll around calling people losers.

Speaker 2:

We'll do it as a loser. That doesn't happen to us. Yeah, we're called.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, love it All, right, well, i mean first things first.

Speaker 1:

you need to know where your characters stats are going to be, so you know your classic sort of strength dexterity constitution intelligence question A charisma Yeah, far away.

Speaker 4:

What is your character?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what are you going to do?

Speaker 4:

What do you want to be good at Who?

Speaker 1:

do you want to be?

Speaker 4:

Looking at those stats He doesn't have any stats. Do you want to be wise? Do you want to be strong? Do you want to be fast? You know like what type of person do you want to be, physically and mentally?

Speaker 1:

I am normally not wise.

Speaker 3:

Well, you don't have to play yourself. No, no, no, not me. I'm not talking about me Within games.

Speaker 1:

I usually go for strength and get pretty top heavy in that. Oh baby.

Speaker 4:

OK, yeah, you're gonna be strong. I'm just thinking back to Divinity, right, and I literally just top loaded his strengths, so that's my man.

Speaker 1:

When we would get into those battles with you know the archer, i could literally just go. We'll fucking kill everyone.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and like that would be how I'd literally go all the way through. I hope I don't get over there. Yeah, pretty much.

Speaker 1:

So I would like to continue with that, because it's what I know and I feel comfortable.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's an easy starting place. So we're gonna be strong. We want to be a generally strong individual. Yes, ok, ok, yeah, i mean, you know you'll have a couple of stats you can go pretty heavy in, because there's a few ways that you can put stats in there. We can roll for them, which is the old school D&D way and the by far the hardest way. There is an old school way where you roll the stats top to bottom. Oh my God, You put in what you get and then that's it.

Speaker 2:

That's just me. Then you got to work with.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was OG.

Speaker 4:

There's the looser rule that a lot of people really segue into straight away, which was roll your stats and then put them where you want them to be. Yeah, but there is the way more commonly used and much more comfortable buy-in. So you get a certain amount of points, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

You can use those points to allocate them Like on Tony Hawk, exactly.

Speaker 3:

Yes, very much.

Speaker 4:

Yes, cool So there's other bits and pieces, like the more points you put in something, the less they will Yeah, yeah, yeah. But we can worry about that for you. So strong is the thing that you want to be. What would be your secondary thing that you would want out of this?

Speaker 1:

Why do you want to be strong?

Speaker 4:

He's in a fantasy world.

Speaker 1:

Hey, if Jay had a mic.

Speaker 3:

I would go.

Speaker 4:

There's nothing in there to improve your eyesight, that's why?

Speaker 3:

everyone, i know that's holding the page.

Speaker 1:

I've got an iPhone.

Speaker 4:

Can you see those words?

Speaker 1:

Yes, oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

You need to update your prescription. Actually, you know what?

Speaker 4:

That's maybe not true. I know what those words are, So I probably can't actually read them. I'm just like I know what they are.

Speaker 1:

We got some pretty sick mood lighting, but not actual lighting, lighting, lighting.

Speaker 2:

That might be why I started. I'm going intelligence.

Speaker 4:

Strength and end. All right, well, well, interesting. I don't want to be a dumb strong idiot Like I mean. I'd like to be somewhat smart and strong, all right, well, okay, so let's breach this subject. So scores in D&D and Pathfinder anywhere up to 10 would make you the average person. So let's say, 10 in intelligence, you're as intelligent as the average person. Start going lower than that. You're a little bit dumb. Very simple. Then we start using the artwork.

Speaker 3:

So What is that word? That's a streamer word. We're not allowed to say it.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

And then, And then, And the same goes for. like your other students, I really want to hear it. You can be. You can be like you know really agile.

Speaker 4:

So 10 would be like average, and then lower, lower, lower As you go up, obviously, you know so intelligence.

Speaker 1:

10 is the average point. I get it.

Speaker 4:

There are measurements, though Like I can't remember what they are, but like you know, if you've got like an 18 strength or something, then you can lift as much as a gorilla can. Like there's, like there's actual, like real world comparisons for them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

And like intelligence, i think 18 was like Einstein level intelligence. So, that's like super high which you probably wouldn't be able to afford, based on, like what I think you're going to do. But I don't know what you're going to do. I didn't know you were going to choose intelligence. So I'm like, yeah, I'm excited about this. Now It makes it interesting.

Speaker 3:

So yeah.

Speaker 4:

I'll take your word for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the beauty man, that's the beauty, that's the beauty Dude.

Speaker 1:

And we're working on flying blind. It's so exciting. So, cool Strength intelligence.

Speaker 4:

So should we roll stats? Yeah, i think rolling stats would be better for you. Because you won't understand how the buy-in works anyway.

Speaker 1:

So I don't understand how the buy-in works.

Speaker 3:

So you're meant to know.

Speaker 1:

Mate, i'm a standard Standard kind of guy. You roll four D six take away one. Yeah At the rest of.

Speaker 4:

So Andrew's got dice already So I certainly do. So, as everyone heard just then, you roll your four D six, you take away one, that's your stat, you allocate it where you want it to go. And you will have a total of six stats.

Speaker 1:

May I have that pencil? be the Jamie.

Speaker 4:

Again, So you'll save for the people at home Well go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna get Jamie to read them, but I guess not. Six, four, three, three. Get rid of one of those threes And you got 13.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Okay, not tragic. No, it's above average.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean, everyone knows, 13 is well above average.

Speaker 4:

I'll take it We want what you're looking for. Here is one really fucking high? Yeah, You want one.

Speaker 1:

That is all of those to come up six and just God, yeah, okay, cool, but you've got six different stats to attribute, so you're going to do that five more times.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

So just roll these three now No, no, no, the four again. So you're on a new state. I get you, So you're rolling your numbers first, then you allocate them.

Speaker 1:

Come on, jamie, all right, what do we got?

Speaker 4:

there Four Good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's a six by four and a two, so we take the two away. Get rid of the two.

Speaker 1:

Okay Cool, i get you now. Yeah, nice, you got 15. 15 is good, that's good.

Speaker 4:

Now, odd numbers are both painful and good because your bonuses that you get towards, like if you want to lift a big door up, you get like depending on what your strength is, which is what you're going through. With a 15, you would get a plus two to whatever your roll was Basically every second number you get a buff.

Speaker 1:

So if you end up on an odd number you're just like halfway to the next buff.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, which means, as you're leveling your character later and you get bonus points you put those points in there, and then you're all of a sudden you're a plus three.

Speaker 1:

So just by adventuring longer, surviving, going up levels so we get stronger Yeah. Surviving is key, though. You can come back, but you got to be real lucky and have some rich friends. Yeah, oh Jesus.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's it. It's all right. You dropped on a six.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that is another good one 16.

Speaker 3:

God damn, okay, 16 is good. Six, six, four two, 16.

Speaker 4:

These are good. These are very good stats so far.

Speaker 1:

Straight to the casino after this Yeah in my face guys, oh, oh, there, it is, there it is. We failed the dump stat. Yeah Yeah, four, three, three, two, the confidence was too strong. He's got a 10. It's not even a dump stat.

Speaker 4:

All right, it's an average 10 is average, yeah, And when you do buy-ins it just looks bad. There is what players call a dump stat where you take a stat, make it eight so that you're just terrible at it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, most people throw it on charisma because there's not too many charisma to grab.

Speaker 4:

Charisma as a fun mechanical note directly impacts how attractive you are. So if you go to an eight or to a potential six.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you're just ugly.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you're a fucking hideous.

Speaker 1:

I got some racial bonuses in there. Maybe go down to a four. Yeah, yeah, mix it in Maybe you're not.

Speaker 3:

Maybe you're a rat.

Speaker 4:

Bought a rat on playable Me a rat folk. Okay, five three, not bad, not bad, yep.

Speaker 1:

Not bad.

Speaker 2:

Right 14.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, 14., yeah, yeah, yeah, 14., yeah, yeah, yeah. And a one to go Looking for an 18 here. We haven't got it, but we got another 14.

Speaker 1:

So good, Okay, you're a girl on rocks.

Speaker 4:

You're very well-rounded character here.

Speaker 1:

Exceptionally well-rounded, well above average And well-rounded. You should play a bard. We're laughing.

Speaker 4:

Okay, so all right. So now, what do you want your highest thing to be? Strength or intelligence? Strength, strength. So, slap the 16 in strength. Yep done, i'm happy with that. Then, what do you want your lowest thing to be? What do you care about the least? I'll go charisma, don't need it.

Speaker 1:

No, and like it's not going to be that low, is it Really It's?

Speaker 2:

going to be average. Yeah, so that's fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we're just mentally checking out the list, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Oh, dude, okay, And then you wanted your next strongest thing to be intelligence. So we'd put your 15 in there. Yep, so dump a 15 in intelligence. Damn boy, what's your? you've got two 14s. So what are your next two things? you want to be just pretty damn good at.

Speaker 1:

Bearing in mind, generally speaking, strength, dex and constitution are your physical stats, and wisdom, charisma are your mental stats. So like go dex and constitution 14.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

That will make you a far more effective, strong person.

Speaker 4:

Yeah Good. So strength, wisdom, whatever's left, strength being how hard you can punch That'll be the 13. Constitution being how well you can take a punch, yeah. Cool, i'm happy with that 13 is not a bad thing. You really should be.

Speaker 2:

This is like I would use these stats. Good, yay me, i would not be rerolling.

Speaker 1:

I would be like yep cool, We'll do it. Thank you When.

Speaker 4:

Andrew GM's or DM's campaigns. This is the system that he uses. When I do it, I do the buy in system, because I am much more interested in a very mechanical approach. Yep, Cool, Yeah, I am interested in and if we ever had the time which we don't it'd be fucking rad to do the thing where you just roll the stats top to bottom and just maybe carry those.

Speaker 1:

Well, like I mean his stats they're very good. 13, like 13 decks, 15 constitution, yeah, constitution, he would have got 16 in it.

Speaker 3:

Like you wanted Just what he wanted. He kind of rolled them.

Speaker 1:

He would have been somewhat attractive with the 14 ending up in charisma. I say somewhat, I mean above average.

Speaker 4:

Very above average. Yeah, very well. Smarter than the average bear, that's me All right. So we've done stats. So now so now we know statistically what you're going to do.

Speaker 2:

What's next?

Speaker 1:

Shut up G. Yeah, cool. Well, those are going to be your stats, so they're going to be going to be your guiding principles for like, like. everything you do in the game will be tied to one of those stats which is great.

Speaker 4:

You want to jump up a ledge. You know it's going to be this. You want to do a cartwheel. It's going to be that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

You want to eat a fucking mushroom.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be something else It's going to be a good idea. Yeah, yet another thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh no, yeah, okay, yeah, um, yeah, and then you move on into races.

Speaker 3:

There are many options out there, you can be human.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to be. You could be, but you could be.

Speaker 4:

No, no, i'm trying to make it.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 4:

Um, i've, i've played human a lot, yep, and a large portion of the reason I have is because human have like a quick learning thing. They're super diverse, basically.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 4:

And their stats don't get bumped up or down anywhere. Yeah, okay, so I don't want you to think about that stuff too much, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

So think about more. Give me some more options, all right.

Speaker 1:

So the other options you vanilla options would be the classic human halflings Everyone knows halflings Hobbits. The Hobbits Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. So basically, hobbits with a slightly more magical lineage slightly more trickstery.

Speaker 1:

Um, you've got your elves, which everyone knows. Elves, they're all like hoity-toity but also very, very cool, because I love elves, anyway. Um, and you get your dwarves, soul of the earth, under the earth, all that jazz, uh-huh. Uh, you got your half elves and your half orcs, which are generally considered to be half human, half elf, half human, half orc, because, uh, you know, humans get around.

Speaker 4:

Uh, so we're thinking orc mother or orc father, that's always the funniest part of a backstory for your half orcs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, can I go half elf?

Speaker 4:

Of course you can.

Speaker 1:

So done, of course. Lock it in. Okay, i don't really think much more than that.

Speaker 4:

So what does that mean for him? Can we, can we pull over the book?

Speaker 1:

Um, it means, like the human side, they get to choose one stat to add two points to uh which is very nice, and then they get a cheeky bonus to one skill of the choice.

Speaker 4:

Okay, so you can choose one of these uh skills to give you an extra two points. So, if you want to be hyper omega strong, put it in strength. If you want to buff up your constitution, make yourself a bit tougher, then you'd be putting that up to 16 as well to match your strength stat. Um, you can start writing these in, by the way, so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can just lock them in.

Speaker 4:

You can run down on your little character sheet there, yeah, okay, you can even take it home.

Speaker 1:

You can go ahead and keep that one.

Speaker 3:

Enjoy that.

Speaker 1:

Um, I'm actually thinking constitution though.

Speaker 4:

Okay, Well, well, well you know what's funny is um, when I made my first character. I basically made my character me.

Speaker 1:

And that's what you know.

Speaker 4:

A lot of people will do that, because it's just easier for to like, easier for you to learn the game if you're playing something that's like yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you don't have to think about it as much because I mean, this sounds exactly like me Super strong you know uh good amount of wisdom charisma, average charisma, super well endowed Um should I put, take a so long So constitution as 16 then instead of 14. Uh, if you're adding that, two bonus to it.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yes, yeah, you would just go ahead and add it on. Then you need to decide whether or not the elf is your mother or your father. I'm kidding, i just need to figure out what to do as a kid.

Speaker 2:

I'm joking.

Speaker 4:

I'm joking, i'm just kidding Dude, i love it. Um, i mean, you can totally. the. the beauty of Pathfinder is like, really, you can just not come up with a backstory if you don't want to. It makes it more fun if you do, though. Yeah, it really does.

Speaker 1:

Like, yeah, generally you get all this stuff out of the way and then it will. It'll be easier to make your backstory at the end Based off what class you end up being, what race, And then you can sort of be like, well, how did I become a paladin? Oh, I was. I always felt a sense of justice and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and something in my childhood. We're gonna get you to pick that now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Story. So actually how?

Speaker 1:

did you become so strong and hung Like and hung?

Speaker 3:

Like and got a hung doll Genetic Look put two points in Dong.

Speaker 4:

I know that sounds stupid, but like that's what I do now. So when I was first making characters, i would figure out the class that I wanted to be and then I would make everything work around that And I was super hyper conscious of being like, like mechanically perfect and I needed, like everything to be perfect, and I always played human because they got, like these bonuses and feats, extra ones, and I didn't want to like give that away.

Speaker 4:

And then I started thinking, as a more experienced player, what do I want my story to be? And then I work back from that. So I figure out a character, figure out what the backstory is, and then now I play a rat that has bat wings.

Speaker 1:

So I mean that in a literal sense He definitely does, And it's a very cool character. Take a step outside the vanilla.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, a couple of steps outside vanilla there And a few archetypes Hop to get a jump Yeah. A few mutations, so.

Speaker 1:

But if you have a particular thought in mind of what you would like to do, like, well, i think you need to know the classes. Yeah, i know. Well, i was just saying your option is an option. It's a good option, but for an absolute beginner.

Speaker 4:

So if you don't want to think about backstory, that's not something you really already know yet. Let's think about what you're going to be professional.

Speaker 1:

We can circle back around to that, maybe in another episode, because I wouldn't mind doing that.

Speaker 4:

But let's do that way. So what's our vanilla class list?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what do you got for me? Oh, it's pretty long.

Speaker 4:

Give me top five.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, you said strong was the important part right. Is that because you want to be strong, as in like you sort of said it you want to run up stuff and hit it? Yes, okay, cool Well that narrows it down quite a bit Good.

Speaker 1:

You've got the classic fighter Who is an exceptionally skilled character AKA high strength, high in will actually give you access to quite a lot of combat maneuvers Where you can run up, hit someone, or you can run up, disarm someone, run up, trip someone over and then hit them. All of those kinds of things. You need a little bit of higher info as well. So standard fighter with some standard skills is great.

Speaker 3:

Underrated Totally.

Speaker 1:

Like absolutely amazing. You then have the barbarian who is your insanely strong, very, very angry, don't know why, sometimes hungry, sometimes murdering. Yeah, you're a barbarian who can go fly off the handle into a fit of rage Classic. You'll get extra strength, extra constitution and you will be able to stay in the fight longer, toe-to-toe with any opponent, but it does not require any in whatsoever. You can, however, use it, But once you're sort of Hulk smashing, you'll lose the ability to think as clearly and you will then not really be getting much out of that in.

Speaker 4:

There are other things that you can buff like that aren't battle things. Very true, it's a bit of a excess too, but it's a bit of a waste of your resources to have that much in and then be a barbarian, yeah So basically, you've got your fighter types that are better at skill-based stuff, and then you've got your barbarian.

Speaker 1:

Who is the other one Now? a?

Speaker 4:

lot of people really stick their nose up at fighter because it's like the first class that was made. It was the base class with the base thing. That is the most basic thing to do. Yeah however. And everyone shits on it until you're in a fight Because when you start hitting things and your teammates can't all of a sudden who's the rock star?

Speaker 4:

You know Like oh you got a big whizzy guy over there. Oh cool, You're doing nothing. Okay cool, Watch me beat this guy to death while you have to literally watch and do nothing With my own limbs Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Everyone shits on a fighter until he's standing around in front of you. Exactly.

Speaker 4:

However, we're still going. We're still going.

Speaker 1:

However, hold up, hold up. There is another perfect one. Well, there's at least two more, But there's at least two more. The next one the Ranger. So your Ranger is your basic Aragorn Super, amazing, highly skilled and has heaps of extra skill points. High end will help that out. Tracker, like that's just sort of skill based fighter.

Speaker 4:

They won't get as many fighter abilities, but they will get plenty of cool ones And it's a yeah, and access to different ones like survivability ones as well, very much different ones, yeah, for sure So in an outsider combat very effective Rangers are like a super, super cool class to have on your team. They also get like there are things that you can do with like you know getting a companion and you know being able to like talk to animals, track general survival skills which help you in the non combat portions of the game.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yeah, cause your fighter does tend to get you know they're very good in a fight. Yeah, yeah, it's like it's time for scrapping.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's come. But, outside of that it's like does anyone want to roll to see if they can see where these tracks went? You roll, and then the GM says every which direction.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 3:

That's tracks every which way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the old roll, the dice stares directly into your eyes and say you fail.

Speaker 4:

Get to move or dare Yeah. So you know that's your trade off To be able to party.

Speaker 1:

So basically a Ranger highly skilled for that. And a bi-highly skilled. I mean they have a lot of skills outside of combat as well. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

In and out, good balance, great class Ranger.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, another. Wow, i'd say skilled, but you know you'd have to change the charisma around. Yeah Would be a barred. So also get a lot of skills. Definitely less effective in combat though They do. They're your fighter type that delves lightly into spells as well. So you'll end up with, like a party buffs or personal buffs or the occasional invisibility or anything you choose really, but you have.

Speaker 4:

So the in's really good for that. Yeah, The in's really good.

Speaker 1:

Like a charisma is terrible. Yes, So if you did that, you'd have to swap the wisdom and charisma, but you can totally do it, yep.

Speaker 4:

Eh, the one on where you can sort of try to get the movements. The good thing about Bards is that they have what is called spontaneous casting, so very rare in Pathfinder. So let's imagine you're a wizard, right, and every morning you, when you wake up, you have to study your abilities, that you or spells that you can cast, and then for that day you can cast these spells.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

You know, and in any situation you can cast them the amount of times that you've studied them. So Bards don't have to do that.

Speaker 1:

there, they just they just pull it out of thin air. You pick, instead of having access to a wide range of spells. You pick a few you like and you can just cast those off the cuff.

Speaker 4:

Anytime you want, off cuff.

Speaker 1:

A certain amount per day. Yeah, yeah, a limited number, but like yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so it makes them really effective in times of need. You can really just be that buffer that your team needs to like get them out of a pinch, whereas like wizards, you know, you might have like, oh fuck, i didn't prepare that spell, so I can't do that thing that I normally can do, which is terribly frustrating. Yeah, so, and what was the other one you were thinking? Were you thinking Clarek? I?

Speaker 1:

was thinking Bard as well, but Clarek definitely. he's got enough well rounded stats. He could quite easily be a. Clarek which is basically your, you know your standard catch all, perfect, healer buffer, yeah, but you can also, you know, wear a heavy armor and go toe to toe with everyone. So, yeah, pretty easy, and you can only effectively do them with well rounded stats, in my opinion because you know you need like.

Speaker 1:

You need the wisdom, which is where they get their spells from. You need some charisma which buffs their spells against undead and stuff like that. Then you need your physical stats if you actually want to do anything in a combat. Yeah, so like they just wear Laura false short Poor.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel bad for her man. She just wants to contribute on the table.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, And every time she runs it does. However, she does not in combat.

Speaker 1:

In the combat scenario, but in our team where it's literally plan A, B and C is dog pile the enemy.

Speaker 3:

We're basically all. She really doesn't need to wait into the frontline.

Speaker 1:

But she wants to And I understand Yeah.

Speaker 3:

She does, she does help, though Like she's 100% out She heals.

Speaker 1:

She's the only reason we're still alive.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, exactly Yeah. So like simultaneously the most valuable team member we have combined with our most least effective combat character which sometimes you just need, you, just need that. Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah. We had an agreement that the first person who died would take it.

Speaker 1:

We'd re-roll it back up healer, like so we could help her out. I worked it in, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, all right The highlight of this video is Potential, then you see. What is next is there are bows that are composite, which means, instead of running off of your dexterity, their chance to hit a target and the extra damage that they do are based off your strength. Stat Yeah, done, i'm sold.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so your Ranger can definitely be a melee combatant or quite a skilled archer as well, and if you have the well-rendered stats for it, they are both of those Genuinely think Aragorn Like don't think. You know how he's not Legolas, but he pulls out a bow and shoots stuff and hits his mark. Yeah, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, no more sales pitch.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Ranger works really nicely because it is a highly skilled character. Who is frontline, could be backline. They're a very versatile fighter.

Speaker 3:

I'm happy with that And your stats are just great.

Speaker 1:

And your stats are the cover every day Cool good Like you even put wisdom higher than charisma, which helps with a Ranger. Because they will at very low, but higher than one levels get spells as well. You get the occasional buffs.

Speaker 4:

So you get a few bits and pieces, some little tricks. Yeah. I'd be really happy with that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Like if we were right now making a party together and you actually wanted to make a Ranger with those stats, i'd be happy about that. Not that I really tell people how to play, because I'm not like that, that's specifically what we're doing here So high.

Speaker 1:

I would be happy with that as a character on my team, so change your comic.

Speaker 4:

I can't make a flying rat and then tell my teammates, yeah, what they should and shouldn't be. I'm really going to need to focus up and contribute here, like.

Speaker 1:

Oh dude, amazing, amazing.

Speaker 2:

All right, what are we up to now? What's next?

Speaker 1:

Well, next, since you've locked in Ranger Whoop.

Speaker 3:

That's my bad, my bad, my bad. Let's roll One, two, three, four. Thank God you weren't rolling.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's right now. Some tough stats there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, class Ranger. All right, Two skills which, wow, wow, maybe we should have made him a much dumber, less skillful character.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because now you have like a way more to do them. Yeah, so when you've got intelligence, you got more skill.

Speaker 1:

We might need to do a part two of this episode. No, I just think we capped this off pretty easily. So your skills, I really should have prepped.

Speaker 4:

How far are we in? Do you know, Jay? Oh yeah we're fine, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

We'll cap off easy 20 minutes.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

All right. so If Andrew is still talking, i can just hit him with one of these.

Speaker 4:

Oh, oh, all right, wrapped it up music.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, play me out.

Speaker 2:

Ah, oh, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So the Ranger each level. you're going to get six skill points as a base. OK, there are probably 40 odd skills. I'm looking for the list, but I'm also talking, so I stopped looking for the list. So you're going to get six points per level as a base, plus your intellect. So what is the number in your box there? 15. So it's your modifier, which remember how we said, odds are bad evens are good.

Speaker 1:

Anything over 10 will give you a bonus. So when you hit 12, you got a plus one bonus And when you hit 14, you got a plus two bonus And if you ever put it up, it'll go to a plus three at 16.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But as it's 15, doesn't quite make it. So you got a plus two bonus. So your base skills per level is based off your class, and the Rangers are highly skilled ones. They get six, then plus two from your int, so you get eight skill points per level, which is very good.

Speaker 4:

Ok, yes, So I guess as a Ranger you're going to be an expert tracker. Yeah, What do you want to do with that Like?

Speaker 1:

yeah, that's a good point. There are quite a lot of skills on that page that you've got there in front of you.

Speaker 4:

Yes. Do you want combati style ones, do you want survival instinct ones, or do you want a combination of the two? Like, is that A regular combination of the two? Yeah, yep.

Speaker 1:

Well, well, well. So as a Ranger, i would highly recommend things like perception, so that you can see the enemy coming, and or your tracking You can see the tracks. You're really good at it. That's where you're going to want to put at least one point.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

How many do I have?

Speaker 3:

again for skills. You've got eight to start with at first level.

Speaker 1:

So you'll pick eight skills And you can put one in each, because the maximum ranks you can have in any skill is your current level. So at the moment, you're going to pick eight different skills you like And you're going to start with a bonus to them.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, put a point in them, so put a point in perception for us. Because perception is like default. It's key for you, any character you want perception. There's so many things that happen in the game that, whether or not you can perceive them, yep Right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And I could just be so far as like noticing details, noticing something, hearing something like a lot of stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then you're probably going to want survival, because that's going to be like sort of how good you are at tracking, like perception I'm sure you can find tracks.

Speaker 2:

You can see stuff.

Speaker 1:

Actually, following someone is going to be survival skill or just living in the wilderness?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, preparing food over a campfire, that is straight up. Yeah, you're shit. I'm happy with that. Things like that Stealth, stealth.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, I don't want to tell you how to play, but I was gonna, if you didn't. Gonna suggest it. Stealth's real good man. I really hate 100% stealth.

Speaker 1:

I see one a little higher up the list that you may or may not know. You want Hand or animal Because rain just kind of do that Like at some point at a high level, you will gain an animal companion.

Speaker 4:

It'll be like your little buddy And either you can pick like a wolf or an eagle or anything like that, and at some point he's going to get hit with an axe And then you're going to have to tell him to keep fighting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so basically what your DM's going to do is he's going to favor killing that over killing you. However, it'll make you sad.

Speaker 4:

Yes, because animal companions and anything that is summoned is a pain in the ass And you hate dealing with it as a GM, so you kill them.

Speaker 3:

But you get attached to it as a character. You do Because you're going to give it a name.

Speaker 1:

But, it's all right, you don't have one now, so it doesn't matter.

Speaker 4:

And you know what you're going to do. You're going to get like a fucking panther or something, and then you're going to call it Kit Kat.

Speaker 2:

And now you've given it your pants name, so you care about this now.

Speaker 1:

And you got to tackle any monster that comes anywhere near you Like stay away, don't you do it, man.

Speaker 3:

I swear to God In the campaign that Liam runs, laura has a companion, and it's a crocodile called Mittens.

Speaker 1:

And it is How cute it is. Tonight It's my favorite crocodile.

Speaker 4:

It's a pirate campaign. It's the right pain in the ass Because that's a swim speed.

Speaker 1:

Ok, great, yeah, we'll just have it swim along next to the ship. Anyone gives you a lip. Throw them in the water.

Speaker 4:

Portable crocodile.

Speaker 3:

Mittens will get them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, good.

Speaker 2:

Get them.

Speaker 1:

Mittens. All right, what else we got? All right So the rest are going to start getting fun. What do you see that you like? I mean, i can recommend a handful And you can pick between them, or you can just read I'll throw them out And you can grow in if they're bad.

Speaker 4:

And I love it. Yeah, continue, yeah, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, you got a high strength. You actually get a bonus to that. So, yeah, it's not about that, it's based off his charisma. That's still fine.

Speaker 1:

There are feats and abilities. You can change it to the strength stat, but that's more specific builds, wow.

Speaker 4:

It's like powerful presence.

Speaker 1:

I feel like climb could come in handy 100%.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Hey, there's one up the top. What's that?

Speaker 4:

say Acrobatics yeah, oh, good choice.

Speaker 1:

That's true.

Speaker 4:

I was getting there.

Speaker 3:

Love that choice, love that choice. I got one more Choose wisely. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

There are a couple in the middle Knowledge ones. They're not as exciting, But whenever you come across an opponent that sort of fits into a category like knowledge nature, for example, will cover pretty much every animal that you'll come across And you will then be able to roll a dice a d20, in fact, We probably should have mentioned that Everything you do revolves around rolling a d20 and adding your bonus to it And then every check will have a score that you have to beat. The DM will then give you information.

Speaker 1:

I like that or geography.

Speaker 4:

So both good for a ranger. And now we're sort of preaching a subject that I like to think about when you're making a character, And that is what should your character be good?

Speaker 1:

at Yeah, what do you mean? As his own individual, as his own wheelchair wheelhouse as well? So why would your ranger not know?

Speaker 4:

anything about either nature or geography.

Speaker 1:

They would surely know something about those things. I'm gonna get a geography.

Speaker 4:

So as like a moral standpoint for you as a player. You should be giving that point to your character in one of those, because that's what he would be good at.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I gotcha. And your survival skill that you've got. You should be able to sort of lean on that to stop you getting lost. So, combined with geography knowledge, you will probably always know where you are, which is very helpful for at least one person in the party to be able to do it.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yeah, so often people don't put points in survival And I love punishing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, like, oh, my God, the first time that my group set up camp, i made them go into excruciating detail And it was the best And I was like, and this will forever be your roles, but what are they? And not a single person had hand or animal and they all had horses. And I was like this is going to be fun.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, yeah, see, guys tie those horses up. Yeah, oh my God, no bonus, huh Anyone any good at using rope and tying knots? No, oh, this is definitely good, yeah, let me get the old percentage dice out and see if the horses are there in the morning.

Speaker 1:

Everyone's like, so we go to sleep And I'm like is no one setting watch?

Speaker 2:

You're just asking for it here.

Speaker 4:

No one's stoking the fire.

Speaker 1:

No one knows how to cook. I was like wow, this is brutal. Who built?

Speaker 4:

the tent, and so on and so forth.

Speaker 1:

Everyone. Show me your character sheets and inventory lists. Who has a tent? Oh my God, it's fun.

Speaker 4:

All right, so All right, so skills done. Yep, what's next?

Speaker 1:

Next, you need feats, which are basically feats of strength.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, dude, we don't have time for feats. I'm going to be straight up.

Speaker 1:

Feats. We don't have time to tell him what feats he's going to take. Yeah, we'll tell you what.

Speaker 2:

Tell him how our feats are. And then we'll tell you what to take.

Speaker 1:

He only needs one That said he gets a bonus one skill focus. So that's from being half-elven. It means you pick any one of your skills and you'll get to add a plus three to it, So you'll be really good at something. So what's your favorite on the skills list? preferably one that you put a point in, because it can go over and it will stack.

Speaker 4:

Yes, i'll say you can.

Speaker 1:

In this circumstance it will This bonus will add to whatever number you get in there and it will be very helpful.

Speaker 4:

So the thing about feats that you need to understand and why I said it will take too long to choose one is that when you're leveling your character, feats are the thing that take you from being a normal person to being exceptionally good at something or making you really special in a certain way. It's what makes you legless And you don't get many of them.

Speaker 4:

So when you're leveling your feats, you really put the most thought into what you're gonna do there Still points you'll get to a point where you're like ah, slather there, slather there slather there, But your feats you will always take the most time to consider what you're gonna do.

Speaker 1:

They pretty much revolve around what you wanna get out of your like for this character, probably what you wanna get out of your combat style. So, like you know, you take something that increases your physical, like sort of melee combat abilities, or you take something that makes you a more skillful archer, whereas you're a wizard. you might take a magical item creation and stuff like that. So, there's feats for everybody.

Speaker 3:

Combat cards, But it matters very much what. Yeah, the later on in as it goes, you pretty much need some feats to get to the bigger ones. So it's what's why that makes sense. A lot of feats will be pre-requisites.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's pre-requisites for the next tier of feet, But honestly, yeah, that's not something that you could really like. you gotta think about that a lot.

Speaker 4:

Because there's so many to choose from, so we can backburner, that one. That's fine And you know we'll send you a list and you can do some homework. So after feats, then what do you do?

Speaker 1:

After feats you pretty much get your equipment.

Speaker 4:

Ah, okay, so there is a budget for equipment. It's not high, so each character gets like a certain amount of gold And then you have to roll for your amount. That would be your personal amount of belonging, but each different class has different amounts that they can get. Having recently built an alchemist, give me the money.

Speaker 4:

Roll it in it, but yeah, your base classes. Then I get much at level one pretty low. But my question is what equipment do you want? What do you wanna fight with? Are you gonna use a sword, use a great sword? Are you gonna use a mace, a morning star? You know, i mean, you're not proficient with the morning star, to be clear, but you know, what do you want to use?

Speaker 1:

I think he would be. Yes, he'll be proficient with all martial arts, is that not?

Speaker 4:

exotic? Oh okay, no, maces are Morning star. Sorry, maces wouldn't be, mace would be martial, and then morning star would be exotic, no, morning star would just be a standard one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, i would imagine.

Speaker 4:

I'd let it slide in my campaign.

Speaker 1:

That'd do much damage anyway, You wanna whip?

Speaker 2:

Andrew had to talk me off the ledge.

Speaker 3:

I was gonna make an Indiana Jones character and he really talked me out of it.

Speaker 1:

Of course you were, mate, just wait till you stumble across the archetype for archeologists.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I have already. I can shoot it. Is it a shroom that I?

Speaker 1:

have a bow. You, once you buy one, you buy one. Yeah, you buy one. So what's my budget? How do I know my budget? That is a good question. Can I kind of do the final right page?

Speaker 4:

You want a bow, you get a bow.

Speaker 1:

You're not gonna get a You'll be able You'll be able you're just gonna have a bow.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

They're regular weapons that don't have any magical properties or aren't like masterwork or special in any way. They're pretty cheap, like easy afford. So you want a bow, you can get a bow.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't mean you only use a bow? I certainly do. So. Each character class actually has an amount of dice you roll to determine how much money you have. Okay, cool, so your class needs to roll 5D6. So roll those four plus two more. Here's one.

Speaker 2:

Here's another one I'm gonna pick up on sound, fuck me.

Speaker 1:

Biggest bag of D6 here at the same So roll those bad boys I see as a crust.

Speaker 4:

Oh no, i dropped a five. Oh God No, the one of the three.

Speaker 1:

Oh, i missed the one. Oops, oh fuck.

Speaker 2:

I re-rolled it.

Speaker 1:

But you don't take any of these away, adam, or what do you? got there Sure 10, 11, 12, 30, 40, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 190 gold pieces to spend.

Speaker 4:

That's a lot.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot in this universe, yeah, so you probably get yourself a bow for probably like 110 or so, just off the top of my head, but that's where you're gonna spend most of your money probably because, like swords and stuff are only gonna cost you like 15 gold for like a long sword or something like that. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I want a long sword, so let's go. Bowling wants a short sword, exactly.

Speaker 2:

You just get sword silver over here.

Speaker 1:

Fantasy world right Fantasy world.

Speaker 4:

You just get not a great sword.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't wanna go that deep into fantasy.

Speaker 1:

Let's not really die Somewhere in the middle. Keep it modest. Stay modest.

Speaker 2:

I've got more of a super time myself here.

Speaker 1:

I mean, what you really need is the great club Oh hi-oh, he's got the dagger. Oh, no Weapon shrinkage, but yeah, fun times, man, fun times.

Speaker 3:

All right cool. Long swords are a good weapon for you.

Speaker 4:

Like in all seriousness, this is a good area.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so as a fighter type character, you'll be able to wear light medium probably even heavy armor. but you're going as, like, a high dex character, you sort of wanna stick to like lighter armors so that you're not restricted, so that because once you get into the heavier stuff your high dex will start getting nerfed and like it'll be less effective.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I go medium.

Speaker 1:

You can Yeah, yeah, you can You certainly can.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean probably not the worst idea at this early of a level to go for medium armor.

Speaker 1:

Let's say hypothetically, i was gonna play, i'd probably want medium. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

You would want medium until you found good light armor.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, i would say that, yeah, so there's light armors you'd probably prefer to the starting mediums, but they're too expensive.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, okay, let's go medium. You ain't got that money yet. Okay Yeah, good Starting medium, good Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Sounds good.

Speaker 4:

And then you know, you'll fucking kill someone and then you'll take their armor and then you'll be better than yours, and that's just how it works.

Speaker 1:

I've known the occasional person to start dark soul style with the just start with nothing. Yeah, Just the loincloth. Kill the first guy And a club.

Speaker 4:

Good, effective weapons. You would only really choose a different type of weapon if you were building that into your character. Is gear always just combat based?

Speaker 3:

No, actually you're putting those in the wrong place, but it doesn't matter.

Speaker 4:

Oh, so the gear is quite literally gear.

Speaker 1:

By which I mean Gear is excess stuff.

Speaker 3:

Do you got some rope?

Speaker 4:

Oh my bad. Do you got some weapons stuff on the front page down the bottom. Do you got some rope? Do you got yourself a water sking? Yeah, yeah, compass. Is he your adventuring compass?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, compass himself.

Speaker 1:

Can you do that?

Speaker 4:

Is that a? thing?

Speaker 1:

Your character can figure out which way north is, based on their skills alone.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, true.

Speaker 1:

And a compass would be very expensive. They are expensive, so you invested a skill point instead of buying a compass. Just for my knowledge, they sit there. Mental compass.

Speaker 4:

Okay, good, so they're there The weapons go on the first page. So on the first page, down the bottom, see that.

Speaker 1:

That's fine.

Speaker 3:

We're not filling those out right now. No, that's all right. So you?

Speaker 4:

put your longsword in one, you put your bow in the other and then you figure out your bonuses on that later. Your old longsword, silver. If you like, if you go in medium armor, the cheapest one is hide armor.

Speaker 1:

It's basically thick and compass and leather, So you put just put hide armor and we can go from there.

Speaker 4:

Hide. What are you going to shoot out of that bow? You're going to get some arrows, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Everyone knows you just pull it back, use it as a club. Arrows fall under armor.

Speaker 4:

No, that falls. Actually you have an ammunition.

Speaker 1:

Down the bottom, underneath your weapon. Underneath your weapon You should have a little ammunition section. Quivers should come with 20 arrows and cost you a gold piece.

Speaker 4:

What are you going to hold those arrows in, Jamie? You're going to have to buy a quiver.

Speaker 1:

Luckily a quiver will come with arrows in it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it does. So yes, that Get yourself a quiver.

Speaker 3:

All right, do I list that there? Yeah, absolutely Yeah. What are you going to hold?

Speaker 4:

your pants up with? No, i'm kidding, they've simplified that.

Speaker 1:

They've got a section of clothing and each outfit specifies coming with a belt. I love that.

Speaker 2:

I love that. They actually It's pretty great Made that thing, that was addressed.

Speaker 4:

There's a conversation that a lot of people have, Like if you get splashed with acid and your clothes burnt off when you get healed or you get naked.

Speaker 3:

The answer is no.

Speaker 4:

A lot of people want it to be the other way around, but they're mostly.

Speaker 1:

DMD5e players. They're on my right.

Speaker 2:

That's true.

Speaker 4:

Shout out to my 5e players We got a toilet flush sound in here Not close enough. But the when you get magically healed, any of the clothing that is affected by that thing you were being healed for is also anything damaged from that damage source.

Speaker 1:

When it hurt, you also gets fixed, which is quite nice.

Speaker 4:

Basically reverse healing, like reversing time on. It Just kind of like the ability of that one girl, the redhead girl from Bleach. None of you have seen that.

Speaker 2:

That's fine.

Speaker 3:

Play the music, play me out. That's good, thank you.

Speaker 1:

This is amazingly fun. All right, so equipment. We're pretty much done Yeah basically backpack, i don't know Like some travel rations, so that goes under gear now. Yeah, of course, of course.

Speaker 4:

You drink them water out of? Yeah, you just walking down the road with your cup hands. So water, water skin. Oh, water skin.

Speaker 1:

Okay, sorry, Or a wine skin, if you prefer Slightly more.

Speaker 4:

I know, i know, water skin Wait, we said things.

Speaker 1:

What is a backpack water skin? Oh, we were just making fun, dora, about that third thing.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there was something before that Bedroll, some of that Bedroll Yeah, things like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but yeah, it never hurts to have a dagger as well. It'll cost you another gold piece or so.

Speaker 4:

But that's basically another weapon. Yeah, and it can be used to do other things as well. Enjoy With your long sword. Yes, have fun.

Speaker 1:

Put your in your game, i'll say no, it's not going to be a weapon, it's going to be a kitchen utensil.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's fair, he just passed out.

Speaker 4:

So you creep up on me while I'm cutting fucking onions Dead. I have a long sword to cut my onions.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you have selected Power drive Rations. Cool, all right, we suggest putt.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You got a couple of arrows You can track.

Speaker 4:

When you look at the core rule book, there's like a list of equipment and you just go through it and think like, well, what do I actually need?

Speaker 1:

Do you roll dice for the equipment?

Speaker 2:

Not to purchase it.

Speaker 4:

You can start with whatever you want from the equipment list.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, with any reason. So why would you not have within cost?

Speaker 4:

Well, that just depends how pedantic your DM feels like being Yeah And how strong you are. So how?

Speaker 1:

much can you carry?

Speaker 3:

without weighing it down. Yeah, i'm strong as fuck, so I can carry all.

Speaker 1:

You will be fine. You've got a backpack so you can carry all the knickknacks. There are belt pouches and things like that. You can get a heavy hooded cloak which has pockets, So there's all kinds of places you can hide and screw all the way.

Speaker 4:

And then later you get magic shit by handy haversacks. Yeah, carry magical amounts of weight.

Speaker 1:

Portable hold Bag of holding You, literally like you know lunatic styles, but you can store things inside.

Speaker 4:

Magical quivers that can also hold javelins. I had one of those.

Speaker 1:

Quivers that just hold near infinite ammo supplies are the best.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so you know there's stuff that comes later. but, like you, when you're starting out you just look at the equipment list and you look at the shit that you want, you know. Do I want a Thieves kit. Make it easier for me to pick those locks. Yeah, stuff like that, give you a little bonus.

Speaker 1:

Cool, we have that sort of in reach. What else we got? Yeah, equipment you pretty much done. Now is all the details about your character. You know I'm not going to make you nailed out a backstory in 30 seconds, but alignment, are you a good guy? Are you a bad guy? Do you tow the line? Where do you fit in in the world? I'd like to tow the line.

Speaker 2:

Wow, you're one of those Bad boy.

Speaker 4:

There's like there's nine tears. There's nine tears of what you can and can't be Okay. So there's a good scale, a bad scale.

Speaker 1:

So they're on the left and right.

Speaker 4:

Okay, and then top and the bottom are your lawful and chaotic, left or right, it's lawful and chaotic.

Speaker 1:

Oh sorry, Other way around, Explain it to me right.

Speaker 4:

Liam, because I want me to understand this. Can't make a mistake, so you can be anywhere within that spectrum.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Cool. So you want to be you know true neutral. You're in that sort of middle region, you're right, smack bang in the middle. Yep, that's what cowards do, yep.

Speaker 3:

It also makes you a weird sociopath.

Speaker 4:

So people, think they can choose true, neutral and that'll like make them, give them the freedom to do whatever they character. No, no, that makes you a fucking weirdo with no expression on your face. What do we have again? All right, So, don't draw it, let me Google it for you, all right. So what am I doing here? Putting a spreadsheet?

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's a little nine graph, all right. So you have good and evil and then you have law and chaos. So good, good's up here And you would have lawful good. So you follow all the rules, you would have neutral good. You know what You'd have? chaotic good on the other opposite side, but also at the top.

Speaker 2:

Oh cool, thank you, not that one.

Speaker 1:

So you basically have three goods. You have the middle good, who can do whatever they want but be good. You have the psycho. Well, not even psycho, jesus, forgive us. No, that'd be the lawful good. So lawful good is your sort of paladins and holy nights and super rigid priests, all that kind of jazz.

Speaker 4:

You don't need that.

Speaker 1:

You don't need that neutral, good, all around good guy. Maybe you do a little chaos, maybe you follow some rules, maybe you have your own rules. You chaotic good, you definitely have your own rules because, like, and those rules do whatever I want, kind of in a good way.

Speaker 4:

So you're not evil, but you're doing whatever you want. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like, so your.

Speaker 4:

Robin hood, robin hood, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Is chaotic. good, because you know the law says this, but you're like, but the right thing to do is this And that's very like your own set of rules and ideals that you live by.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and you believe them to be theoretically good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you might.

Speaker 4:

I didn't like it.

Speaker 1:

Two year old, but you can make it hell or fuck it. What I'm right listening to this right. They couldn't tell that you don't, just I thought. I thought We should put this up on the.

Speaker 4:

Put it up on the like did Jamie's three year old daughters help him fill this in? What are we going to talk?

Speaker 2:

Basically that's your. I want, i want chaotic neutral Wow.

Speaker 1:

Oh okay, yeah, okay, you can absolutely do that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, remember, you're not playing with me, so you don't need to do it. No, no, i'm just trying to find how I explain this to you that you know what that means Yeah. Go on Explain that to me again, so chaotic, neutral.

Speaker 1:

And I think I know what I want? That shit crazy motherfucker.

Speaker 4:

Oh, i think, Okay, we class right He based venom on the chaotic, neutral scale of things venom. Now he's more like a venom himself. Yes, yeah, like the symbiote. Yes, yeah, he would be chaotic, neutral. Yeah, because he doesn't really care about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he's not innately bad, he just.

Speaker 4:

Correct, yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i want chaotic neutral. Okay, yeah, cool man, yeah, so think more like in a human.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, aspergers. That's like more what your character would be like Yep, Like if someone was like you know, like you would be that scene in Austin Powers where he can't stop saying mole Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like that would be you Like you like. Oh, i'm all think From a combat scenario.

Speaker 4:

I would like to be chaotic, neutral.

Speaker 3:

Right Yeah, choosing chaotic neutral is chaotic neutral.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

I'm not saying it's a bad choice. No, no, no.

Speaker 4:

It's just. Yeah, it does make you a little bit of a psycho, but like, but that's fine.

Speaker 1:

I mean, i just know what type of ranger you are, And that's fine, I just you know yeah, it doesn't make you any better or worse.

Speaker 4:

I don't know about the others Like they just don't.

Speaker 1:

No, that's fine. They don't speak to me Basically, basically all of the evil ones are going to be a problem.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you're adventuring, yeah, yeah, like if you're going to chaotic.

Speaker 1:

I'm just you know, like, okay, So for reasons like, say, you have a paladin in the party or a cleric maybe a lot of these characters can use spells and abilities to detect the presence of evil You always want to stand behind that person. If you're adventuring with a good guy party, okay.

Speaker 4:

But also they will stop you from doing bad things. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because they have like a little bit No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Good chaotic good be better.

Speaker 4:

Not really.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no.

Speaker 4:

Anything on the chaotic scale is exactly as it says.

Speaker 1:

Well, because the only other thing that I'd want to be is neutral and that seems boring as hell, like I don't want to be just neutral.

Speaker 4:

So it's, either I go to chaotic, neutral and awful neutral just seems sane, i'm playing it, but, dude, there's no judgment from me. I'm playing a chaotic neutral character now, oh cool, yeah, it's all good. What if I just psychopatteria? Cool, don't You're?

Speaker 1:

totally fine with that one.

Speaker 2:

It's just yeah. I was just explaining the whole point. No, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Stay away from the evil line if you're adventuring with good guys, unless you and the DM are cooking something up, in which case it's very fun. However, it will probably culminate in either the death of your character, the new reroll and you want to rejoin the group, or the end of your entire campaign. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Look, it's genuinely like personality wise. Like personality wise. It's actually way easier to play chaotic characters because you can make ad-hop decisions and it, you know, no one really questions it.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot harder to hold a character, to say lawful, good, i did a lawful good character and I loved it.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, amazing.

Speaker 4:

It was so funny And I was like I would constantly after we would have a fight. I would like be really respectful of the bodies and I would make such a big deal about it and everyone was just like ugh.

Speaker 2:

Here he is, we got into it, he's still doing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my favorite was when we posed your corpse, yeah, and then it came like a thing though right, yeah, when my character died, they posed my corpse in the way that I was. We were speculating.

Speaker 2:

we saw him out. Yeah, i liked that. That's fun. It was a great little moment actually. Yeah, it was really really good. You know what I did?

Speaker 1:

a tear to my eye.

Speaker 4:

Yep, i'm happy with that, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, i didn't mean to sound like I was nay saying it, which I definitely did. Yeah, no, i mean I sounded that way, i didn't mean to.

Speaker 4:

It's just you need to understand the implications. Yeah, we were more. I'm okay with it.

Speaker 1:

I'm okay with what he's chosen, but once you were like Venom, I was like, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I really liked Venom. It's fine, yeah, yeah, yeah, like you're doing pretty much for himself. Yeah, oh, you thought I was talking about the comic book. No, no, oh God, it's all about the song.

Speaker 4:

I was talking about Eminem, yeah, fuck, fuck.

Speaker 1:

Oh God. Anyway, i don't know, get a. Ah Wow, yeah, that's totally fine. Man Like it just means your guys very much out for himself. You would have to figure out why you were joining any group And it would be, a personal gain, obviously because you don't give a shit about saving anyone.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, This party of people that you're adventuring with they would have a the same general thing that they're aiming towards And that would align with your personal benefit. It only really gets awkward, Like you'd.

Speaker 1:

Basically it would cause friction and you would play that friction If there was characters of the war, that's fun, it is fun. No, no, that's the point Like you bring it like yeah you just have to know that's what you're doing And it's totally fine, it's awesome even because it all like it, all sort of like. You know how. You always have that like that good guy soldier, and then you have like the kind of outskirts, trickster And like they always have like a you know a bit of friction between them, because you know you want to do the good thing and they maybe want to just loot all the corpses.

Speaker 4:

I sat in on a campaign with Andrew's friends, like his circular friends that he's played D&D with for, like you know, 10s of years now. Yeah, And that would have been a mess And he it was. it was good, it was really good to me And and he has a friend who is playing a rogue in the campaign that I'm playing with him And he's like that.

Speaker 1:

It is how he.

Speaker 4:

he is playing real life in real life, And he like playing with him It was like it was like I was really playing with someone like that, Like I had to mediate between him and his friends because his friends hate him. His friends treated him like a piece of shit And I was like, oh fuck, And my character has like 18 charisma.

Speaker 2:

So I'm like, oh, I got to, I got to mediate between these two And then I came like a like a default leader, because I was the only person who could talk to both sides of the party, i joined the group and was almost immediately within the first session, maybe the second nominated the new party leader. Why all players unanimously?

Speaker 4:

They were just like, yeah, he's the leader. Now He's the leader, ask him. Yeah, i don't know, i just have like a weird affinity to that kind of character.

Speaker 2:

Oh no you've made that clear, i think like even suicide squad like those kind of things it's where my mind goes.

Speaker 4:

This one thing has put your mindset exactly where it needed to be Because, like now that you're thinking about that, you can look through the rest of the shit you've done and be like, oh actually, And now that I've got my character, I feel like this The first thing has to click for the rest of it to form a character Exactly, and for everyone it's something different, and for you it was the alignment, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And now you know how that character will react to things. You can play them that way And you will now have a much easier time creating a backstory. Because you know how a character would react to things, So you can build what has happened in their past to bring them to this person by a point in the present.

Speaker 4:

It's like when you write a murder mystery, you finish with the mystery and then you work your way back from there. And you're basically doing that. You've written your mystery about your character. Now you need to figure out why he is that, And that's like it makes it so much easier.

Speaker 1:

You now know who he is, how to get there.

Speaker 4:

So what is it exactly?

Speaker 2:

Right now, right now.

Speaker 1:

I mean you've had the last three minutes to think about it while we were walking on.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i thought this whole episode.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i love it. We'll talk about this later, so have a good think on it. So that time's now a run, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was like yeah, you've got a God.

Speaker 1:

What else is it So? alignment appearance you know you can pick gender, or I guess not these days. Up to you.

Speaker 4:

You're an elf, so you can be ambiguous about it. If you want to Give me a mail, wow.

Speaker 1:

Wow In this day and age.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, look at me, what a cis male. All right, right, i'll make sure you put it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, size. All right, let's talk about size.

Speaker 4:

Size and male.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to put that in the wrong box, but he's going Yeah, size.

Speaker 4:

So we're talking. This is your height.

Speaker 1:

Was that the 13 we're talking about Being above average?

Speaker 4:

So your size is not something that you can choose. Yeah, you're born with it. Yeah, i'm sorry. No, you're not serious. This is your race determines your size. So you are a medium creature? Yeah, you can just put.

Speaker 1:

M and you're good to go, yeah.

Speaker 4:

What else? What else you got up there?

Speaker 1:

Say you'd picked a halfling or a gnome, you would be a small size creature. Yeah, and it's basically like how much space you take up, how much you weigh.

Speaker 4:

Like all that kind of stuff. Age Well, like the elves, you know they have different life rates.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you'd be half-elven though, so you'd probably be in the more human scale with like, so like.

Speaker 4:

Aragorn, like you'd be older than your average person but still like middle age. So you'd be like 50 and you'd be the average, like half that age. I guess you would say.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 4:

So you could be quite a bit older. You have, like, a decent amount of wisdom, so that could play into that.

Speaker 2:

You're 55.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there is scales for this as well, like you can look up and it's in the book. It like tells you like what age is like considered young, what age is middle age.

Speaker 1:

Before I locked that in, i would definitely like yeah, yeah, that's obviously you can always change it. But, yeah, before I locked it in I would double check it and be like, yeah cool, you're still in the younger end of the category.

Speaker 4:

If you don't want to affect any of your stats, then you want to just stay in the middle age. Yeah, Once you start hitting the age category you start losing stats physically and gaining mental stats.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what are we thinking? height, that was a pretty tall right.

Speaker 4:

How tall do you want to be?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

You want to play basketball? Well, I'm a half-elf-half human right.

Speaker 3:

In today's day, age 6'10".

Speaker 4:

You could be, though, like in all honesty, elves are generally quite tall.

Speaker 1:

Five I think in a Five nines tall, no But yeah, i'm just thinking elf. Oh, my God, i was gonna say in D&D, elves tend to be slightly shorter. Okay, my bad my bad, my bad, my bad, no, in general, it doesn't matter. Like you're half human, so like you know genetics like pick where you came from.

Speaker 4:

How heavy are you gonna?

Speaker 1:

be About five, nines, i'm gonna say 50 kilos, i'm afraid you're gonna need to put it into pounds, man.

Speaker 4:

That's a pounds measure, my man, but also five, nines and 50 kilos. That's what my wife weighs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i was gonna say you are, that's what my wife weighs.

Speaker 4:

She's right there, You're not. You're pretty light on I think it should be a little bit Touch Based off your constitution and strength.

Speaker 1:

Very, very strong. Yeah, Considering how strong 65?

Speaker 4:

On a 59 frame 59 frame Dude. You're 70 lean with an 18 strength. Your guts from berserk muscular, okay Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Maybe add on a few pounds, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Do we know what pound they can convert?

Speaker 4:

No, no, no, we're working, we're working, And I was just fucking with it.

Speaker 1:

How many pounds do we kill? 2.2 pounds. So double it and add a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you wouldn't need to. You wouldn't need to 150 pounds.

Speaker 1:

150 pounds. let's say that That's about 70 something.

Speaker 4:

You wouldn't need to, because there are situations where that actually Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know, in D&D it's hair gonna need to know Hair in what way Legs.

Speaker 2:

Where Yeah, yeah, location You would just do color. Yeah, gray.

Speaker 4:

Sounds good.

Speaker 1:

Gray hair Cool, cool, cool, cool Silver fox.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you got a problem.

Speaker 1:

Not really Good, no Eyes.

Speaker 4:

It's the drought.

Speaker 1:

Blue You'd be a drought, then I guess Gray hair, little silver fox action, Some blue, crisp blue eyes. Yep done Beautiful cool.

Speaker 4:

You're almost ready to play. Like honestly, with what we've got tonight you could pretty much You could feel that character. Give us another like 45 minutes off air to flesh out like the actual equipment and get it feet on the table. And fill out your boxes for like two hits for your weapons and blah, blah, blah. How good you are at swinging that sword around, boy, that's it, and then you would your medium sized sword, and then you would be, and you would be ready to go.

Speaker 2:

You could actually play off that Cool.

Speaker 4:

So like, and again, just to circle back to the start of the episode itself, what was the best trilogy? No, no.

Speaker 1:

Just to circle back to the start. Let's forget that we spent an hour building Jamie a character on Pathfinder.

Speaker 4:

So you can see where, if you sit down with at least a couple of guys who know half what they're talking about, yeah, like you know, i would have estimate like a third of the knowledge that Andrew does And as long as you've got a couple of people that have a reasonable amount of knowledge and a book which you can download for free on the internet, let's be real Like you can find a discord where they just got links for that shit, like no problem.

Speaker 4:

But you know, you just get that core rule book and you can really actually figure it out. And you wanna do other things. You wanna do more confusing stuff. You wanna go into archetypes, different types of ranges that have different abilities, that cancel out other things and do other things instead. Sure, do that, but like, do it in your own time.

Speaker 2:

And not while you're recording.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Try the game, but you can see now how, with a couple of people that can help, you can bang out a character in pretty much an hour. And then you're bored and I'm ready to play with your friends. You get into the game. Your friends will teach you as you go. You don't really need to know how to play before you start playing. You learn as you go. It's not that type of game.

Speaker 1:

You don't just read the book cover to cover Jared. Yeah, that was crazy. I love that story that he he literally read the amazing book cover to cover.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, actually we should have said this at the start. We should probably post shout out to. Jared. But I mean, i was wasn't gonna shout out to Jared actually, but like now that you're saying it shout out to Jared. But this is specifically first edition Pathfinder. There's a second edition. There's a whole nother version of this game that we don't actually play, mainly because we don't like it as much.

Speaker 4:

We've looked at the rule set and we think that one is more complicated and therefore better. So, and this is about maybe two to three times more complicated than what you will be doing with D&D 5e, which is what most people play now- Okay. So you know if you can do this D&D is a cake walk And if you ever do. Do this, you'll never go back to D&D. I promise you, unless you really wanna hang out with your friends and they're insufferable because they play 5e, yeah, i like it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, cool, well, yeah, any questions? No, that was fucking rad though. Yeah, i kinda wanna play now, but I know I'll find hours that don't exist in my life at some point, and then, maybe I'll do that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we need another campaign for you. To be honest, we're pretty maxed out in what we can do in our personal time, also to anyone out there.

Speaker 1:

If a friend ever offers for you to play with them, fucking say yes because that is a once in the lifetime offer. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I actually kind of regret it because I think like pre-COVID. I think you did. We did, yeah, we asked you.

Speaker 1:

And then I remember who jumped in. But someone else ended up jumping because I was like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

We asked you and we asked one of our other friends And I think I think I could do it in the end and they took it I couldn't do it.

Speaker 4:

I think Pither actually jumped in, so Pither wasn't in the original squad for my campaign. Pith snuck in. And then we got him in because we were not struggling for numbers.

Speaker 1:

I wanna say that because I really like Pither, but we were trying to do it with like this side of our social group Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think we offered it to Matt because we were at basketball.

Speaker 4:

We did yeah, And he said he didn't have time.

Speaker 1:

Matt was umming and owing and then he lost his chance forever.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sorry, matt, so Pith was there And now he wants to sit in on it.

Speaker 1:

Pith came in for basketball one night and we were talking about it after the game And he's like, oh yeah, cool, i'm in.

Speaker 4:

Yep Lucky. Done, yeah, because the thing is the campaign that I'm running. I've been on like a literal two year hiatus because we've been doing stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we've been playing one that Jared runs for us, And we only really get to play once every month, or two months if we're lucky.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the hardest part is trying to find a time when everyone is free at that one point.

Speaker 4:

And when you're GAMING, when you're the person putting the game together it's way harder man. Because you're not just playing the game, you're running the game. You made one character. I'm going to do that like seven times for what we're going to do, like, yeah, a question before we finish up Minimum amount of characters like minimum amount of players four, would you say. There's campaigns that can run off two to three, okay, but it depends what adventure parts you choose.

Speaker 1:

So, basically, you're going to need one person in your crew who's willing to give up the opportunity to play to run the game.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

So you're going to have Tell the story, yeah, so generally you'd have like maybe four players, but you could have less than that or you could have more. More is going to be more work for that person running the game, because most modules or like campaign stories that you run off, that you pre-buy, will be built for four characters, yeah, and anything over that he'll have to add in monsters. And if you want to run a smaller group, he can take some out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, but it like We have for reference. We have always done five.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we pretty much always do like big parties because, like you know, you get a group together and then eventually five people say yes and you're like, wow, we don't want to leave a kick anyone out.

Speaker 2:

So Yeah, yeah, cool.

Speaker 1:

But if you've got a smaller circle, more tight-knit circle, then yeah, play with those people 100%. But you just need one person who's willing to get around it and, like, control all of the opponents control how the world grows and expands around you. So if you've got one really anal retentive friend, perfect to trick him into it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You're looking for like real autistic traits? Yeah, yeah, yeah, the real hyper focused.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you want that shit Like someone who is just real will really just pour themselves into it. Yeah, cool, yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

But no shout out to anyone willing to DM or Dungeon Master or Game Master depending on what game you play Pathfinder too. But Dungeon Master is the classic. Oh, that's the best. Everyone knows the Dungeon Master.

Speaker 4:

But to reword things for Pathfinder or otherwise, they'd suffer leaving the shoes.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, cause now. We'll finish after this, though, but did they stem from the same? Yes, Yes okay, So Pathfinder split off during third edition the D&D, the currently up to fifth edition, first edition being back in the 70s. So over time everything's changed. When fourth edition came out, the people who were in love with third edition were like now screw that, we're making our own game. And they split off sideways and took the rules of third edition and improved upon them, and that's Pathfinder. Yeah, and it is the single greatest version in existence.

Speaker 4:

So in the book you'll find that all of the so when you refer to someone in the book, in D&D or you're reading D&D, it'll say he has this power. he has that power, but in the Pathfinder book it is she.

Speaker 1:

So everything is referred to as a she, very clever, yeah. So come on over. Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 2:

What legal soup.

Speaker 4:

And Dungeon Master, he's a woman And Dungeon Master is a game master.

Speaker 1:

Because Dungeon Master is copyright by Wizards of the Coast, wizards of the.

Speaker 4:

Coast. Yeah, yeah, wizards of the Coast, of course, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

So if you've ever played Never Went to Knights or, as Jamie mentioned before, divinity or any game like that, you would absolutely love this Hell. you would love any D&D game. You would love any game based off these games. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Icewind, dale, things like that. I came into Pathfinder with only knowledge of Never Went to Knights, which was the same. It's basically the same game.

Speaker 1:

It's off the third rule set from yesteryear, so it's perfect.

Speaker 4:

And hit the ground running. for that reason, like if you've played Divinity recently, you've put a lot more thought into it. The only difference is with Never Went to Knights, you could actually see the dice rolls happening at the bottom of the screen as you were doing certain actions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it was quite literally. You got to physically see what you were doing. It was basically that game's rule set was taken from third edition D&D.

Speaker 4:

But if you like Divinity is a more new one Baldur's Gate. If you play Baldur's Gate and or you've played like What's Out so far and you're just chomping at the bit for the rest of the game to come out, like we are, you would very much love this game, and that drive to understand it will help you play the game. Yeah, okay, cool, very much a game of things. So you know, obviously we have to lock outdoors when we play because, it's you know, the women are knocking it down.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so we have to put the bars up? Yes, of course. Oh yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

You couldn't play this out in public.

Speaker 1:

No God, no The sheer sex appeal is too high, you get it all in the stream.

Speaker 2:

Please get out, have what you want. I can hear her laughing. She's throwing it right now.

Speaker 4:

Oh, but look, that was the idea of tonight. We're not going to talk about Pathfinder in future episodes, unless people ask us to.

Speaker 1:

But it is something that we We might come back with my backstory if I whip some stuff. He's pretty excited. We'll probably have to do that. I think we might do that.

Speaker 4:

But some of our stories and things that we talk about refer to tabletop gaming. And I just wanted people to have some lore into why we say things like that.

Speaker 1:

This was essentially an appendix episode where it was a side episode where you now have an insight into the boys' hobbies.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Yeah And hey, pull us up, listen to this, make your characters. Yeah, yeah, do it. Could have been more helpful, but I think it was just helpful enough. That was awesome. All right, thanks for having me everyone.

Speaker 2:

Okay, i was going to say I'm sorry, blame me, blame me Somewhat well-timed Yeah. But in all seriousness, i love this, but before we go, bye, bye.

Speaker 1:
